Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Winter Finally Arrives

Well here it is the middle of February and winter weather has finally arrived in Oklahoma.

If you have ever lived in Oklahoma you will relate. If not, you will wonder what is wrong with people from Oklahoma. To my friends and family in Northwest Missouri and points more northern or eastern, I apologize. I know what your winter has been like - I follow the forecasts (and Facebook postings).

Now I said winter weather has finally arrived. We have had some cold weather this winter. We have also had some very warm weather. That's the problem. We will have a few days of temperatures in the 20's or 30's and sometimes lower, then we will have a few days of temperatures in the 60's and 70's or even higher. It's been up and down all winter.We have also had some really cold days. Now I'm from Bethany, Missouri, I'm used to cold and snow. Maybe it's the fact that I'm getting older but I sure don't handle the cold as well as I used to.  Not that I really complain about it. We have, however, gone through quite a bit of wood this winter.

So we have had the cold days but we have not had any precipitation. Now here in Tulsa where I live we are in an area that typically misses most of the weather woes that befall the rest of Oklahoma. We seem to be in a dividing area - storms will go just north of us or just south but we remain relatively unscathed for the most part here in Tulsa.

They always put us in the advisories. And when you get a winter storm warning here people take notice. They rush to the store and buy up all the milk and bread that is on the shelves. They prepare themselves to be snowed in.  They are ready!  The kids (and teachers) prepare themselves for a snow day (or two or three).  (Okay I'll be honest - at work we secretly hope for a snow day also).

The storm came in on Sunday night. The weather forecasters did their job and started preparing everyone a week early for the upcoming winter weather storm.  As the week drew to a close their predictions became more dire. The forecast went from 1-2 inches of snow/ice accumulation to 2/4 inches.

Did you catch that snow/ice? Yes, we typically get more ice here than snow. So what did we end up with? Probably about 1 1/2 inches of ice followed by an inch or so of snow.

I know that some of you are saying 'Is that all?' Well, it's enough here to shut things down. The problem is the equipment needed for removal is not available. Although, they do prepare themselves much better now than when we first moved down here 11 years ago.

Snow plows will run the main north/south and east/west arteries. Forget any neighborhood streets - that won't be happening at all. Now when I say they plow let me set you straight on this. There will be a main path plowed, but they don't usually start until after there is already a significant accumulation and possibly even some snow pack. This has improved in recent years though.

They always recommend everyone stay home if at all possible. DO NOT GET OUT. The news channels report of numerous cars that have been stranded, multiple wrecks occur. It's not safe as most people don't know how to drive in weather like this. (Though to be honest - it's just as bad in the summer when it's raining. No stranded vehicles but numerous wrecks).  They forget that they key word is SLOW DOWN!

Ice accumulation - well I don't know when they should start putting down the salt/sand but it's typically not early enough.

So Sunday night they had already called most schools off that were not already closed for President's Day. The storm that was supposed to arrive by 5 pm has yet to make an appearance .When we went to the store for our regular grocery shopping (to find many empty shelves it started raining. I awoke in the night to hear the rain/ice/sleet hitting the house.

At 6:30 am Monday morning  my work called for a late start of 10 am which they amended a couple of hours later to fully closed. I did not leave the house yesterday. (I love days like that).

This morning when I left for work (a late start day of 10 am) I pulled out into my neighborhood which still had fully at least an inch of ice on the street and proceeded to work. Once out of the main neighborhood the main street was fairly clear. Pulled on the expressway and it also was fairly clear - until I got to my exit for downtown. The exit was icy and not fully cleared at all. The lane I typically stay in was not cleared at all. The downtown streets were absolutely horrible!  Ice covered is the only way to describe them. Fortunately the parking lot at work was nice and clean.

A friend just came in from a meeting she had attended and said the freeway is worse now than this morning when we came to work. It appears that they have taken the snow plows to the side of the road and pushed all the snow out onto the middle of the freeway!  What a brilliant concept!

So here's to winter weather and all that it entails, whether this is your first real taste of winter for the year or you have had numerous rounds of it already.

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