Friday, May 15, 2015

Company Cups

I'm a coffee drinker. 

I admit it. I love coffee and I drink a lot of it. I come from a coffee drinking family. My parents drank coffee when I was a kid and I did too. The coffee pot was quickly put on when company came.  My brothers all drink coffee. Sadly, only one daughter has taken after me but I have my grandkids and several of them are coffee drinkers as well.

I have several mugs and cups I can choose from at my house.  Currently at work I use this mug which I just received from my son for Mother's Day.

He said he was trying to think what to get me and thought 'Oh, Mom can always use another mug.' He's right - I can.  He had a little teddy bear in the mug too because he said Dad told him not to feed me any more candy. (Let me just note here that the reason Gary told him that is because Gary knows I am trying to lose weight and have quit eating sweets, chocolates, etc.)

Certain mugs I like to use for coffee and there are others that make great tea mugs and some specifically for chocolate. Some are for certain times of the year.

How do you drink your coffee?  Do you want a great big mug of coffee that is like never-ending?

Now that is one big coffee cup!

Here's a more normal sized coffee mug.

This is about the size of the coffee mugs I normally use on a day to day basis. Holds enough coffee to really enjoy it without having to refill it every 5 minutes.

Or perhaps you prefer a more delicate looking cup that you can sip from?

Doesn't this make you think of quiet Victorian times?  I have some good friends who recently gave me a collection of cups and saucers that I cannot wait to use for a tea party (after I finish my house painting LOL).

I love these!  I had been wanting an assortment of tea cups  and now I have them!  How fun!  Plus, they always make me think of an aunt who usually had a pretty cup or two around to drink coffee out of - just because she liked them.

I use my dishes. I do not  hesitate to pull out my good china or special tea sets to have a tea party with my granddaughter if that is what she wants to do. Sometimes I just pull them out for myself and make a pot of tea and drink it from one of my special tea cups.

This is what I refer to as my 'tea mug'. I have several of these - don't use them much any more but have them in the cabinet. They were my mom's and I remember as kids my brothers and I always drank hot tea from them in the winter time. Just a note - these are great for hot chocolate as well.

I have a family member who was talking to me on the phone a few months back and we were discussing my parents. She commented on the fact that no matter what time they stopped by my mom would always put the coffee on and give them a cup. She then said "and she gave us a real cup of coffee. Not one of those company cups but a real coffee cup. I always loved that about your mom."

So for the most part at my house you won't be getting your coffee served in a 'company cup'. You are going to get a cup of coffee that we can settle in with and have a good long chat.  Now, if you happen to want to use a company cup, I certainly won't mind at all.  And remember that aunt I mentioned who liked her 'pretty cups'? She had regular cups as well.

So tell me - do you have company cups or do you plan on having people 'sit a spell' when they come to visit?

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