Saturday, December 1, 2012

Chaotic Christmas

It's Christmas Season!! I absolutely love the Christmas season - chaotic and all. I love Christmas lights, Christmas music, church service, the true meaning of CHRISTmas. I say chaotic because my house is kinda chaotic when I first get my Christmas stuff down out of the attic. I start the Sunday after Thanksgiving by gathering up my Thanksgiving decorations and any and all other decorations I may have out in the house. I undecorate so I can decorate! Gary has always found this amusing.

After putting away everything the process then begins. I climb up into the attic - I'm the only one who has been up there until recently. Gary is claustrophic and can't go up there and Chris... well, Chris just couldn't manhandle things around in the attic. My son-in-law Michael has ventured up there. And this year I did not have to manhandle my boxes and boxes and boxes of Christmas stuff down from the attic. My grandson Richard was here and he took care of that little (well actually big) chore for me.

I have 3 large size trees I put up. I have a 9 foot tree in my living room - this is contained in 3 boxes. I have a 6 1/2 foot tree in my dining room - 1 box. Lastly a 5 foot tree in the kitchen - 1 box. Then I have multiple totes of decorations. 2 very large ginormus green tubs, then I think 2 large blue tubs and 2 smaller sized tubs. Plus probably more I am not thinking of at this time.

I love Christmas trees and in addtion to my 3 large trees I have 2 small 2 foot urn trees on my front porch (I actually say these are Gary's as I bought them for him last year). In addition I have mutiple decorative trees in assorted sizes that I put throughout my house. I have at least 1 tree in each room - even the bathrooms. I believe I counted a total of 35 decoartive trees last night. They range in size from 6 inches to 2 feet.

I have some decorations from my childhood -- the angel on top of my tree is the one my mom put on top of her tree. Her wings are starting to look kinda bad (the angel's not my mom's) but I still put her up every year. I also have some Santa mugs and a set of 4 little porcelain bells that I set out (don't put these on the tree as I don't want them to break).

It takes a while to decorate 3 large trees and put all these deocrations out. Hence the chaotic part of Christmas. I don't have a whole day to devote to decorating so I work it in of an evening after work around errands, etc. So for anywhere from 3-5 days my house looks like a total disaster. But it is so worth it when I am finished and those empty boxes and crates go back up into the attic.

Now a few years ago we had inherited a little orphan kitten. Her name is Bandit because she reminds us of a racoon. I call her Psycho for good reason. Any child who comes to my house has heard tales of this cat from my grandchildren and they immediately ask "is that the bad cat?" I call her Psycho because we had only had her a couple of months before putting our Christmas decorations up the first year. The following poem describes Bandit's first Christmas and her nickname of Psycho.


It was December and we did agree
It was time to put up the Christmas tree.
Gary helped me to string the lights
Making sure it looked just right.
Chris and I then hung each decoration
Our hearts filled with anticipation.
We finished the big tree it was a sight
Our work is still not finished that night.
Trees, nativities and Santas galore
There is not space to put one more.
The candles are placed and burning too
Now we know our work is through.
We stood back and admired our work
We didn’t mind the hours that it took.
Someone else admired our work too
Looked at all the things brand new.
With anticipation and great joy
Our new little kitten now has a new toy!!
It only took one single day
For Psycho Kitty to come and stay.
Now Psycho Kitty thinks the tree
Was put up just for her you see.
It started out simple while we were away
She took a few ornaments just for play.
I sighed when I saw them there on the floor
Hung them up higher and told her NO MORE!
I must have been talking to a deaf cat
Because she wasn’t having any of that.
Every day a few more appear on the floor
And we put them up higher just like before.
She didn’t stop with just the ornaments
Also for the lights she has went.
Sitting early one morning admiring the tree
I heard a tinkling; what could it be?
The tree was shaking – how can that be
The stupid cat was climbing the tree!
One day Psycho Kitty had lots of fun
36 ornaments were down when she was done!
A string of lights completed the mess
I came home said “What’s up with this!??”
I counted each one as I put them back
All the time making threats at the cat.
Warning her what it is like outside
She didn’t even bother to hide.
Psycho Kitty thinks every treasure
Was put there just for her pleasure.
A Santa cup knocked from up high
I picked up the pieces and let out a sigh.
In the kitchen one night a loud clatter
I went to see just what was the matter.
Psycho Kitty has struck once again
Knocking over my Christmas tins!!
They were out of reach or so I thought
But Psycho Kitty has havoc wrought!
What started out a beautiful tree
Has undergone a transformation you see.
The bottom third now is bare
Not a single ornament hangs there.
There are gaps in the lights on our tree
And all because of Psycho Kitty.
The angel on top holding her light
Is leaning a little bit to the right.
The branches that I arranged with detail
Now look like they have been derailed.
Christmas is still days away
Lots of time left for Psycho Kitty to play!

Written by: Kathie Marrs
December 23, 2008

I hope you enjoy your Christmas season - even if you also have a Psycho Cat. Piece of advise if you do have a Psycho cat; put up a second large tree. It confuses them and they don't know which one to attack so tend to wander between them leaving ornaments alone.

Monday, November 19, 2012


Saying goodbye is a part of life. Something we do every day. You end a phone conversation with goodbye or some version of it. You leave a person's house you tell them goodbye.

I've said a lot of goodbyes in my lifetime. It's not easy. When my older girls were younger we moved frequently - like every 18 months. Make friends, invest part of yourself, say goodbye. I've had to leave a lot of friends. You stay in touch for a while. If you haven't moved to far away it's easier. If you move any distance it's harder to keep in touch. I quit making friends - it hurt to much to leave them.

Then the girls came along and grew up and moved. Oh man - those goodbyes were hard. When they moved a thousand miles away you didn't know when you would be seeing them again. Very, very difficult those goodbyes.

Nine years ago we moved to Tulsa. We love it here. We found a church - actually God put us in a church at the very beginning and we stayed there. Never visited another church. Skelly Drive became our second home. The people were not just friends but family.

