Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Just Catching Up

Oh my gosh - it's been a while since I posted.  I had kind of a busy May. It wasn't planned - several things came up and I ended up doing a lot of driving and was gone  Put probably 5,000 miles on the van.  I'm glad I was able to do so but it was good to get home.

Then our Summer Semester started which of course meant a few busy busy weeks for me at the beginning. Now things have settled down some and I thought I would just pop on here and let everyone know I'm still here - still catching up.

I had the privilege last month to watch my oldest grand daughter graduate from High School.  I say privilege because to me it is.  I've always had the goal of seeing all of my grand children graduate from high school.  This may seem a little strange to have as a goal to some but my parents never got to see my children graduate so it has been my goal.  I have a few more to go but it's looking like I might make that goal.

Then I also had the privilege after the graduation of bringing my grand daughter back home with me (she lives in Arizona - part of my May travels) and attending a graduation from Army basic training for one of her friends.

This was very emotional and a privilege for me to get an idea of what my parents and my brothers went through during their training.  Not sure how accurate it might have been for my parents but it gave me a glimpse into military life that I did not have before.  What a honor to see these men and women who are willing to serve our country for me. I have always appreciated my family for their service but this made it even more meaningful for me.  Cannot wait to go and watch my granddaughters graduation after she completes her basic.

Our New Food Night is resuming as of tonight.  It had been on hold due to ball games etc. But we are back on.  Don't worry - we all managed to eat during this time but are now ready to try new foods again. But you will soon be reading about our choices once again.

Summer is getting in full gear and I have two vacations planned for next month.  Excited about both of them. You will probably be reading some of our exploits in future blogs.

Work is - well work.  For the most part not to bad but I still have my fair share of really stupid calls that really irk me.  I sure wish I could punch a button on my phone and it would sent a shocking jolt to the person on the other end. Maybe they would realize how stupid they sound.

And just a little interesting piece of news for you to brighten your day -- today June 20th is National Ice Cream Soda day. So you can eat all the ice cream you want without feeling guilty -- they made a holiday for it!

Okay - I've kinda caught you up. I will be posting again soon. In the meantime, if you have something you want me to blog on or perhaps research and blog for you -let me know.  I'd love to hear what you want to hear about.