Monday, April 15, 2013

Duck What?

Gary and I aren't avid TV watchers.  What I mean is that if we watch a show we never start watching the show until after it's been on for 4-5 years or is even off the air.  Then we ask ourselves "why weren't we watching this when it was current?"  That's just us. 

A few months ago we started seeing all these posts on Facebook about Duck Dynasty.  So we decided to check out the show. Man!  Why did it take us so long to check this show out?  It is absolutely hilarious!!!  If you don't already watch it I encourage you to do so.  We have never laughed so hard in our lives as when watching this show. 

It's a reality show and every week they end the show by giving thanks to God.  What better reality show can there be than this? 

Now we don't typically watch reality shows.  I have enough reality in my own life without watching it on TV.  And some of that reality stuff is slutty!  Yes, I did say that.  I remember one time when we stopped by to see my BFF and they were watching Dancing With the Stars.  I had never seen that show and did not know what she was watching.  When I walked in and saw those skimpy nothing there outfits I asked her what kind of porn she was watching!   She turns that show off now if she knows I'm coming over. 

So back to Duck Dynasty.  My bud loves this show too.  We talk about it frequently.  And Miss Kay!  She is so funny - kind of reminds me of my mother-in-law.  And I mean that in a good way. 

They just go through regular day-to-day activites and film them.  All the mix-ups, mishaps and whatevers.  You gotta love it when the citified girl douses herself in deer urine.  And seriously, when a grandmother tells her grandkids "Did I ever tell you about the night your daddy was conceived?"  Yeah - that brings lots of laughter and doesn't everyone need more laughter in their life?  And how about when Willie and Si were going to take Willie's daughter shopping for a homecoming dress?  LOL  We can be in and out in 30 minutes then go duck hunting.  Anyone who has ever taken a teen age girl to buy a 'special' dress knows that isn't going to happen. 

So we have started asking everyone we know - do you watch Duck Dynasty?  And if they say no we say you have to!  I described it to my BFF - you know the porn watching friend this way:  Think of it as Dancing with the Stars with beards and hair instead of nudity. 

Seriously, though.  If you don't already watch it - give it a try.  You won't regret it at all! 

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