Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Still a Kid

Have you seen that picture on Facebook recently?  I have.  It's been on a lot of my friends pages.  Do you relate to this?  I know that I certainly do.  I know I can do those things -- my mind assures me I can.  Unfortunately, my body tells me otherwise.  

So I decided to share this poem with you relating those thoughts.  


In my chair resting my eyes
My mind on the days gone by.

I’m a kid invincible and free
That kid still lives inside of me.

I see her now high in the air
Swinging away without a care.

I see she has a scraped knee
From climbing a gi-normus tree.

On her bike just zipping along
As she sings her favorite song.

With her brothers she gives her all
In playing a game of football.

Two against two a fearsome game
A black eye out of that came.

Down to the creek to mess around
Walk in the woods without a sound.

At the pond I do some wishing
I’ll get the bait, let’s go fishing.

Camping out in the night air
We didn’t have a single care.

Summer time is running out
Time for winter I do shout.

Let’s make a snow fort and hide inside
Throw snowballs at all who pass by.

I’ll get the sleds let’s go downhill
And at the bottom we take a spill.

Time to go inside and warm up
With hot chocolate in a cup.

My eyes snap open and I look to see
If that kid inside is really free.

She isn’t free I quickly see
But I know she lives inside of me.

Yes there is a kid inside of me
In my mind she runs free.

Written by: Kathie Marrs
June 30, 2011

Now you notice that this poem has (2) behind it.  That's because I actually wrote two poems about this.  Gary wasn't real happy with the first one so I wrote this one for him.  The first one he said was kinda sad.    Anyway, enjoy :)

Friday, April 26, 2013

Fluffy But Happy

You've all seen those commercials on TV or ads in the paper, on Facebook - everywhere you look.  The ad shows a before and after picture and somewhere you are going to see the words:  Be a Happier, Healthier You.  Really!!!!  Who said I wasn't happy as I am?

Yes, I know I am overweight.  Yes, I know about portion control and I exercise it.  Yes, I know about eating healthy and I try to.  I do not over-indulge in sweets - could care less about ice cream or dessert.  Don't mind an occasional candy bar but I know my weaknesses are licorice, tootsie rolls and potato chips.  I do not keep these around for that reason -- I know that I will not stop eating until the bag is gone!  Yes, I know that I need to exercise and I do to an extent.  I could do better - yes I also know this.  I also know that pain in my knees from having no cartilage limits my exercising.  I also know that not being able to walk up hills or stairs without getting out of breath limits me.  I can walk on flat surfaces indefinitely and do try to walk and am currently trying to incorporate more walking into my life. 

But what makes you think I am unhappy?  Do I sit around crying all day long because I am overweight?  Do I walk around despondent?  I don't think so!   I think of myself as a pretty well-adjusted although over-weight person.  And really - I'm not over-weight  I'm just overly short for my BMI. 

Was there some study done that overweight people and skinny people participated in that came up with the conclusion that overweight people are unhappy?  If so, why didn't I know about this?  I would have loved to have been able to participate in that study.  I always miss out on the good studies - but that is a whole different topic for another blog post. 

But have you ever really looked at those BMI charts?  I mean seriously -- 117-125 pounds for someone who is 5'3" and 55 years old!  Seems a little bit unrealistic to me.  Now, part of my weight issue I blame on heretics.  My mom was short and plump - my dad was tall and skinny.  For some reason God thought it would be a good idea to be certain that my brothers all get the skinny gene while I got the plump gene.  Thanks, God!  And believe it or not - I do watch what I eat -- because of cholesterol and high blood pressure.  Unable to control this by diet I take medicine for it.  It's hereditary as all my brothers also have issues with cholesterol and blood pressure.  It is what it is. 

So please don't just assume that I am unhappy because I am overweight.  Would I be any happier if I was skinny?  I don't think so!  I would probably then be worrying about what whether or not I was going to put on 5 pounds.  Would I be any healthier?  Perhaps - but I know that I would still have my cholesterol and blood pressure problems.  Will I continue to try to lose weight?  Of course I will.  I would love to lose some weight.  However, it is not going to control my life and I will not agonize over it. 

