Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Sparkle to Paratrooper

That little girl right there -- she used to call herself Sparkle.

My name is Sparkle she did declare
Back when she was young without a care.
I’ll give you a makeover, it will be fun.
Glitter everywhere when she was done.
Time marched on as it tends to do
Bringing with it challenges new.
The Army life was calling her
Now she is an Infantry Paratrooper.
Miles from home she answered the call
To protect our country one and all
No more Sparkle but still the same
She just goes by a different name.
Katherine to most but to me she will be
A girl called Sparkle when she was three.

Written for :  Katherine
By: Kathie Marrs
November 25, 2019

Monday, November 18, 2019

Christmas Memories

I love Christmas!  That probably comes as no surprise to any of you that know me. 

I love everything about it. Lights, snow, decorating, trees, carols, memories, ornaments, family - yep everything.  It makes me happy.

My mom loved Christmas.  That might explain why my brothers and I all seem to love it as well.  Yes, even my brothers.  Two of them are bachelors -- but they decorate. 

Our parents died when they were young. I was 19 when Mom died and 25 when Dad died.  We closed up the house, sorted things out.  I already had some of Mom's stuff that Dad had given me. I took some of Dad's stuff.  Some old irons, that's how I refer to them - Dad's irons  - an old pair of handcuffs, wire whisk, small electric plate - nothing major just things that were Dad's. 

Dad had a lot of tools. He used them all.  The boys took them - I had no use for them.  I don't do any 'handy' stuff or at least very little.  I did, however, take my dad's handsaw.  It has travelled with me to three different states, and if I counted correctly 13 houses and moves.  I finally found a use for it.

I'm adding to my Christmas collection!  I took my dad's saw and added another saw to it to make myself a new Christmas tree!  And I LOVE it!

I've always had a little bit of my mom with me at Christmas as I had these old ceramic bells of hers.

and Santa cups (not all are hers - I've added a few).

Now at Christmas time I can have a little bit of both Mom and Dad with me ::)

Tuesday, October 8, 2019



                                                                      CRANK IT UP!!   

I like to listen to music. 

I grew up listening to music.  My brothers and I used to play our records and use a tape player and pretend we were radio dj's.

I like most music.  Probably my favorite would be country and oldies.  I like the old country songs too.  That's what I grew up on.  My mom had quite a collection of Marty Robbins records and my dad was kinda partial to Roy Acuff and Farron Young.

I always have the radio on in the car.  If I'm home alone, I will most likely have my phonograph player running listening to my old records.  I have a collection of LP's and 45's.  And no, 45's does not refer to the number of records I have. 

I have my favorite songs. You know, songs that once you hear the opening strands of music you know what's coming and you reach for the dial to CRANK IT UP!! 

Doesn't matter if I'm at home, in the car, or listening to Pandora at work.  Some songs just require you to CRANK IT UP!

That means I'm going to turn that sound up as loud as it will let me and I'm going to be singing along! 

I love when a CRANK IT UP! comes on the radio.  I feel the beat of the music in my soul I have it cranked so loud. 

Usually when I'm in the car and pull up to a stop sign I'll lower the volume so it doesn't bother anyone who might be in the lanes next to me.  Dont' want to be rude, you know.  Doesn't count though if it's a CRANK IT UP song. 

The Lion Sleeps Tonight is my all-time favorite song and always one that is a CRANK IT UP!  Others can vary, but it's usually the music itself that defines it for me as a CRANK IT UP!

So this morning at 6:50 am when that CRANK IT UP  Knocking Boots came on - I did.


And I left it cranked while I sang along.  To anyone at the stop sign - my apologies but you have to admit it's a good song. 

And hearing a CRANK IT UP that early in the morning on the way to work makes going to work a whole lot easier to handle.

So tell me, what is your CRANK IT UP song? 

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Potatoes Say Love

When you look at this picture you probably see a bowl of potatoes.  Not a big deal you're thinking. 

I look at this bowl and see love. 

You're thinking What?  You love potatoes?

Well, yes I do love potatoes -- raw, fried, boiled, baked, broiled -- they're all good. 