God has another plan for us and we are leaving Skelly Drive. This has been a hard decision for us but we are at peace with it and know that God has something else in store for us. We are not leaving Tulsa. We are however, leaving friends and family. This is one of the hardest goodbyes I've ever had to say. We have plans in the works already for staying in touch with friends. This we should be able to do as we are not moving away - just on.

Last night at church we had our annual Thanksgiving Dinner. I love this time. As I was standing at the back of the room listening to the entertainment I looked around the room at all the people that we will not be gathering with on a regular basis any longer. Each one of these people hold a special place in my heart and it hurts to leave them. Some of them more special than others. I will not be able to stay in touch with every single one of them; but, I will be able to keep in touch with some. Through them I will be able to keep tabs on the rest of my extended family.

After we made our decision to leave, I called one of my dear friends to let her know that we would be leaving the church. After talking to her I wrote the following poem. While I specifically wrote it for her it applies to all my friends at Skelly Drive.


Goodbye is never easy – leaving is hard to do.
Know that wherever I am – I take a piece of you.

God placed you in my life and thus within my heart
So no matter where I go – we will never be apart.

A piece of you goes with me – wherever I may go
A piece of me I leave behind – know that this is so.

I count you as not just a friend but also family
You will never know how much you mean to me.

You helped me to become the person I am today
Because you walked beside me and never let me stray.

Whenever I was down, you did encourage me
You exemplify the person that I strive to be.

Your wisdom and your love I treasure in my heart
As long as I have those we are never far apart.

I count it a blessing to call you my dear friend
Know that this is not goodbye nor is it the end.

Written by: Kathie Marrs
November 6, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Wanted - One Sister

I had to debate over how to title this post. It is about sisters - but it's also about how I feel cheated. That's right! I feel cheated - I don't have a sister.
You might think "big deal - I don't either." Let me explain.

I feel cheated because I don't have a sister. It wasn't an issue when I was younger. I have three brothers whom I love dearly. We had so much fun growing up. I never misssed having a sister. We were there for each other even as we got older and grew into teenagers and adults. We had times when we didn't talk but we are past that. I never realized though what I was missing.

I have four girls. The three older girls are close in age (I had the 3 girls in 4 years). They had the typical childhood - fighting, playing, loving-hating each other depending on the moment. But ALWAYS there for each other. Don't be mean to one of them because you would have the ohter two to contend with. As they grew into teenagers and adults their relationships with each other grew too.

I see my girls and the relationship they have and started to realize I was missing out on something. I saw my friends who also had sisters. They too had something I didn't. Oh, don't get me wrong. My friends are there for me - always have been. But they aren't my sister.

There is just something about the relationship between sisters. They share everything - clothing, views, opionion, makeup. They support you in a way that your friend, parent or brother doesn't. They know the deep down you and they still love you and support you. They can be your fiercest defender, your strongest supporter, your most critical critic. They will hold you when you cry and not make a judgement on the reason. They will laugh for no reason at all until you do cry from laughing so hard. And no one but you and your sisters will know what is so funny.

Your sister will tell you in no uncertain terms how you really look - even if you don't want to hear what she is saying. No way will you be leaving the house in an outfit that makes your tookus look huge unless that's what you are really wanting. And if something you wear doesn't fit quite right and you look like you "might be" pregnant - they will tell you. If your makeup is on so thick that you look slutty - they are going to comment on it believe me! But they do it because they know you want to know. And they also want you to tell them the same thing. Your sister will call you up and talk for 2 hours about nothing at all and you might spend that entire 2 hours crying or laughing.

They can share their fears, sorrows, joys, hopes, dreams. And I know you are thinking that you can share the same thing with friends, husband and you are right. However, a sister knows and feels exactly what you mean when you share this with her. This is what I see with my three older girls. And I realized - I want that. I was cheated - I don't have a sister.

Now don't get me wrong. As I said my brothers are there for me. Well, except for that one time when Steve, Wayne and I were together. I called Bub and asked for bail money. He stuttered and stammered and got very upset. Wanted to know what was going on. I explained to him that I was with Wayne and Steve and we had gone out and he knew how they were. He was very upset and told me no. Wouldn't even get money just to bail me out! He was even angrier when I told him we were just joking and missed him. I don't think he found it as amusing as we did.

So whether you want to think of this as a post for sisters or a post for being cheated you can. It boils down to the fact that I feel cheated because I don't have a sister.

Monday, October 29, 2012


I was thinking that there was some kind of conspiracy against me last week. Ever had that feeling? Nothing going right? Can't do what you need to do when you need to?

It wasn't the whole week - just the later part. Started on Thursday - well actually a few weeks ago. I had been having problems with my car. It wouldn't stay charged. It would run just fine then all of sudden wouldn't start. Had the battery tested - everything seemed ok. My son-in-law worked on it - put new posts on, etc. We put it on a charger overnight and car starts working fine. All should be good.

Well, later part of last week I was on my laptop at home. Stepped away without logging out (this is something I never do -- dont' trust people). When I came back my computer was froze up. I couldn't log off or anything. So I did a manual shut down. Ready to log back on and back to checking Facebook. But no - that wasn't happening.

Instead of just opening up to my log in screen the computer pops up that it is going into automatic restore! What!!!??? I didn't ask it to restore. It just decided on it's own to restore itself. After 30 minutes or so I get a log in screen. Try typing in my password but it doesn't take.

After 20 minutes or more of trying passwords I finally get in with an old old password. I do a little bit of stuff on computer then go into the control panel to change my password. I use the password I used to get on. It doesn't work. I try every password I've ever used on that computer. Nothing works. So I start moving files to my dropbox or putting on my flashdrive as a precaution.

Log out of the computer and try logging in. You guessed it! Password doesn't work! I'm sick of messing with the comptuer so put it away for the night. Next evening, I pull the computer out again and try logging in. My password doesn't work -- Surprise! I go to Gary's account on my computer -- but guess what? The computer just shuts itself down!. Now I'm really irritated!!!

So I get Gary's computer out and try to log in on my account. You guessed it - it won't take what I thought was my password or anything I thought was my password. Gary, bless his heart, had more patience than I did and played around until he was able to log into my account and tell me the correct password. He said: "You know your hint is Knock Knock?" I said: "Yes, and I put in everyhing I thought I would have used to answer that. Nothing works!!" I'm not mad at him - I'm just mad at the computers in my household that think they know more than I do!

