Friday, June 24, 2016

Attic Treasures

The grand kids like to go up in the attic at our house. They call it Grandma's Store.  LOL

Kinda appropriate I guess. There is lots of stuff up there.  Old clocks, pictures, toys, records - you know the old 45's and LP's - all kinds of things to interest kids.

This is kind of how my attic looks.  One end of it has boards across it to make it easy to store things.  Half of this is taken up with my Christmas decorations.  The rest is a conglomeration of things.

We are in the process of buying a house.  We have lived here in the present location for 10 plus years. Lots of extras have gone up into the attic since we moved in.

Gary is on vacation for the summer. Yes that's right. THE SUMMER.  He gets the months of June and July off. He decided to go visit the girls in Arizona. This gave him the opportunity to take Tarinda's piano out to her. This is something we have been wanting to get to her but had not managed. yet. Gary is delighted to have it out of the house and not have to move it. I have mixed feelings. I don't play it anymore as it hurts my fingers and it is Tarinda's so I am glad for her have it. I will miss not having a piano though just because I have always had a piano.

We also used his visit as a chance to send some stuff out that way. Last year when I painted I offered all the girls a chance to have some of my dishes. Charlie and K.C. declined. K.C. thinks I am a hoarder and says I encourage her children to be also by letting them take stuff home from the house. I don't look at it that way. LOL  So I gathered some dishes for Tarinda, a box of sheet music (which I also hated to part with as it has sheet music of my mom's in it) - the old bed spreads the three girls used when they were growing up (matching). Get the idea?

Well, in my attic I was 'hoarding' this:

See that HUGE HUGE bag?  That is Charlie's. It was full of stuffed animals she left at home when she moved out oh so many many years ago.  That foot you see sticking out of the bottom?  That is a foot of a big hand-made stuffed rabbit.  Boy, did Remington and Lily have fun going through this bag when they found it!

The bag is full of bears as she collected bears and there was a Popple in the bag, which is still at my house as the kids moved it downstairs to the toy box, an assortment of stuffed rabbits from Easter baskets. You get the idea - some favorite childhood memories all in one big bag.  She said anything she didn't want she would hold as ransom for her sisters.  Good luck for them getting what they want.

Look at these gems.

Remington and Lily found them when they went through Aunt Charlie's bag of goodies.  Twink and the Snowman are Charlie's.  I made them.  All three of the older girls had snowmen but only Charlie's was found in the attic.  That Starlight pillow on the bottom is Tarinda's.  She took it into surgery with her when she had her tonsils out.  I cleaned these up - re-stuffed them and stitched them up fresh and new and gave them to Charlie and Tarinda as a 'bonus' Christmas present last year.

I think that Remington and Lily have gone through most of the boxes in my 'store' but who knows what we will find as we pull them down from the attic and prepare for our move.  How about you, what treasures are in your attic?

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