If you know our family you know that my husband is the main cook.  He loves to cook and enjoys it.  I cooked for enough years that when he came along and wanted to take it over I did not object.  LOL 

There are however, a few things that he thinks I make better than him and if we are having them I'm responsible.  One of those items is scalloped potatoes and ham.  Yummy - cheesy goodness with potatoes. 

Well, that was what was on the menu last night so I was responsible for supper. 

I have arthritis in my hands.  I have a couple of fingers on my right hand that are swollen constantly and it makes it difficult for me to hold things.  Especially small things like a paring knife.  Knowing this, before he went to work yesterday he peeled this bowl of potatoes for supper and put them in the fridge for me. 

I didn't ask him to do this.  I planned on peeling the potatoes myself when I got home just knowing it would take me a little while and I might have to stop and rest my hand some while doing so.  Instead, knowing my limitations, he took the time, because he loves me, to do this for me. 

May not seem like much to you but it sure means a lot to me. So in this case - Potatoes say love. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2019


19     41     42     48     90

Looks like a set of random numbers doesn't it? 

Well, they each represent something to me.

19 .....

    That's how old I was when I received the phone call telling me my mom had passed away. 


     That's the number of years my children have been without a grandma.


     That's the number of years my mom has been gone.


     That's how old my mom was when she died.


    That's how old my mom would have been today if she had lived. 

Random numbers - yes - but each one represents something. 

These do not include:

      the number of hugs not able to be given
      the number of phone calls not able to be made
      the number of family birthdays not able to be attended
      the number of family dinners not able to be attended
      the number of I Love You's not able to be said
      the number of laughs not shared
      the number  of tears shed
      the number of school plays and programs not attended
      the number of graduations missed
      the number of grandchildren, great and great great grandchildren not held in her arms 
      the number of whispered confidences of those grandchildren
      the number of books not read

The list could go on and on.  Every year on her birthday I remember her - I remember what she is missing and I remember what I have missed by not having her here.  I also remember what my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren have missed by not having her here. 

I remember her at other times throughout the year. Christmas - which she loved and probably why my brothers and I all love Christmas.  Memorial Day - when I take flowers to her and Dad's grave site. March 5th - the day she died.  March 8th - the day we buried her.

These are just a few of the times I remember her and think of some of those random numbers.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Salad Equals Love

This is my lunch.  I've had one of these Italian Pasta Salads every day this week. 

It's really good!  Pasta, artichokes, peppers, red onions, cherry tomatoes, pepperoni, salami.  All mixed up together. 

I'm not showing you this to make you hungry, although it should.  I'm showing you this picture to show you a picture of love. 

That's right - I said love.

I take my lunch to work every day.  Every Sunday my husband prepares my lunches for me.  This week happened to be Italian Pasta Salad.  Some weeks it's soup, some weeks sandwiches. 

Whatever my lunch is for the week, Gary prepares it on Sunday.  He then portions it out into containers and puts it in the fridge for me.  Then all I have to do is put the container and any snacks I want in my thermal along with a bottle of water in the morning.  Presto - lunch is ready to go in no time! 

He doesn't do this because he has to.  He doesn't do this because I have asked him to.  He does it because he wants to.  It's something he does because he loves me.


Friday, July 5, 2019

4th of July Goosebumps

I've talked before about my granddaughter.  She enlisted in the Army a couple of years ago.  I wrote a blog about that.  I'm used to service to my country.  I explained how I was the only one in my family who didn't serve in the Armed Forces. 

I'm used to sending letters, care packages, etc. to friends and brothers in service.  I thought I was ready but man it's much different when it's your granddaughter. 

Then when she chooses Infantry/Paratrooper as her choice of service.  The feelings are strong that's for sure. 

I've known for several months that she was scheduled for deployment.  I even made arrangements to be able to spend some time with her while she was on leave before deployments.  We have our flag flying at home, for our country, our veterans, and our deployed granddaughter.

Yesterday was the 4th of July. We were at the ball game.  We have a minor league baseball team here and it just seemed like the perfect way to spend the holiday.  What's more American than a baseball game, right? 