Now, I am not promoting that people be overweight for any reason but stop and think about it.  Being a little bit "fluffy" (a word that some people prefer) means that we don't have very many wrinkles.  They are all filled in.  I like to think of myself kind of like the Pillsbury Dough Boy -- everyone likes him.  And if you poke me in my tummy - I will giggle just like him. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Forgotten Thought

Reading through my news feed on Facebook this morning I see a notice that there will a yard sale this Saturday.  They will be selling some Christmas decorations.  I love Christmas and everything associated with it.  I love Christmas decorations.  I have a ton of Christmas decoration but I don't think I have enough; although I am pretty certain my husband and at least one of my daughters would disagree with me.  My first thought about the yard sale is:  I hope I remember this - want to check out those Christmas decorations.  My next thought is:  that's two days away -- I probably won't remember.

Yes, I admit it - I suffer from not being able to remember.  This can be as simple as a yard sale only 2 days or why did I walk from the living room to the kitchen?  Now admit it  - you have this problem too don't you?  I know you do whether you want to admit it or not.  Maybe it's not real bad for you yet but wait - it will be.  And I know this because I was talking to a co-worker who has the same issue. 

Sometimes it's because I get distracted.  Now you may be wondering how on earth can I get distracted walking no more than the length of a room?  Well, many ways quite frankly.  Remember that pesky cat I've talked about before?  She has been know to jump at me and trip me and then I have to try and catch myself to keep from falling.  She may just run up from out of nowhere and tangle herself up in my feet.  As I am yelling at the cat - the reason for my trip to the kitchen flies out of my head.

It could be that as I get up out of my chair Gary will ask what I'm going to do.  I will reply going to get a drink or a snack and he will ask for something.  As I enter the kitchen the last thing in my mind is what Gary wanted - totally forgetting that I was going in there for myself anyway.  As I enter the living room and hand Gary his ice cream I set back down in the recliner and reach for my drink - the drink I went to the kitchen to get but forgot. 

Or how about this scenario?  I am picking up around the house  I decide I need something from another room and head back that way.  When I enter that room, I ask myself why I'm there.  I glance around the room hoping to get a clue as to what might have prompted me to go back there in the first place.  No clue but I do see a couple of things I want to look at and next thing you know it's 20 minutes later.  I get up and wander back to the first room and immediately know why I left it in the first place. 

Or even this one --- I have in my hands a needed item (paperwork, clothing, anything).   I stop in the kitchen to get a fresh cup of coffee.  I lay down what I have in my hand, pour my coffee, put the creamer in and walk on into the living room.  Yep, you guessed it.  I forgot to pick up what I was bringing with me! 

Now, I can blame some of this so-called forgetfulness on Chris.  He means well  I know that.  He has this habit of putting things away.  Not a bad habit - except for the fact that he puts it where he wants it to be not where I want it to be.  I leave something on the counter because I am not yet done with it.  Chris comes right behind me and puts it where he wants it to be.  So when something comes up missing - I blame Chris.  Works for me. 

So if you don't already suffer from forgetfullness count yourself lucky.  If you do , remember you are not alone.  Now I will get back to whatever it was I was doing before I started this blog (if I can remember what that was).  And if you think of it -  remind me Saturday morning that there is a yard sale I want to check out. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Last night we went to K-Mart to get Chris some black pants for work.  He starts a new job on Thursday.  And finding pants for him is extremely hard.  He wears a 28 or 29 waist.  Cannot hardly find them in men's department.  However, we were able to find some size 16 in the boys department that fit him perfectly. 

