Monday, April 21, 2014

Missing Friends

If you follow my blog then you know that over the past year and a half we left our Tulsa church home and after visiting several churches, we have found our new church home.  When we left our old church we left our 'family'. These are long-time friends that we made when we first moved to Tulsa and they had become a very important part of our lives. 

We have a wide assortment of friends, people our age, the kids we taught in Sunday School, kids we did mission trip with, older friends.  We have tried to keep in touch with these friends as much as we can but sometimes you just miss your friends. For some reason today that thought popped into my head 'I miss you my friend'.  I was thinking of my good friend Katie Sawyer at that time.  So I wrote the following poem specifically for her but it certainly can apply to all my friends from Skelly Drive.


I miss you my friend.

The smile on your face
That brightened my day
I looked forward each week
To what you would say.

I miss you my friend.

The days pass by and before I know
A week, a month, a year flies by.
You’re in my thoughts most every day
And I just wanted send you a great big “Hi!”

I miss you my friend.

I think of you often I want you to know.
A treasured friend you will always be.
We may not see one another now
But remember that you are special to me.

I miss you my friend.

Written for:  Katie Sawyer
By:  Kathie Marrs
        April 21, 2014

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