So our favorite paratrooper has been on her way for deployment, plane rides, waits in airports, I think this is probably typical for anyone on deployment but I'm not sure. Anyway, she has been underway for a few days.

We are at the ballgame.  We are standing for the National Anthem as any good American citizen will do. 

I get a message that our granddaughter has landed at her destination.  Wow!  Talk about goosebumps!  We got 'em!

We are enjoying our Freedom and celebrating with fireworks while she is defending our right to do so!  We don't take this lightly. 

The next few months may be a little emotional for us but we will be showing our support for her and all deployed service members.  Our flag will be flying, we will be wearing our red on Fridays (Remember Everyone Deployed). 

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Tornado Season

It's May in Oklahoma. One thing you can count on is we will have tornado warnings.  The last few days have been pretty intense for us here. We started with earthquakes on Friday and progressed to tornadoes and flooding.

If you're my friend on Facebook, or you have friends on Facebook who live in Oklahoma, you might have seen several funny posts regarding tornadoes.  We deal with it with humor.

That doesn't mean that we don't take these warnings seriously.  We do.

Over the weekend the weather forecasters were advising that this was going to be a major storm.  The severity was enough to cause several school districts to cancel school Sunday night for Monday.  Some schools closed early on Monday.

I don't know about the rest of the state but the meteorologists here in Tulsa are AWESOME!  They pinpoint and advise and go non-stop coverage. And when I say pinpoint they tell you area by area where the threat is right down to specific neighborhoods.

Yesterday my work let out at 10:30. The day was rainy, overcast and gloomy. The main storm didn't get to us until close to 8 pm or so. Sirens went off - and off - and off. The weather guys were vigilant and very informative in their tracking of the storms.

First round was intense. It was close to 10:30 before we felt it was safe enough to go to bed.  We never took cover ourselves here at our house. If we had kids at home with us we probably would have as a precaution. Again, our forecasters are amazing and we knew the direction of the storm.

The evening was filled with occasional warnings of severe storms, flooding, etc. but uneventful. Got up this morning early to get ready for work as usual. You guessed it - sirens and warnings started about 6:20 am.  Torrential rain came down - tornadoes spotted - as close as one mile from us.  Once again a big shout out to our forecasters - who had actually been on air non-stop since last night.

The weather has cleared out now. The sun is shining. The storms have passed but we still face flooding from all the rain received.

For family and friends who have checked on us, we appreciate the thoughts and prayers. And again, we may joke and post funny memes etc, on Facebook but we do take these warnings seriously. It's just Oklahoma's way of making the best of a bad situation. 

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Showing Love

I took this picture last month when my in-laws came down for a weekend visit.  We had gone out to do some sight-seeing for the afternoon and ended up at Turkey Mountain.  We got out and walked around a bit. I was behind Gary and his mother and snapped this photo. 

I love this photo because it captures so much. 

Notice how he has given her his arm so he can help her walk?  This is typical. 

When he is around his mother he is always looking out for her.  When they come to visit he wants to make their favorite meals, Vicki loves meatloaf and Gary always wants to make it for her.  I try to talk him out of it because I know that Red doesn't like meatloaf.  It's kind of a 50/50 deal - sometimes Gary makes it sometimes not.  LOL

Grammy is always cold so it's not uncommon for Gary to take a blanket and wrap her up in it. 

This picture also gives you an example of how Gary was raised. He loves his mother very much, therefore he takes care of her.  That's a tribute to her and also to his father.  He had to have the example of his father on how to treat his mother.  And obviously he was treated with love and is showing that love to her as he takes care of her.

Ladies, watch how the guy you are dating treats his mother.  It's probably a good indication of how he's going to treat you.  Guys, make sure you are showing your daughters and sons how they are supposed to treat mothers. 

Yes, Gary looks out for his mother and he also looks out for me.  We've been married 25 years come October and for all those years he has been looking out for me.  I like to think I look out for him too but I know he does a much better job than I do.  And it's because of the example he had growing up and continues to have from his parents. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Online Shopping

This may create some controversy.  I've been reading several articles lately about how stores are closing, malls have empty stores, everyone is shopping online.  The articles go on to say how sad it is, it hurts the cities, etc.