So you are probably wondering - what does this have to do with jobs?  Well, we went to check out.  There was one person in front of us - no big deal.  The cashier was - well for want of a better word - ditsy!  Total ditz! Total disregard for customer service.  When she waited on us she actually turned her back on us and was talking to the person working behind her!  This irritated me so much that when she tore off coupons and threw them away I asked her if those were supposed to be our coupons.  She replied no they belonged to the person in front of us.  I responded "are you sure, you haven't been paying any attention."  Very rude on my part but she irritated me!  And I really didn't care about the coupons. 

Now I went through all that to discuss my jobs.  I am very fortunate in the fact that although I have had numerous different jobs I have never had a job that I did not like.  I have been working since I was probably 12 or 13.  Well, getting paid to work anyway.  I worked at home prior to that doing housework, laundry, cooking, etc.  Then I started babysitting and cleaning houses for teachers at school.  I have worked in grocery stores as cashier, meat wrapper and also as book keeper.  Loved all that. 

I have worked in two different meat plants - one as a wrapper - one as a sausage maker.  Loved those jobs -- and gotta say - my hands have never been any softer than when I worked in the meat lockers with sausage.  I have been a waitress/bar-tender.  I have worked for a jewelry distributor in St. Louis (made display samples for salesmen).  This was a fun job and every day I got to choose whatever jewelry I wanted to wear. 

I have worked for a water district and at one time was a class D water operator.  Sounds impressive - made it possible for the water district to be in compliance when the regular operator went on vacation.  I have been dispatcher/route rack for lawn care company and even have been known as CPR (cancel-pending representative - try to save the customer).

One of my more interesting jobs was when I lived in the Panhandle of Oklahoma and was bookkeeper/relief pump operator.  Relief pump operator goes out to oil-wells and measures the amount of oil stored in containers to see if pick up needs to be scheduled.  You also have to check the pumps to be certain all are working and turn off whichever ones the oil companies are not wanting to pump oil for that week. 

I have also been a house-parent at Cal Farley's Boys Ranch and also substitute teacher. I have been a manager at different jobs including McDonald's.  I currently work at the IT Service Desk at TCC.  If you read my blog on any type of regular basis you have read about this job.  So you can see that I have held several jobs.  And I must say I know customer service and have always tried to provide it to everyone. 

Customer Service --- SMILE!!!!!  Give the person your FULL attention.    LISTEN!!!    and always - always - always -- THE CUSTOMER IS NEVER WRONG (at least while you are face to face - or on the phone with them). 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Facebook Friends

Was just taking a break from some cleaning. Remington spent the night and this morning we have played a Wii game because "he needed some help, Grandma".  Little did I know the help was only because he had it on 2 person.  Probably would have done better had I:  1)worn my glasses   2) actually played the game before and 3) understood how the controls worked.  LOL  Oh well. 

Then I started to do a little cleaning.  The living room in done pretty much.  A couple of things to put away then on to other parts of the house.  But I needed a break so I grabbed a cup of coffee and the computer.  Gotta check out what's going on on Facebook you know.

It has come to my attention the last week or so that I am not real sure why I have some people as my friends.  Now don't get me wrong but don't all of you really have at least one person in your friend list that you really aren't quite sure why they are there?  Be honest now and tell the truth.  I have a few of them. I have some Facebook Friends I have never met. I hope someday to be able to meet up with my friend Gabe from Canada. This might happen if we can co-ordinate a time when I could visit my brother in Pennsylvania at a time that works out for her. 

Now Facebook is great for keeping up with family and friends - especially far away.  Sometimes it's the only way I actually know what Charlie Sue is up to.  Lol But have you ever gotten a friend request and you wonder why?  I have.  You go check it out and the person knows several people you know and is from your home town area and you think: "well, perhaps I do know them".  So you go ahead and accept the request and start keeping up with them.  The more of their stuff you read the more you wonder - "do I really know this person?" 

So I had been contemplating perhaps deleting some of these people that I was not so sure I really knew when something came to my attention.  A lot of these people have problems.  Don't we all you are probably thinking.  And yes, we do all have problems of one type or another.  But what struck me was that some people are very open about their problems on Facebook.  Not me = I'm a more private person and really don't share much.  However, I do pray.  And I pray for these Facebook friends who are having difficulty of some type in their lives.  It may be health concerns, or family concerns or money but they have shared their concern and I in turn add them to my prayer list. 

