Saturday, October 6, 2012


Saturday  - the day we start looking forward to as soon as we get up on Monday.  Well, I do anyway.  A day that, if you are lucky, you don't have to go to work and you can sleep late.  Oh yeah - as late as 7:00 am - perhaps even later if I'm lucky.

When you are a kid Saturday is cartoons.  Have you watched them lately?  Not the same cartoons I had as a kid. When you are an adult Saturdays usually mean something totally different.  There's the house work to be done, the errands to be run, household repairs, yard work.  Aren't you tired just thinking of all you need to do?  Now you're wishing for Monday so you can get some rest at work. 

How to have a perfect Saturday - gonna take some planning.  Do your housework a little each  night throughout the week or you can come home and get it done on Friday night.  Ahhh - now you can relax, right?  Wrong!  You have laundry that needs to be done.  And if your family is going to eat this week you better get to the grocery store. 

My grandkids like to spend the night with us.  If they spend the night on Friday nights we get up on Saturday morning and have one of two breakfasts.  Sometimes I make pancakes for them.  They love pancakes.  I always make them one with the initial of their name then the rest are just regular.  The other option for breakfast is The Donut Shop!  We love this one.  Grampa has a donut shop by his store that has special donuts all the time.  So sometimes we get up - get dressed and head off to the donut store.  We will buy donuts and get some from Grampa then go have breakfast with him at his store.  This donut shop always has unique donuts for kids:  smiley faces, pirates, Hello Kitty,Angry Birds, specific holiday themed ones.  Now you know why we like it. 

Sometimes on Saturdays I decide I'm not gonna do anything.  I make myself a pot of coffee, grab the computer and Facebook becomes my friend.  If I get tired of Facebook I grab my Kindle and read. Basically I will alternate between computer, Kindle and naps.  No better way to spend the day is there?  Then I feel guilty because I didn't do all those chores that need to be done.  But you know what?  They will still be there tomorrow and the next day and the next. 

Today my Saturday was spent differently.  I was fortunate enough to be able to spend it with a special group of ladies.  We had a Ladies Brunch at church.  No special reason for this.  I just thought it would be fun to do. Had lots of good food, lots of good fellowship and a wonderful speaker. What a great way to spend this Saturday morning. 

Now, I kinda had planned out in my head what I should do after the Brunch.  There was laundry to be done, some house cleaning and errands to run.  What did I do after the Brunch?  Came home and did some laundry (not all of it but 3 loads). Got on Facebook for a while, texted my Arizona granddaughter, made dinner, then afterwards Gary and I went grocery shopping.  Now, here I am sitting on the sofa with an ice pack on my heel and a bag of chips by my side.  (Chips are my downfall - I love them). 

It's been a good day for a Saturday. 

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