I'm an online shopper.  Let me tell you why I have turned to online shopping for the most part.

      1.  Do you know how hard it is to find ANYONE to help you in a store?  Seriously, are the workers permanently located in the break room?  Or do you just not hire enough workers to help the customers who do want to come into your store?

    2. Self-Service Check-Out   -- I HATE THIS!!!  I am not on your payroll.  You are not giving me a paycheck every payday so why should I come to your store to scan and bag my own items then give you my money? At the very least there should be a discount for you if you choose to do self-service check-out. Nope I'll wait in line for the one checker you have on the registers (of which there may be 24 but you only have a checker on 1).

  3.  Temperature of the store. I know it's difficult to find a temperature that is comfortable for everyone and this is more of an issue for me as I've gotten older.  But I hate standing in a store dripping sweat while trying to shop.  It makes trying on clothes a torture!  No thanks -- I'll take my chances and order online and send it back if it doesn't fit.  I'm sure there are other menopausal women out there who understand this.

  4. No place to sit.  You may be thinking if you are shopping why are you sitting?  Well, again this may be an issue only for older people, but I can only walk so long before I have to stop and rest.  I have one leg that goes numb or dead if I stand on it to long.  If that isn't happening, then my hips hurt so bad that I literally cannot take a step without pain.  I just need to sit down for a couple of minutes and rest my legs then I'm good to go again.

  5.  The general disarray and messiness of the store itself.  Some stores are so cluttered, so messy that I cannot find anything I am looking for.  This relates back to #1.  I've worked retail.  I know that customers come in and look at items and while some may fold the article and put it back where it goes neatly for the most part they don't.  But I don't need to have to watch the floor to be certain my cart isn't running over items that have been thrown on the floor.

  6. No prices.  Have you noticed how many items don't actually have a price tag on them - just the bar code?  Yeah, this may be convenient for that one checker you have but I kinda like to know what something costs before I buy it.  Looking at tags on the shelf isn't always helpful because of the fact that someone did not put the item I'm looking at in the correct place.

There you have it - six big reasons I do most of my shopping online.

 Now don't get me wrong.  This applies mainly to larger stores or 'chain' stores.  Smaller boutiques are not this way.  The stores are always well maintained, dressing rooms are not overflowing with clothes. You have a question, someone is right there to answer or assist.  I still think they could put a couple of chairs around to rest but that I can deal with since they provide such great service.

I've worked retail before - grocery and department stores so I know what it's like. I'm not trying to upset anyone who works retail now.

I agree, it is sad to see stores closing and buildings sitting empty but now you know why I prefer online shopping.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Sled Riding and a Car Hood

I grew up with three brothers and I was next to the youngest.  I was kinda spoiled but I never realized it. My brothers tend to make sure I had anything I wanted. They still do. 

My brothers were my best friends and their friends were my friends.  My next oldest brother was 3 years older than me and he had a lot of friends who always hung out at our house.  The baby of our family was only 18 months younger than me so we were pretty close.  Our oldest brother was 6 years older than me. 

We always had lots of fun together.  All the cold weather that most of the country is getting has me thinking about my childhood and how we spent our winters. 

We spent as much time outside as we could.  We'd bundle up in a couple pair of jeans, extra shirt, gloves, hats, boots.  It was not uncommon to put bread sacks on over our socks before we put our boots on. This would help keep our socks dryer longer. 

We lived next door to the grade school. Here we spent a lot of time. The driveway and parking lot as well as the open space used for sports was the perfect playground.

One of our favorite things was sledding.  Now at our own house we had a really nice hill we could use. But if the snow was really good then we'd head over to the school to go sledding.

The hill at the school was pretty steep, not a gradual hill like at home.  This led to a large open area that was used for sports when we  had gym class. This area led to another smaller hill with trees that led down to the ditch and a small creek known as Buck's Branch.  So when the snow was really good you could sled down the hill and the goal was to see how far across the field you could go.  If you were lucky you might make it all the way across the field and even down the shorter hill. 

