Friday, June 10, 2016

What Level

Let me just preface this post by saying I'm not looking for sympathy or really complaining - just putting some information out there.

I don't typically discuss my health issues with people. I do share information with my daughters just because I never want them to 'not know' if there is an issue and be taken by surprise should they get a call.  

Now on to the post ---

I'm going to be discussing pain today.  

I live with pain - it is just a fact of my life and has been I think forever and ever. Every day I deal with pain on a scale from 2 - 12. Yeah - 12 may seem high but there are days that I do have that level of pain.  

I have arthritis, fibromyalgia, gout, tendonitis and let's just throw migraines in there with the mix.  So yep, I have pain.  Every day it's just there on a lower level somewhere in my body. 

I have pain in my hips, my fingers, my wrists, elbows, knees, feet, shoulders, head, neck. I think you get the idea.  

Yeah I have pain in every area they indicate there - plus a few more. It is what it is.  I can usually think of someone else who probably hurts more than I do.

Some days I just refer to as a 'hurtful day'. You just learn and deal with the fact when you wake up you can tell that it's going to be one of those hurtful days. Sometimes the weather plays a part in the pain and you learn to deal with that.

My doctor has worked with me and we have a combination of medicines that make the pain more tolerable for me which is a huge huge plus.  In addition, he gives me hydrocodone to keep on hand for those really bad days.  

I also have specialists for my shoulder, my hand and my knees. 

I haven't seen my knee doctor for several years mainly because I am not ready to make the decision to have the second knee replacement done.  I just got my shoulder doctor last fall and although I may eventually have to have surgery on my shoulder right now he has been able to assist with shots for the pain and exercises. He advises to put off surgery as long as I can.

My hand doctor is wonderful!  Very empathetic and up front.  He is exactly what a doctor should be. He tells me the issue and if needed gives me a shot. But he also advises that surgery may be necessary. About 3 years ago he performed a pisiform excision where he went in and removed a bone from my wrist.  This was a surgery I postponed for 7 years at his suggestion. His words were 'this is rough recovery - put it off as long as you can.'.  I did until he said you can't put this off any longer. 

OH MY WORD!!  I cannot believe the difference taking a dime sized bone out made.  It was WONDERFUL!  Immediate relief from an ongoing 10 year pain issue.  And the recovery was not near as bad as I expected.  I told him I wish he could take every arthritic bone in my body out!  
Now he is discussing surgery on the thumb of my left hand.  

So I deal with pain a lot - it's just part of my life. Why am I telling you this?

Well I thought I knew pain, but it went to a whole new level this week and prompted an Urgent Care visit.  I hate going to Urgent Care and now I've been twice in the last two months.  UGGGG

What prompted the visit?  Well, my day started out as normal.  Nothing major. I went to work and a couple of hours later I noticed my hip was hurting. As the day wore on the pain got worse and worse. By the time I left work it was all I could do to walk to my car. I had taken 8 extra-strenth Tylenol already and it hadn't even knocked the pain. It just kept getting worse. Gary looked at my hip and said 'you're going to urgent care'. There were a couple of red spots like a bite, the area was swollen and hard to the touch.  

So off to Urgent Care.  Doctor was stumped. Site was not warm to the touch indicating infection. Pain was not over the bursa area indicating bursistis. Pain was not the stinging pain of shingles (which I have had before). So she prescribed antibiotics and steroids. 

Well, my mystery pain is much better - swelling down pain in that area now non-existent.  Totally strange but that is not so uncommon for me LOL

So - listen to your body. Work with your doctor - you are your best advocate.  I spent appointment after appointment with my doctor for various aches. I finally said okay can you treat this more aggressively or do I need to see a specialist?

If you hurt - I understand but don't let the pain control you.  Force yourself to walk those extra steps. Get the rest you need as a rested body makes it easier to deal with the pain.  But most of all - pay attention to your body and what it is telling you.  


  1. Chronic pain is something many people have never had, but I understand what you are going through on a daily basis. I have arthritis, and there are a few other aches thrown into the mix. Finding a good doctor, one who understands how bad it is, always seems to be difficult. Glad to hear your surgery went well, and hope this trend continues.

    1. Alex - thank you -- I hope you have been able to find a doctor to help you. Since this post I have had surgery on my shoulder (still in recovery stage but it is going well).
