Monday, October 12, 2015

My Best Friend


We all have friends. Some people have lots of friends. Some people  have only a few friends.  What makes a friend?

I have several different friends in all age groups. I have friends my age.  I have friends my daughters ages. I have friends who are older. I treasure each friend I have for various reasons.  

I had a best friend when I was in school. I'm still friends with her although we have not seen each other in years. I treasure the times I had with her and the role she played in my life.  

I don't make friends easily. I tend to keep to myself. This is by choice. I've had to leave to many friends behind when I moved.  It's hard to give of yourself and then leave a part of yourself behind.  I treasure each friend I have had in the past and each friend I have now in my life.

My BFF (Best Friend Forever) was a lady who was older than me, about 15 years older. We became acquaintances through church and activities when we moved to Tulsa. Gary and I started spending quite a bit of time with her and her husband. They become some of our dearest and nearest friends. 

Judy and I were definitely a lot more alike than most people will ever realize. We felt the same way about many things and shared many of the same interests and tastes. Our age difference never made a difference in our friendship.  

My friend Judy passed away this past Sunday. Gary wanted me to share some stories of her and poems I wrote for her. I may still do that but today I want to share a poem I wrote for her today.  


A step into Heaven was taken today
My best friend has journeyed away.
I rejoice with angels at her destination
She took it with no hesitation.

No worries has she in this glorious place
A smile of joy remains on her face.
In my mind I can see her glee
As she is united with family.

A spring in her step is present too
As she explores this place so new.
United with friends from her past
She takes her place in Heaven at last.

My heart is saddened to see her no more
But I rejoice to know she is at Heaven’s door.
I’ll see her again one glorious day
When my time comes to head that way.

Written by:  Kathie Marrs


  1. Thank you Kathie. You and Gary are incredible. Keep looking after my dad. I'm praying for you

    1. Thank you -- your dad will always be a part of our lives -

  2. Kathie, what a beautiful, heartfelt tribute to your friend.