So the next day is Saturday and it's my Saturday to work. No big deal. We only work half a day if we work on Saturday. So I get ready to leave after work. Go out to the parking lot and guess what? The stupid car won't start!! So I call K.C. to see if she can come and jump me. When she arrives, I pop the trunk on my car to get the jumper cables out. We get the car jumped and go to put the jumper cables back in the trunk. The stupid trunk lid won't close. It just keeps bouncing back up. You may already know this but just in case you don't - if your trunk doesn't close it doesn't matter how many times or how hard you slam it. It still won't close!

K.C. says didn't we just replace this latch not to long ago. Yes, we did -- sutpid car! So I start digging around in my trunk looking for something to tie the lid down with. I find a snowman cup, a couple of blankets, a cake stand (I forgot that was back there), umbrellas, etc. The only thing I can find to use is some silver pipestem cleaners that Lily had put in the trunk. So I'm thinking perhaps we could twist enough of these togehter to pull it down.

For some reason K.C. found this extremely amusing (I think she almost wet her pants laughing). Keep in mind - K.C. is a mechanic - I am not. I know enough about cars from having 3 brothers but I've never felt the need to put any of my knowledge to work. So since K.C. wouldn't even try my pipestem cleaners we ended up using Lily's jacket to tie my trunk lid down.

Gotta tell you - - by Saturday afternoon I was thinking there was a conspiracy against me.

We went and had a new battery installed on the car Saturday evening. I am able to log onto my account on Gary's comptuer. My computer is toast - but it's not surprising - I've had it several years and it has been to the repair shop twice I think. My trunk is still held down with Lily's jacket but life goes on.

So now you know why - for a few days I felt there was a conspiracy against me. Can you relate to this?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Growing Old(er)

Growing old - it's for the birds. Now you might be wondering what do you consider old? Well, hang onto your hats because I'm afraid some of you are going to realize that I consider you old.

I have always thought that anyone who made it to age 60 was old - sorry this does mean that my oldest brother Steve is old. No offense meant Steve. I myself am getting up there - won't be long. I've never hesitated to tell anyone how old I am -- I turned 55 last month. I think I look okay for my age. But 55 means I will soon be old. My brother Wayne at 58 will soon be old. I have lots of old and older friends.

Why do I think of 60 as old? Has to do with the fact that I never saw my parents grow old. My mom died at the age of 48 -- I was 19. Six years later at the age of 51 my dad died. I didn't think my dad was old. Sure when I came home to visit I could see his hair was getting grayer but he wasn't old. Then my parents are both gone before the age of 60. So anyone who lived to be 60 I thought was getting old. 70's and 80's - very old. I was only 24 - what did I know?

I give myself to age 65 - I feel this is reasonable considering my family history. I set a goal to see all my grandkids graduate from high school (my mom never even got see any of her grandkids). Seemed like a reasonable goal to me. Lily's in second grade this year -- I may have to change my goal to 66. I could do it -- I don't smoke (my parents were both heavy smokers) I don't drink. 65 is very doable. I moved to Tulsa and had to change doctors. Oh how I hated this - having to leave Dr. Hall. First time I went to see my new doctor here in Tulsa his remark was: "Let's see if we can tweak that blood pressure just a little bit more and you might live to be 65". Sad thing is = he wasn't joking after hearing my family history.

Getting old starts early - for me about age 40. I was in bad shape - unable to function because I had no energy, could not stay awake. Diagnosis? High blood pressure. So high that I was sent to a cardiologist. After sleeping in his waiting room for an hour I saw the cardiologist. He said that he needed to do a stress test but was afraid it would kill me as my blood pressure was 200/120 -- go home and rest. It's been down hill since then. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, bad knees, carpal tunnel, knee replacement, arthritis (even in my jaw so I am told). You name it - it hurts.

Now as I mentioned earlier - I have old friends and I have older friends. I'm not giving away their ages -- I love all of them. But I watch my friends in their 70's and wonder how do they do it? I even have some in the 80's. Then I think - I wish they would slow down - they are setting standards that I have trouble living up to now!! How do they do it? How do they do everything they do? I don't think I'll be able to.

But since I don't plan on being older - only old - maybe it won't be an issue for me. So for now - I will just continue along, doing what I do do and getting old. If I am fortunate enough to be "older" I will worry about keeping up then.

Friday, October 19, 2012


We live in country where we have lots of freedoms. Most of these are taken for granted. These freedoms we enjoy don't just happen. There is a special group of people who fight for us to have these freedoms. I am talking about our military.

I come from military people. I didn't grow up in the military as some do. Both of my parents served in the Army during the Korean war. On my dad's side of the family I have an uncle who also served in the Korean war and another uncle who is retired Marine Corps. On my mom's side I have an uncle who is retired Navy, an uncle who retired Air Force, uncles served/retired Army. I have two brothers who are retired Navy, one brother who served in the Air Force. I have cousins who have served, I have nepehews who have served. My cousins sons have served or are serving. I have men I considered as family from Cal Farley's Boys Ranch who have served. My family has served in the Vietnam War, Dessert Storm, Gulf War. Out of my immediate family I am the only one who did not serve in the militaty.

I say that to say this - I take military as a way of life. I am thankful for every person who has served or is serving now. If I hear that someone is going into military I don't try to guess why - I am just thankful that they felt the call and responded. I know the military is not for everyone. When 9/11 occurred I immediatley went through my family members to determine if anyone was in service at that point who might have to go to war.

We have friends whose son joined the Marines. He has been gone for 13 weeks doing his training. His graduation was today. They flew out to be there with him. Yesterday they posted pictures of him. This was the first time they had seen him in 13 weeks. I know how proud they are of him. I looked at the pictures of him they posted on Facebook and I could see in the pictures that he was changed. I could see a sense of pride in the way he stood and I could see a determination in his eyes.

That put my mind to thinking. The following poem is the results of what I saw in the pictures on Facebook. I again want to say thanks to anyone who has served or is serving now.


