Thursday, April 25, 2013

Forgotten Thought

Reading through my news feed on Facebook this morning I see a notice that there will a yard sale this Saturday.  They will be selling some Christmas decorations.  I love Christmas and everything associated with it.  I love Christmas decorations.  I have a ton of Christmas decoration but I don't think I have enough; although I am pretty certain my husband and at least one of my daughters would disagree with me.  My first thought about the yard sale is:  I hope I remember this - want to check out those Christmas decorations.  My next thought is:  that's two days away -- I probably won't remember.

Yes, I admit it - I suffer from not being able to remember.  This can be as simple as a yard sale only 2 days or why did I walk from the living room to the kitchen?  Now admit it  - you have this problem too don't you?  I know you do whether you want to admit it or not.  Maybe it's not real bad for you yet but wait - it will be.  And I know this because I was talking to a co-worker who has the same issue. 

Sometimes it's because I get distracted.  Now you may be wondering how on earth can I get distracted walking no more than the length of a room?  Well, many ways quite frankly.  Remember that pesky cat I've talked about before?  She has been know to jump at me and trip me and then I have to try and catch myself to keep from falling.  She may just run up from out of nowhere and tangle herself up in my feet.  As I am yelling at the cat - the reason for my trip to the kitchen flies out of my head.

It could be that as I get up out of my chair Gary will ask what I'm going to do.  I will reply going to get a drink or a snack and he will ask for something.  As I enter the kitchen the last thing in my mind is what Gary wanted - totally forgetting that I was going in there for myself anyway.  As I enter the living room and hand Gary his ice cream I set back down in the recliner and reach for my drink - the drink I went to the kitchen to get but forgot. 

Or how about this scenario?  I am picking up around the house  I decide I need something from another room and head back that way.  When I enter that room, I ask myself why I'm there.  I glance around the room hoping to get a clue as to what might have prompted me to go back there in the first place.  No clue but I do see a couple of things I want to look at and next thing you know it's 20 minutes later.  I get up and wander back to the first room and immediately know why I left it in the first place. 

Or even this one --- I have in my hands a needed item (paperwork, clothing, anything).   I stop in the kitchen to get a fresh cup of coffee.  I lay down what I have in my hand, pour my coffee, put the creamer in and walk on into the living room.  Yep, you guessed it.  I forgot to pick up what I was bringing with me! 

Now, I can blame some of this so-called forgetfulness on Chris.  He means well  I know that.  He has this habit of putting things away.  Not a bad habit - except for the fact that he puts it where he wants it to be not where I want it to be.  I leave something on the counter because I am not yet done with it.  Chris comes right behind me and puts it where he wants it to be.  So when something comes up missing - I blame Chris.  Works for me. 

So if you don't already suffer from forgetfullness count yourself lucky.  If you do , remember you are not alone.  Now I will get back to whatever it was I was doing before I started this blog (if I can remember what that was).  And if you think of it -  remind me Saturday morning that there is a yard sale I want to check out. 

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