Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The first

Ok - if I do a blog about one grandchild it stands to reason that you will be seeing more since I have more grandchildren.  Right?  If you can truly say that you were not expecting to see another blog about grand kids then you are going to be disappointed - because I have several grand kids.  Just warning you.  I won't do them one after the other so don't quit reading my blog because you think it's only about grand kids.

I have to write about my first grand child.  Richard.   He's been on my mind a lot lately -- not sure why.  But you know the first one is always kinda special.  Admit it.. they are.  And they are awfully spoiled.  But of course, Richard wasn't.  I guess he's been on my mind so much because he will be turning 18 this year!  So hard to believe. 

We were very fortunate when he was little.  His family lived in Arizona and we lived in Missouri.  However, his parents would allow him to spend a couple of weeks by himself with us each year.  We truly enjoyed having him around.  He kept us entertained.  Now we still enjoy spending time with him.  He spent Thanksgiving with us last year and stayed with us for a week and a half.  When he was little he would ride with us on the riding mower when we mowed the yard.  Typically he would fall asleep while we were mowing (we had a big yard).  This past year, Grampa taught him how to drive a stick shift.  Told him everyone needed to know how.  Luckily he didn't fall asleep during that time. 

When he was younger he loved to play games like Bouncing Tigger.  This involved hanging onto my arm and just jumping up and down.  He also played George of the Jungle.  This involved me making towels into loin clothes and letting him swing from my arm.  (I'm seeing a pattern here in the fact that grand kids think I am some kind of jungle gym.  They either use me for a swing or some kind of trampoline). 

As he got older we stayed connected by games such as NeoPets (we had virtual pets online that we took care of) - this allowed us to email each other, RuneScape (another online game).  When I visited we played video games together (Black Ops) and he has taught me to skate board (I don't do this very well).  We also play some basketball (it's hard keeping up with a teenage grandson and two of his friends). 

The poem below sums up some of our feelings for each other. 

                                          WAITING FOR GRANDMA  

                                He's been waiting all day long it's true
                              Waiting and watching for you know who.

                                 He's been waiting all day you know
                                       For Grandma's car, this is so.

                                   Waiting for Grandma to appear
                                 He knows she has to be quite near.

                                 A great big smile lights up his face
                                      And he starts to jump in place.

                                 Grandma throws open her car door
                                        He can't stand it any more.

                                   With his arms stretched out wide
                                     He runs to his Grandma's side.

                                  She picks him up in a great big hug
                                    Both their hearts are full of love.

Written for Richard
By:  Grandma
         November 1, 2004

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