Thursday, September 12, 2019

Potatoes Say Love

When you look at this picture you probably see a bowl of potatoes.  Not a big deal you're thinking. 

I look at this bowl and see love. 

You're thinking What?  You love potatoes?

Well, yes I do love potatoes -- raw, fried, boiled, baked, broiled -- they're all good. 

If you know our family you know that my husband is the main cook.  He loves to cook and enjoys it.  I cooked for enough years that when he came along and wanted to take it over I did not object.  LOL 

There are however, a few things that he thinks I make better than him and if we are having them I'm responsible.  One of those items is scalloped potatoes and ham.  Yummy - cheesy goodness with potatoes. 

Well, that was what was on the menu last night so I was responsible for supper. 

I have arthritis in my hands.  I have a couple of fingers on my right hand that are swollen constantly and it makes it difficult for me to hold things.  Especially small things like a paring knife.  Knowing this, before he went to work yesterday he peeled this bowl of potatoes for supper and put them in the fridge for me. 

I didn't ask him to do this.  I planned on peeling the potatoes myself when I got home just knowing it would take me a little while and I might have to stop and rest my hand some while doing so.  Instead, knowing my limitations, he took the time, because he loves me, to do this for me. 

May not seem like much to you but it sure means a lot to me. So in this case - Potatoes say love.