Thursday, October 11, 2012

It's a Coffee Kind of Day

It's a coffee kind of day.  I'm sure you know what that means.  Cloudy weather -- clouds look gray outside -- perfect coffee-drinking weather.  Although quite frankly, any day can be a coffee day for me.

So I got up this morning.  I had some coffee left in the pot from yesterday.  I don't throw out coffee - don't want to waste it.  I warm it up - either sometime during the day if I am home or in the evening, or the next morning.  I have my cup of coffee.  That will last till I get to work. 

I stop at Quik Trip.  Have to make an adjustment there as the machine I want to use is all taped off saying "out of order".  Idiots - don't they know all machines should be up and functioning first thing in the morning?  Still good though - I've had one cup already - I can adjust. Get to work and when it's time for a refill there hasn't been any coffee made for the day!  What's up with that?  No problem - start a pot.

Now, I'm okay for the day with my coffee.  I haven't had to wait for coffee and I have had some.  However, I have a friend who has not been so lucky today.  He's a truck driver.  Unfortunately for him he had to get some vending machine coffee.  I just know that all you coffee drinkers are shuddering at this thought.  Have you ever gotten coffee from a vending machine?  You know - rest stop areas on interstate, hospital waiting rooms.. you get the idea.

What is it about vending machine coffee?  It sucks!  I'm sorry to say that but that is the only way to describe it.  It tastes bitter, is never the right temperature and quite frankly - it sucks.  But sometimes you just have got to have a cup of coffee.  So you brave the vending machine.  Then you ask yourself why?  Why did you subject yourself to this torture? 

Your force the cup of coffee down but start looking/planning the closest available place where you can get a decent cup of coffee. And make a mental note to yourself that you really must plan your trip/day around coffee stops.  Not vending machine stops - but actual brewed in the pot coffee stops. 

So when it's a coffee kind of day - don't go to the vending machine.

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