Tuesday, January 7, 2014

New Year - Same Stupidity

Yes, it's a new year, new semester starting, new students enrolling.  However, some things never change. 

Some of our students are returning students.  And Winter Break did not improve their working knowledge of our system at the college. Some of our students are new students.  Their knowledge ranks right up there with those aforementioned returning students.  And the parents - well they always have their own idiosyncrasies. 

I will say that our first couple of days back after break we were very busy.  This was to be expected.  And believe it or not, the calls were all pretty basic calls.  Nothing that we would term "you're not gonna believe this one".  This week however, it seems we are back to our regular calls - some of them pretty crazy. 

To the student who was unable to answer her security questions and wanted to know why this had to be so difficult.  They are called security questions for a reason - your security.  I'm sorry that you find it difficult to remember the answer to questions that you yourself put in place but it is for your security.  Not being able to answer those questions may make it 'real inconvenient' for you as you now have to go to a campus to get your password reset.  My advise?  After you go to campus and get that password reset, log in and enter answers that you will remember. 

To another student who cannot answer your security questions; I'm sorry.  I do not "obviously know that you go to college there".  If it was so obvious that you were who you say you are, then why can't you answer those security questions that you put in place?  I do not personally know you and have actually never heard of your name until today so there is no way that I 'obviously know' you go to college here.

To the student wanting to register for classes.  I am glad that you want to continue your education and I wish you much success.  However, asking me if I can go in and register you does not show me that you are sincere in your desire to further your education.  My advice, learn to do things on your own.  You might not like the classes I assign you to -- basic basket weaving and advanced calculus. 

To the student who calls before the official start date of the semester and wants to know the last date you can withdraw from a class:  Wow!!!  The class hasn't even started and already you want to drop?  Why even bother taking the first few weeks of the class?  Drop it before semester starts.

To all students who have chosen the question "What is your oldest siblings middle name".  Sibling would be your brother or sister.  This is not your child, this is not your parent and it is not you!  If you are an only child then you do not have a sibling.  If you are the oldest child in the family your oldest sibling would then be the one born after you.  A middle name comes between the first and last name.  I am not able to see your answers so if you do not know how to spell your siblings name; perhaps you should choose another question. 

Yes, semester starts next week and already the students have shown how brilliant they are. 

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