My parents both worked and as we got older we were allowed to stay home by ourselves while our parents were at work.  We did our chores but still had plenty of time to have fun. One day during winter we had a really good snow.  My next older brother, my younger brother and myself were home and several of my brothers friends had come over.  This usually included the twins, their younger brother, their uncle, and another friend who was quite heavy. These boys were pretty much always at the house if my brother was there so they were kinda like brothers to me as well. 

One winter day my brothers and I and my brothers friends were all at the house.  We had had a pretty good snow and decided to go sledding. We took the sleds and headed over to the school hill.  The sleds were fun for a while. We'd pile on top of each other on the sled.  The more people who piled on the sled the faster it would go and also the farther it would go. Sometimes you'd wreck and end up in the snow. We kept going farther and farther.

Then my brother remembered that we had an old car hood just sitting around at the house.  We discussed this and the consensus was that if we all piled in with the heaviest person at the very front of the hood we might make it all the way across the field and even part way down the next hill. 

So back home to get the hood.  We positioned it just right on the hill - aiming for a particular spot on the next hill if we made it that far.  Then we positioned ourselves in the hood.  Shoved off and away we went! 

OH MY GOSH!! That was so much fun!  I don't really remember if we made to the next hill and down but I'm guessing not as it would not have been a good idea to crash that hood into the trees that were there. 

After a afternoon of sledding we'd head back to the house to warm up and make a big pot of hot tea. 

Those were good days. This picture while not of my brothers and I is how I remember those days.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Three Truffles and A Candy Cane AKA Candy Months

Truffles and Candy Canes.This is what's left of Christmas. 

Well actually I'm down to just candy canes at this point. 

A while back I wrote about the BRRR months and how they led into the holiday months.  Well, did you ever think that this could also be called the candy months? 

Just think, September comes. You still have some warm weather maybe but it's starting to cool off.  Everyone starts thinking of Fall.  Then there it is!

October -- Halloween.  If you have kids they go out trick-or-treating and come home with a boat load of candy.  Being a good parent you know they don't need all that candy so you 'help' them out and perhaps eat some yourself.  If you don't have kids you go out and buy the candy to hand out to those little, or bigger, kids when they come knocking at your door.  There comes another problem.  You don't know how many kids are going to come knocking and you have to have enough candy for everyone.  Perhaps you overbuy. 

November comes - you are eating that Halloween candy. Parents are probably down to the nasty stuff that no one likes anyone so are contemplating throwing it in the trash. You get it all gone right before Thanksgiving.  That way you can enjoy that Thanksgiving food. 

Oh no!  Here it comes.  December and Christmas candy!  Oh my the Christmas candy!  Perhaps you are one who makes Christmas goodies. Perhaps someone shares the goodies they made with you. Perhaps you receive a LOT of candy as presents.

 Whatever the reason - you end up the first to middle part of January bringing that candy to work for snacks.  Three truffles and a candy cane.  Not to much as one sitting - it'll last through the day.  OK - you have finally sent that candy home with the grand kids, eating yourself or again throwing away anything yucky.  You can focus on eating right but wait!!!

February -- Valentine's Day!  Oh no!! More candy!  Maybe you buy some just to have around - you know cinnamon hearts or something like that. Whatever - there you have it more candy. 

Next up is Easter.  Now this may come in March or it may come in April but whatever month - it's more candy!  Which you might get rid of by the first of May. 

Do you see what I mean?  Candy Months!  That's more than half the year associated with candy!  And that is why in January you have three truffles and a Candy Cane for snack.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Just a Few Calls

It's the start of semester and you know what that means - my calls increase as does the stupidity. 

I haven't had a free day recently so thought I might as well get on here and share with you.  Maybe it'll bring you some amusement. 

Student calls on Friday of the first week of semester inquiring about whether or not she needed to go to class she just wasn't sure.  My response was to ask if she had enrolled in classes.  The student says that she thinks so but she just wasn't sure what to do. I then ask if she had checked her class schedule  and get the same response. I go through the verification and look at the student account and verify that yes - she is enrolled in four classes. I ask her if she has attended her classes and her response was 'No, no one called and told me to go.' 