You left a boy - came home a man
I can’t begin to understand.

Not a boy in age it’s true
But this experience has changed you.

You stand taller, your gaze is steady
Anyone can tell that you are ready.

Your grip is firm when I take your hand
There is confidence in the way you stand.

An air of assurance I do see
As you stand facing me.

You carry yourself with pride
I see it in every stride.

Your posture is erect and strong
It’s easy to see that you belong.

Part of an elite breed
You respond if there is a need.

You stand here with pride today
You are a Marine all the way.

You responded when you heard the call
You’re ready to give your country your all.

Written by: Kathie Marrs
October 19, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Ticked Off

This morning as I started off for work I felt like I needed more than just a cup of coffee to get through the morning Yep, this morning definitely required more. So, after stopping at QT for coffee I made a left turn and went the short distance to Sonic for a large chocolate coke. I gotta tell you, that guy at Sonic knows customer service. He rocked it! I pull up to the speaker to order and he very politely greets me and says it will be just one moment please. A short time later I hear "the moments up how may I help you?" I place my order, he gives me the total and says "I'll see you around the corner". The car in front of me must have ordered food because he came bringing my drink out to me and very politely thanked me and told me to have a great day. Now that is certainly a great way to start your day and you are probably wondering why I titled this "Ticked Off"? Well, that's because I pass my pharmacy headed to and from Sonic. I pass my pharmacy every day. That's why I use it - it's close and covenient. My pharmacy was just bought by Wal-Green's. This really irritates me because I like my pharmacy and now I am going to have to change because I do not like Wal-Green's. I refuse to shop at Wal-Green's or even go in their stores. Why? Because they gave me the wrong medicine several years ago. Now, I realize that mistakes happen. Upon discovering that the medicine they gave me with my name on it was not mine I immediately called the pharmicist. Pharmicist was not very accomodating so I called and spoke to the store manager. My intent at this time is just to make them aware of the problem. The manager blows off my concern so I call corporate office -- only to be told that "it happens all the time." Seriously??? Now, all they needed to do was acknowledge the mistake and apologize but it never happened. I no longer use Wal-Green's. And just thinking about it ticks me off -- raises my blood pressure which is why I need to have that pharmacy close to me. And now I am going to have to change. Another reason to be ticked off at Wal-Greens. Similar experience at the Shell station on the corner close to my church. We stopped in there one day to get drinks. Pick our drinks out of the cooler and notice a sign that tells us the drinks are on sale. Good deal. We go to the check out and clerk rings them up twenty cents more. We advise that sign says they are not that price. Clerk says that's an old sign they aren't that price anymore. He should have given us the drinks at the advertised price and then taken the sign down. Need I say that we don't go to this store any more. Now those are kind of extreme situations. There are other things that tick me off just thinking about them. Why would anyone put an empty jug of milk back in the refrigerator? And if there is only one bite of food leftover from the meal why put it in a container and put it in the fridge? And the toilet paper roll??? Seriosuly, you can get a new one out and set on the counter but not put it on the holder? Worse is if you take the old roll off the holder and throw it away, get out a new roll of toilet paper and just set it on the counter. Now those little things don't tick me off real bad. In fact they probably don't rally tick me off - just frustrate me. They can be handled (unless it's a bad day and they all happen on the same day). That would tick me off! LOL How about you? What ticks you off?

Monday, October 15, 2012

My Favorite Apps/Naps

Earlier this year I switched phones.  I went from just texting and calling to a network phone!  Big change for me.  I went with a Lumina Windows phone. Now I would be able to access Facebook, do email, all the good stuff that I had been missing out on. 

I gotta say - I love my new phone.  It has been very easy for me to use.  I can access my banking info online - very handy I must admit.  I can get weather at a glance.  Love this - I can see what the weather is for my girls in Phoenix and for my brother in Pennsylvania, and even for whatever place I am planning to visit (which is no where right now LOL).  I thought it was very wrong this summer when I kept seeing that we were hotter than Phoenix!

I have a countdown app where I can put upcoming events on.  Right now my countdown app has the number of days, hours minutes, seconds, until:  My Grandson comes to visit (31 days, 1  hour and 58 minutes until his plane arrives), Christmas (which is 70 days and 10 hours away), Lily's birthday (she insisted on this - 166 days 5 hours) and my birthday (335 days, 10 hours). 

I have an Anti-Mosquito app, a Code Scanner app (great for getting special deals), a Cheap()air app (if I decide I want to go somewhere), Facebook, Groceries app (make my grocery list and mark it off)., Maps (instant help to get from here to there), Games (I don't use this to much but the grandkids love the Spark Art one).  There are more I could get but I have what I want for now. 

Flashlight App -- this one is cool -- just because it emits the brightest light you have ever seen.  They recently upgraded my Flashlight app and it now shows directions.  I even have a WhatsApp.  This is so I can do group texting with others who have WhatsApp.  Got this one because my daughter/granddaughter wanted me to.  This one is kinda cool because it has cool smiley faces you can add.  I don't have as many cool ones as they do but still cool.  I have Office 365 - very cool - I can do notes, I can have Excel, Power Point and Word. Even cooler - this Office app syncs with my work calendar.  I even have  just a simple My Notes app - which I use extensively for various things.  I just make a simple notation - don't forget quite as much as I used to. 

My favorite apps though?  Gotta be Starbucks Finder and Nap Alarm. 

Starbucks Finder - for when you need that quick fix and you aren't sure where the nearest one is.  Or if you are travelling and unfamiliar with the territory.  Click on that app and instantly you have a list of the closest Starbucks and how far away they are.  You can then use that Map App to get directions.  Gotta tell you, this came in handy when we were in Corpus Christie this summer and we had a rainy day that just called for Starbucks. 

Nap Alarm - this is wonderful and used by me frequently (as in daily).  I love my naps.  I usually take one on my lunch hour at work.  I try to take a short one when I get home from work.  I take naps on the weekend. Saturdays depending on what I am doing I may take 2 in the afternoon.  Definitely a long one on Sunday if at all possible.  My naps aren't usually very long.  I set the Nap Alarm for anywhere from 20-40 minutes. A good power nap does wonders.  Sometimes I am able to get a nap in before going to work in the morning.  Yep, I love my naps and my Nap Alarm. 

