Tuesday, July 25, 2017

New Adventures

Well I haven't been very good about keeping up have I?  That's because I've been busy having fun the month of July while Gary is off work.  But that time is winding down.

You are perhaps wondering what "New Adventure' I am talking about.  It's not us, it's our oldest granddaughter. She graduated high school this year.

Yesterday she took her oath for the Army and set off for Basic Training.

She is ready for this!

She has trained for this!

She has talked about this!

She has this!

She is a strong young woman who won't let anything stand in her way.

I thought I was prepared for this.  Turns out I wasn't as prepared as I thought.

I've seen my brothers go off to basic training. I've seen my friends go off to basic.

I've sent numerous care packages.

However - when I got that picture showing my granddaughter with only a backpack showing her possessions. I cried.

Then I got pictures and a video showing her taking the oath.

I cried.

When did the little girl who called herself "Sparkle" and did makeovers become old enough to be joining the Army?

Yes, I cried.  Weepy is more like it.  I know she is ready and I know she is doing what she wants to do. I know she has this.  I'm just the weepy grandma wondering where did the time go?

I'm proud of her and could not be any happier for her as I know she is doing what she wants to do; and when her graduation from basic comes around I'll be there.

In the meantime and for the next few years, I'll be sending care packages again.