Thursday, March 7, 2013

Mind Boggling

Do you ever find anything mind boggling?  I do - frequently.  It's happened again this week. 

Restaurant here in town called Burger Street.  I drive by it frequently - don't think I've ever stopped there.  We went the other night so Chris could get a job application.  Someone told him they were hiring.  The restaurant has double drive-thru.  Now this is not what blows my mind.  It's the double drive thru itself that blows my mind.

I'm familiar with double drive-thru.  I've worked fast food I know how  the process works.   You typically have two windows -  order at one pay at the other.  Or you have two lanes - alternating the ordering process.  Concept is pretty simple and it works. 

Not so with Burger Street.  Their double drive thru is one lane and one window on each side of the building!   Now when Gary pointed this out to me (I admit I didn't catch it.  I thought the line on the west side of the building was just for entering and exiting and I was wondering how the cars kept from hitting each other as it was only one lane) I was like WOW!     How does that work?

Gary says: you know how double drive through works.  Me:  yeah , I know but wow!  How does it work inside?  How do the workers know which order is for which drive thru?  Wouldn't they get confused on which side of the store to take the order to?  How do they know?  WOW! 

Now for some reason the concept is fairly simple for Gary to grasp.  He immediately says - think of it as counter or drive thru.  I'm still:  WOW!  How does this work?   It sometimes takes me a while to process things.  And I'm still trying to picture this in my head thinking back to when I worked fast food.  What if you don't know your right from your left?  What if you are one of those people who have to make the letter L with your thumb and first finger to actually know which is your left side?  (No I am not one of those but have a daughter who is).  See why I find this mind boggling? 

Then Gary says - how cool is it that the passenger can order?  Wait!!!  What???!!!  I'm still trying to process the worker side of this when he throws another option in.  How in the world can I process all this?  Like WOW!  you drive up and the passenger rolls down their window and orders?  Unreal!!!  This is totally unreal to me.  I can see the convenience of this.  You have all seen that car in drive thru that pulls up to the window then has to open their door and get out to order or pay because their window won't roll down. (Seriously - why don't these people just go inside- they have to get out anyway? - Idiots!)

But I still can't think about the customer side - I'm stuck on the worker side trying to decide which side I'm supposed to go to with the order I just bagged!  Perhaps on their screen inside they have arrows pointing to the side you are to deliver the bag to. 

And here it is 3 or 4 days later and I'm still trying to process this concept of double drive thru!  See - it's mind boggling!!! 

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