These are just some of the apps I recommend.  You may have your favorites - I'd be happy to hear what they are and possibly give them a try.  For now though I think I'll just set a timer for when I can take my next nap. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Penetrating Pinterest

Pinterest -- what is the fascination with this site? If you aren't on there you should check it out. I have decided that it's an age thing. It seems if you are in your 20's or 30's you are really into Pinteret. Older people - not quite as 'addicted' - if I can use that word.

I knew that several - well okay lots - of my Facebook friends were on Pinterest. Posts were made daily of things they had pinned. They looked to Pinterest for ideas on what to have for dinner. I wondered what is the big deal. I gotta admit, I also wondered how they had the time for Pinterest. I had a friend ask me if I was on Pinterest. He knew that I spent a lot of time on the computer at work and was surprised when I told him No, I wasn't on Pinterest. I decided I needed to check it out. So I logged on
and requested an invite. And that brings up the question - why do you have to have someone invite you to join this? Well, I didn't wait for one of my friends to send me an invite - I went straight to the site and requested my own invite. And it wasn't long before that invite came along.

Okay, I have my invite now to go see what all the fuss is about. I log in and start 'browsing'. I don't know any other way to put it. I looked up some friends whom I knew had Pinterest accounts and checked out some of their stuff and decided I liked some of the stuff they had. Then I had to set up my own boards.

Now this is where it can get confusing. How do I find things to "pin" to my boards? Well, there is a search box you can use.; this is in the upper left corner.  And it brings up items. Or you can type in a friends name and go check out their boards. Or you can click on the word Pinterest at the top of the screen and see what it brings up. You will see lots of 'pins' of the same thing. You can choose a category. Are you starting to get the idea?

Now here is the thing. I don't get on Pinterest very often. Like I said it seems like my younger Facebook friends do. I might get on there every 3-4 weeks. Not a big deal. However, when I do get on there, I really tend to 'pin' a lot of stuff. I find places that look like they would be interesting to visit. I see fun stuff to do with the grandkids. I see things that just look totally awesome: a pool on a balcony - all glass walls, a two-person rocker. I find food that looks yummy and some that looks absolutely appalling. The point is, there is everything on there. You can plan your wedding, plan your vacation, plan your dream house. You can look up holiday specific items, specific ingredients to see what recipes you can make. Get the idea? You can find just about anything on Pinterest. And when I do get on - I pin a lot of stuff. I have talked to some older friends who are on Pinterest. They say the same thing: they don't get on very often but when they do they pin a lot.

Just the other day, a co-worker was wanting a recipe that someone she knew had pinned on Pinterest. She saw the post on Facebook. I obligingly went to try and find the recipe for her. I was successful with that and so much more. I pinned lots of stuff to my boards. Then I found a recipe that I just had to try. Crock Pot Pumpkin Spice Latte. I was excited about this except for the fact that it served 8. I didn't want to have friends over to drink this because I didn't know if it was as good as I was hoping. I couldn't drink that much Latte myself (or anyway I shouldn't if I could). What was I to do?

Then it occurred to me - DUH - scale the recipe down and make only half or even a fourth. So I did. I pulled out my little crock pot and cut that recipe in fourths and made it. Let me tell you - it was good stuff.

So no matter your age, if you haven't gotten on Pinterest - give it a try.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

It's a Coffee Kind of Day

It's a coffee kind of day.  I'm sure you know what that means.  Cloudy weather -- clouds look gray outside -- perfect coffee-drinking weather.  Although quite frankly, any day can be a coffee day for me.

So I got up this morning.  I had some coffee left in the pot from yesterday.  I don't throw out coffee - don't want to waste it.  I warm it up - either sometime during the day if I am home or in the evening, or the next morning.  I have my cup of coffee.  That will last till I get to work. 

I stop at Quik Trip.  Have to make an adjustment there as the machine I want to use is all taped off saying "out of order".  Idiots - don't they know all machines should be up and functioning first thing in the morning?  Still good though - I've had one cup already - I can adjust. Get to work and when it's time for a refill there hasn't been any coffee made for the day!  What's up with that?  No problem - start a pot.

Now, I'm okay for the day with my coffee.  I haven't had to wait for coffee and I have had some.  However, I have a friend who has not been so lucky today.  He's a truck driver.  Unfortunately for him he had to get some vending machine coffee.  I just know that all you coffee drinkers are shuddering at this thought.  Have you ever gotten coffee from a vending machine?  You know - rest stop areas on interstate, hospital waiting rooms.. you get the idea.

What is it about vending machine coffee?  It sucks!  I'm sorry to say that but that is the only way to describe it.  It tastes bitter, is never the right temperature and quite frankly - it sucks.  But sometimes you just have got to have a cup of coffee.  So you brave the vending machine.  Then you ask yourself why?  Why did you subject yourself to this torture? 

Your force the cup of coffee down but start looking/planning the closest available place where you can get a decent cup of coffee. And make a mental note to yourself that you really must plan your trip/day around coffee stops.  Not vending machine stops - but actual brewed in the pot coffee stops. 

So when it's a coffee kind of day - don't go to the vending machine.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Aren't Kids Grand?

Aren't kids grand?  Depends on what age your kids are how you answer this.  New parents - so in love with that baby - unless it has colic and cries 23 out of 24 hours a day 6 and a half days a week.  Well, they still love that baby - but after day 3 they aren't thinking he's so grand.  LOL  After 3 months they just want help from anyone.  If the mailman rings the doorbell they will pass that baby to him to hold for a while.  Anything for a little break. 

Age 2 years to 5 - still pretty adorable but then they start getting kind of smart alecky.  And it gets worse when they start school and are around other kids.  Lord, help the parent at this time have the strength to be a parent.  One who disciplines and loves.  It is so hard - but trust me - you will be glad you were that parent when the next phase comes along.  The dreaded teenage years!  Parents need medals for surviving these years - dating, driving, It's enough to make your blood pressure soar.  If you don't have high blood pressure before your kids are teeneagers - you most likely will by the time they leave this era of their life behind. 