WHAT??? I told her no one was going to call her and that she had indeed missed the first entire week of classes.  She said 'Well I have two mailboxes and I never got any letter at either one telling me to show up.'   I advised her that she really  needing to be checking her college e-mail and that we would not be following up advising to go to class nor reminding her that she had classes.  I then told her she might want to contact her instructors since she has missed the entire first week. 

I then hang up thinking how do you get to be 41 years old and still expect someone to tell you this stuff?

And to the single mother who called me complaining because she missed the drop period and now has to pay for her class.  I get it - I've been a single mother myself. I know it's not easy. However, I also know it is doable - if  you want to make it happen you will make it happen.  Then to proceed and tell me that you have been coming here for 5 years and you have nothing to show for it does not speak well for you.  Suck it up, Buttercup. 

To the caller who already has a degree calling me for assistnace.  Your words were, 'You speak to stupid people all day. Don't try to tell me something I already know.'  Please keep in mind, you just put yourself in the category of 'stupid peole who call'.   You are the one calling me for assistance.  I've given you the best advise and I can tell you that if paperwork is required then yes you do have to turn it in - degree notwithstanding.

To the student calling regarding transcripts. I certainly can look that up for you and advise if we have it on file.  When I ask you what transcript we are looking for forgive me if I pause a moment when you tell me it is the transcript from our college.  Yes, we do have that - I don't know what you think we might have done with it.  Are you wanting to request this transcript be sent to another school? When you respond, 'No I just want to know if you have it.' I may again pause before I proceed with the conversation. 

And this student who advises they went to class and the instructor told them they weren't enrolled.  Did you check your class schedule. 'No, but I enrolled in the class'.  I then ask if they had made a payment plan. and they advise no so I tell them they were probably dropped for non-payment. 

I go through the verification with the student and then check account and sure enough he was dropped for non-payment.  Student then asks, 'So, should I go to my class?'  Again -- you are not enrolled in any class.  You did not make a payment plan so you were dropped and you do not have any classes to attend.  Telling me I need to contact ___________________ and they will verify you are enrolled does no good.  You  may certainly contact _______________________ yourself but my records show you are not enrolled in any class. 

Friday, January 18, 2019

Treat Me With DIgnity

I have the privilege in my job of taking calls.  Some of them I have shared on  here as they can be quite amusing. 

Some can be head-shaking. 

Some are downright funny.

Yesterday I took a call and this lady goes into this speech about trying to help her mother who's wanting to take classes and they need a little assistance.  This is kind of a shortened version.  This is not an uncommon call. I frequently get calls from someone helping their mother, daughter, dad, boyfriend, cousin. 

I explained that I would have to speak to her mother and do a short verification and could then assist.  The lady puts her mother on the phone, which is on speaker phone,  and I start the verification process.  I get to the date of birth and my mouth drops open. 

This lady is 91 years old!! 

I'm thinking ok and proceed to try and verify.  This is where it starts. 

I ask for the street address.  You can hear the lady kind of pause as she is thinking. 

In the background I hear the daughter giving the information that her  mother needs to provide to me.

In the background I also hear the daughter say 'You've got to memorize this stuff and know it'.

I continue with the call and try to assist the elderly lady with her questions as I continue to hear the daughter in the background continue to talk to her mother as if she was a child. 

I get it.  I do. Sometimes the elderly do need the reminders - just as a child does.

Sometimes the elderly do get confused - just as a child does. 

BUT -- and this is my point.  Do it in private.  Give them their dignity.

Don't put them down or talk down to them in front of other people; or as in my case on a speaker phone where it can be heard. 

Did your mother do that to you when you needed gentle reminders as a child on learning your address?  Or did she assist, advise, encourage you during private moments where you were alone? 

To my children:  If I live to be 91 years old, which I do not think will happen, but if I do --- PLEASE, give me my dignity.  Remind me if I need to be reminded in a manner that is not demeaning to me as an adult. 

And to the 91 year old woman who is taking classes - I hope you have a fantastic semester!