Whew - now we can relax, right?  Wrong - as a parent you still worry even though your kids are grown and on their own.  You know you raised them right.  You know they know right from wrong.  However, you no longer have as much say in their decisions.  Running with the wrong people?  You can voice a concern but don't say to much or you may not hear from them for a while.  Think they are doing something totally irresponsible and wrong?  Well, again - express your concern but don't alienate them.  Support them and be there for them is the best you can do. 

Eventually we get back to aren't kids grand?  Yes, eventually those kids that you raised, loved, cried over, prayed over, despaired over become parents themselves.  Then you have GRAND kids.  And trust me, there is nothing grander than grand kids.  And oh the things those grand kids can get you to do! 

My oldest grandson was (and probably still is) spoiled.  The first grandchild -- loved to death - no one else to share attention with.  Just about anything he wanted he got.  For him I have been a swinging vine so he could play George of the Jungle.  I have played street hockey in July in Phoenix when the temp was 111 degrees in the shade.  I have played video games I do not understand.  But I don't just do this stuff for him - I do similar thing for all the grandkids. 

The two grandkids living here close to me love to play a game we call Jump on Grandma!  The object of this game is for them to come running at me as fast and hard as they can then jump on me.  Don't know what's so exciting about this but they love it.  I have had to tell them though that once they are as tall as me (which may be soon) the game then becomes Grandma Jumps on You.  Now keep in mind I have had one knee replacement and need a second one.  These same kids jumping on me are right there to help me climb stairs and get up off the floor, etc. 

I have played video games NeoPet (so we can connect with each other and talk I was told).  Really, I thought that we were already talking to each other via emails and texts.  Guess I was wrong - it's a whole 'nother communication outlet.  I have played Runescape.  The main object of this game was to be on there the same time as my grandson and his friend and I followed them around.  In order to do this I had to befriend his friend (whom I hadn't met) on this game.  I just kept hoping his parents didn't wonder what I was doing.  This was a castle type game where you could fight people and dig up treasure etc.  It was so hard that I couldn't even do the tutorial for this game.  I had to have my grandson do it just so I could get on there with him.  I tried playing it on my own some but stopped that when I found myself in a chapel killing people to save my own life.  That was just wrong.  After that anytime I got on by myself to try and get more experience, which I was told I needed, I just fought the goblins in the one place I knew. 

I have played Wii games that I do not understand (the twins tend to rook me into this).  They ask me to play and I say sure but I don't know what to do.  They say, oh no problem it's easy.  They then have me play first and I do horrible.  They then get on and show me what I should have done but didn't do because I didn't know.  But they are happy so who cares, right?  I have played Black Ops - not very good at this one either. 

I have played one-on-one basketball in the Phoenix heat with the twins and also with my teen-age grandson.  A little two-on-two with 3 teenage boys lets you know how out of shape you really are.  And I don't think after my knee replacement my doctor expected me to go skate boarding.

I have built forts in the living room and slept there with grandkids. I tell you what, maneuvering around chair legs when your legs don't bend well to get into the fort can be difficult.  I have been a surf board in the pool for the grandkids to stand on so they could surf.  I have been a test subject for my granddaughter (just call me Sparkle) to do a makeover. You know it's bad when you have a makeover and "Sparkle" says 'oops - that's a little to much'.  I don't know why my family let me leave the house without telling me I had glitter all over my face.  Not sure what the people at the Police Museum in Phoenix thought of that. 

I enjoy every single minute I spend with my GRAND kids and that is why I say "Aren't Kids
Grand?  So if you are not at the age yet where you have the GRAND kids - just wait - your reward is coming. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Sneaky Snake

Ok - anyone who knows me at all is wondering why I have titled this Sneaky Snake.  I am petrified of snakes. I cannot even look at pictures of them without my heart racing and getting short of breath.  You know how sometimes on news shows they will state a warning that the following story/pictures are graphic.  I believe any news story pertaining to a snake of any kind should have to have a warning at the beginning.  Something along the line of:  Warning, if you have an aversion to snakes you may want to close your eyes.  They are pictures of snakes in this news story.

My grandkids know how terrified of snakes I am.  They tend to protect me (usually).  When we go to the Dollar store and get to the toy aisle they will walk sideways in front of the toy snakes and tell me to look the other way.  Get the picture, I DO NOT LIKE SNAKES.

We have a quick-set pool.  You know the kind, spread it out, air up the ring on top and fill it with water.  We are taking down our pool at this time.  I do not get as excited about taking the pool down as I do putting it  up.  I start in April asking for assistance with the pool.  I want it up and filled so I can laze and float whenever I have the chance.  One time our pool had been stored behind the shed.  I wanted it up, the weather was getting warm so I decided that perhaps Chris and I could do this our self.  We might have been able to if we hadn't found a snake that had decided to take a rest in the pool.  The following poem explains what happened next:

Snake in the Pool!!
The summer days were quickly fleeing
Relaxing in the pool was what I was needing.
I squared my shoulders and walked to the shed
Setting up the pool now was in my head.
I could come home from work and just hang out
Yep, the pool was needed there was no doubt.
I pulled it out to the middle of the yard
Wow - I can tell this will be hard!
The pool was heavy, I pulled and I tugged
And also kept slapping at some pesky bug.
Pulling, tugging and then straighten it out
When all of a sudden I gave ONE BIG SHOUT!
My heart began to race and I began to run
All of a sudden it was no longer fun.
Chris came to see what had caused me to yell
"A snake in the pool" was all I could tell.
A lump in my throat, my heart still racing
What terrible times I was now facing.
There was a snake in the pool it was true
Now just what was I supposed to do?
I was ready to give up - forget the pool
I'm not messing with a snake, I'm not a fool.
Maybe I can make a wide circle and reach the gate
Go around front and inside before it's too late.
Gary will be home eventually it is true
Eliminating a snake I will make him do.
"Don't worry, Mom" I heard Chris say
"I'll take care of the snake for you today."
I just want it dead and away from here
A snake is something that I do fear.
I'm hiding in the shed afraid to go out
But full of advice to give no doubt.
"Here's a broom that maybe you can use.
And aren't you wearing a pair of shoes.?
Step on it! Smash it! Oh good night!!!"
I saw the snake move, I shook with fright.
Chris is beating the snake with the broom
And visions of terror in my mind still loom.
Chris is stomping on the snake with his shoes
I hope it's a battle that he won't lose.
Again I interject a piece of good advice
"Sweep it on the grass and give it a slice.
Here's a little shovel, will it work for you?
Sweep it out step on it and chop it up too."
I wanted the snake gone from my sight right away.
"Sweep it onto the shovel and throw it away.
Not in the yard! Put it in the trash can.
And do it just as quick as you can."
Make sure it is gone I don't want it around
Or still in this shed is where I will be found.
My heart is starting to resume it's normal pace
And the color is coming back to my face.
I take some deep breaths and try to calm down
Close my eyes and try to look around.
I ask Chris to be sure and look around
Make sure there isn't any more snakes to be found.
I get myself under control and finally leave the shed
But I can still see the snake in my head.
I tentatively approach the scene of my nightmare
After Chris gives assurance that no snake lingers there.
I work on the pool with some trepidation
Thinking that I am now in desperate need of relaxation.
I pull and I tug and the liner I straighten
Remembering the snake that I am hating.
I get out the hose and turn the water on
Only to discover there is something wrong.
It's doesn't take long for me to see
That Gary's help will be a necessity.
So into the house Chris and I do go
I'm still kind of shaky if you want to know.
The snake was a fright I will say
But Chris came through and saved the day.
We did get the pool filled eventually
So now you can come and relax with me.
Kathie Marrs
June 26, 2007

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunday Evening Winding Down

Sunday evening - finally.  Sundays are busy for us - not in a bad way.  We start our day early getting coffee ready for church.  We typically do try to get a nap in on Sunday afternoon - if at all possible. 

We team-teach children's Sunday school with another couple at our church.  We have been doing this for 2-3 years and it has worked out really well.  We are able to keep our sanity and just today another lovely lady from our church has volunteered to help us out - just when we all needed the help. 

So today we had church, did our Sunday lunch with friends, short time at home (spent today with grandkids) - then back to church to get ready for evening discussion and Life Group.  Then when we finally head home about 9:00 I ask Gary if he had uniforms for tomorrow for work.  And the answer was no.  So here we sit waiting for the load of laundry to finish washing so I can switch it to the dryer before heading off to bed.  And here I am sitting here I am reviewing my day and winding down.

I've said all that to say this -- I love my church.  I've said it before - they are my family.  There is nothing better than church family.  Now it is not uncommon when I am listening to my pastor on Sunday morning that he says a word or phrase that really catches my attention.  I jot this down and then it turns into a poem.  My pastor (and the Lord) have been the inspiration for several poems I have written.  Now, I am not winding down this Sunday with a poem I gleaned from this mornings sermon.  However, last Sunday I did get one. 

Now most of the time I can just jot down the phrase and then put it in my file of "Works in Progress".  I have several of these.  The phrase floats around in my head and I ponder over it and work on it and eventually finish it.  Sometimes, however, the words just really start rushing out and I have to write them down right then (and then I have to get to a computer as soon as possible so that I can read what I have written as my handwriting is extremely bad).  This was the case last Sunday.

I had to send my pastor, Art, an apology because I was tuned in to his sermon -right there with him when he did it.  He said a phrase that caught my attention.  I jotted it down thinking I'd finish it later.  Well, later was then and about 2/3 of the way through his 2nd point of the sermon - my mind took a turn of it's own and I had to write down the words that were flowing.  So as I wind down this Sunday evening (and my washer finishes the load of uniforms) let me share with you the poem that I got from last Sunday's sermon.  Hope you enjoy. 

Do you suffer from stagnation?
Have you forgotten your salvation?
Are you growing and maturing?
Is your faith still enduring?
Are you following your calling?
Or do you find yourself stalling?
Is God the One you seek
As you go about your week?
Are you feeding your soul?
Do you practice self-control?
Can you endure the bad
With the training you have had?
Do you fall down on your knees
Seeking the One you need to please?
Don’t be near-sighted and/or blind
Remember you left your sins behind.
Goodness, knowledge, self-control
Of all else we must let go.
Read your Bible, seek the Lord
Let us be of one accord.
Written by: Kathie Marrs
October 4, 2012

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Saturday  - the day we start looking forward to as soon as we get up on Monday.  Well, I do anyway.  A day that, if you are lucky, you don't have to go to work and you can sleep late.  Oh yeah - as late as 7:00 am - perhaps even later if I'm lucky.

When you are a kid Saturday is cartoons.  Have you watched them lately?  Not the same cartoons I had as a kid. When you are an adult Saturdays usually mean something totally different.  There's the house work to be done, the errands to be run, household repairs, yard work.  Aren't you tired just thinking of all you need to do?  Now you're wishing for Monday so you can get some rest at work. 

How to have a perfect Saturday - gonna take some planning.  Do your housework a little each  night throughout the week or you can come home and get it done on Friday night.  Ahhh - now you can relax, right?  Wrong!  You have laundry that needs to be done.  And if your family is going to eat this week you better get to the grocery store. 

My grandkids like to spend the night with us.  If they spend the night on Friday nights we get up on Saturday morning and have one of two breakfasts.  Sometimes I make pancakes for them.  They love pancakes.  I always make them one with the initial of their name then the rest are just regular.  The other option for breakfast is The Donut Shop!  We love this one.  Grampa has a donut shop by his store that has special donuts all the time.  So sometimes we get up - get dressed and head off to the donut store.  We will buy donuts and get some from Grampa then go have breakfast with him at his store.  This donut shop always has unique donuts for kids:  smiley faces, pirates, Hello Kitty,Angry Birds, specific holiday themed ones.  Now you know why we like it. 

Sometimes on Saturdays I decide I'm not gonna do anything.  I make myself a pot of coffee, grab the computer and Facebook becomes my friend.  If I get tired of Facebook I grab my Kindle and read. Basically I will alternate between computer, Kindle and naps.  No better way to spend the day is there?  Then I feel guilty because I didn't do all those chores that need to be done.  But you know what?  They will still be there tomorrow and the next day and the next. 

Today my Saturday was spent differently.  I was fortunate enough to be able to spend it with a special group of ladies.  We had a Ladies Brunch at church.  No special reason for this.  I just thought it would be fun to do. Had lots of good food, lots of good fellowship and a wonderful speaker. What a great way to spend this Saturday morning. 

Now, I kinda had planned out in my head what I should do after the Brunch.  There was laundry to be done, some house cleaning and errands to run.  What did I do after the Brunch?  Came home and did some laundry (not all of it but 3 loads). Got on Facebook for a while, texted my Arizona granddaughter, made dinner, then afterwards Gary and I went grocery shopping.  Now, here I am sitting on the sofa with an ice pack on my heel and a bag of chips by my side.  (Chips are my downfall - I love them). 

It's been a good day for a Saturday. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Melting Pots

Melting pots - what comes to mind?  This country which is a melting pot of nationalities?  Fondue restaurants which provide a romantic fine dining experience?   Candles - melt the wax for a fragrant home?

Oh any of these could be what you think of.  Not my family.  Oh no - they think of me!  Melting pots - watched pots.  Yes - they go hand-in-hand for me.  I know that you know that old saying "a watched pot never boils".  You sit (or stand by the stove probably) and wait and wait and wait and still that pot just never comes to a boil so you can make your tea or add your pasta. 

I, however, am one person who literally has to stand by the stove and never leave it until the pot does come to a boil.  Not a silly quirk I have. I don't time how long it takes.  I do it for a matter of safety.  This was brought to my mind last night as I did a kitchen safety talk to my granddaughters Girl Scout troop.  One of the rules they needed to know was "never leave the kitchen with something on the stove."

Oh sure, we all learned this as a child but we are adults now.  We have very busy lives and we multi-task.  Let's get this on the stove then go get a load of laundry put in.  Take a phone call.  Not a problem.  For most people.  Not for me.  Now I can talk on the phone while I am watching my pot come to a boil but I WILL NOT leave the room for any reason.  Don't put a pot on the stove and walk away thinking I will be responsible.  The only time I am responsible is if I am the one who put it on the stove in the first place. 

I do actually burn pots and tea kettles because I forget I have put water on to boil for tea and leave the kitchen.  Poor Gary, I have ruined some of his best pans.  Good thing the last set I bought him had a heavy duty base.  It may not look as nice as it used to but it does still work. 

This is not a recent occurrence because I am getting older.  I have had this problem for several years. I know that Gary and I have been married for 18 years this month and it has been a problem at least that long.  I put a tea kettle on to boil some water because I wanted to make a pot of tea. (See Gabe - I do drink tea - not just coffee).  I put the pot on and left the kitchen to do other stuff in the house.  Not a problem because I had a whistling tea kettle. 

Now a whistling tea kettle should alert you to the fact that the water is boiling.  However, you have to actually be within hearing distance of the tea kettle to hear it whistle.  And in my defense - if you leave the house to run to the store - you are not near enough to hear the tea kettle whistle so I dont' think you can really be held responsible.  Yes, I admit - I came home and took groceries to the kitchen to find that my brand new whistling tea kettle was now a pool of melted liquid on my stove top.

Did I learn my lesson?  No, I continued to boil pots dry and ruin them until I made up my mind that if I put a pot of water on the stove I was going to stand right there and wait for it to boil.  Now, unfortunately for my family it took me until about 4 years ago to decide that I better STAND BY MY POT OF WATER.  (A slight reference there to singer Tammy Wynnette and her song Stand By Your Man). 

Now, I get a lot of reading time in because I will watch my pot until it boils.  I don't have a chair to sit on - all I can do is stand and lean against the counter until the pot boils and I can turn it off. And that, my friends, is why my family thinks of me when they think of Melting Pots. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What's For Dinner?

Well, here it is almost lunch time as I start to write this.  Tomorrow is food day at work and my mind is thinking about tomorrow's lunch, tonight's dinner, lunch today, the cheese and crackers I just finished.  Food is an important part of our life. 

If you know my family at all you know that my husband Gary loves to cook.  He is always planning meals and making plans.  While we are eating one meal we are talking about what we are going to have for our next meal.  If something at church involves food - you can bet that we are going to be a part of that! 

Now I know that we aren't the only ones who talk about (fantasize about - drool about - dream about) food.   We have had conversations with people about places we have traveled to and invariably, the majority of the talk is about what restaurant we ate at there.  Some of the best Chinese food we ever ate was at Jimmy's in Albuquerque.  Hmmm... some of the hottest Mexican food was also in Albuquerque but I can't remember the name of the place.  Bless my father-in-law.  I ordered the chili thinking it would be ok.  WHOA-- let me tell you that Mexican chili is HOT!!!!  And I don't eat hot food.  Red ate my chili and let me eat his food. 

I am kinda particular about the food I eat.  My husband says I am picky and I guess maybe I am.  I don't (or won't) eat foods that don't sound right or if they look funny or if they are leftover.  Well, there a couple of leftover dishes I will eat but not very many.  Gary says I have Food Police in my head. 

That led me to write the following poem I want to share with you.  Perhaps you can relate to this. 


There’s food police inside my head
That is what I have heard said.

Things look wrong and this I know
Those food police have told me so.

Some things are not meant to be eaten
Those thoughts I have are not fleeting.

They hang around and linger near
Those food police I do hear.

Don’t touch that - it looks wrong
It echoes in my head like a song.

But something’s wrong how can it be
The foods they police are good for me.

Where are those police when cake I see
Or that candy bar is calling me?

Those mashed potatoes piled high
Those food police just turn their eye.

Extra helpings – please help yourself
Get a larger plate off the shelf.

Like the chicken but want it fried
Grilled or baked - just set aside.

I’ve been told broccoli is good for me
Don’t think they meant covered with cheese.

By:  Kathie Marrs

Oh - and in case you are wondering -- we are having Baked Potato Soup at work tomorrow.