So I have decided that God put those people on my Facebook Friend list for that reason:  so I can pray for them. And it really seems like the ones I was not real certain about are the ones who need prayer the most because of very difficult situations they are going through at this time.  So I will be keeping my current list of Facebook Friends.  I will continue to, most of the time, accept friend requests from people I do not know (not all - some of them I really think yeah - no way!) and I will continue with my prayers for these people. 

I say all that to say this:  you never know whom God is going to put in your life or for what reason.  You impact people in ways you cannot know.  God uses anyone who will allow themselves to be used.  Don't ever underestimate the impact you have on people. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Have you ever noticed that stupidity has no age limit?  Seriously - and telling me your age doesn't make me think any differently about your intelligence.  In fact, there are times that telling me your age makes me think you are even stupider than I originally thought. 

I know I'm in trouble with a call if the first question I ask you is "Do you know the password you use to log into a computer on campus?" and you are unable to even answer yes or no.  And 30 minutes later when you tell me that you are still not able to log into your email I really question your intelligence.  My administrator has logged in twice with your information without any problem.  We have actually gone in and set up your password for you to what you want.  I know your account is working but cannot see what you are doing wrong.  And just staying on the phone will not make it work for you.  We can only advise to try another computer and see if you can find someone to assist you to be certain you are entering everything correctly. 

And for the life of me I cannot determine which is worse to deal with.  The young, don't want to listen, I know what I'm doing and I never have a problem smart aleck kids just out of High School, the mother who is trying to do everything for her child because they just won't do it, or the older (anywhere from 40-90) learner who keeps telling me that they are an old person they have trouble with all this stuff. 

The older person who has problems is constantly saying - just be patient I'm older and not real good with this computer stuff.  It takes me a while.  Really???  I never would have guessed that.  It has only taken you five minutes to type in your name.  And during that time I pulled up your account in a different screen and see that you are only 47.  And no we do not have any capital numbers it's perfectly fine to make them all small.  You don't hear me answering the phone "thank you for calling TCC - give me just a minute here - I'm older and it takes me a little while". 

And the mothers and fathers are the absolute worst.  Really, I do not think you are helping your child at all by doing this for them.  I will give you the information that your child needs to log into everything but I am going to advise that you let him/her do this as it is in their best interests.  I understand that you want to fill out the Tulsa Achieves because it's like free tuition and saves you money.  I understand you probably are paying for the class and want to be certain it is done.  But are you going to be taking that test for your son or daughter?  And please, don't get mad at me if I advise that you allow your son or daughter to be the one to log into TED and set up their own security questions.  You may have a degree and I may mot but I know that unless your son/daughter can answer those security questions that you choose - they will be screwed!  I have talked to to many students who have told me that their mom set up their questions and they have no idea who their mother's favorite friend in grade school was.  That degree that you have wasn't any help in this situation.

And to the has-to-be blonde on the phone (no offense here to blondes-  my girls are blonde) who has no idea how to send an email.  Good luck .   I know I will be talking to you frequently throughout the coming weeks, months. And sure enough a few days later you call back and specifically ask for me.  Why oh why did I ever tell you my name.  You refuse to talk to anyone else who answers the phone although they are perfectly capable of assisting you.

And women are not the only ones who have a stupidity problem.  Men can be just as bad.  Example - the young guy who just called for his password.  When I attempted to verify the answers to his questions I was unable to do so.  I advised that I cannot see the answers - only try to verify them.  His response was "I didn't know that spelling and spacing would count.  Can we do something else?'  Sorry - no can do you have to tell me exactly what you put in for me to verify the answers.  I have no way of knowing what you put in I cannot see it.  And if it's a security question - why would you not think that spelling would matter.  And no - there is no back door to use.  You either know what you put in or you don't. 

So again - stupidity has no age limit - it affects all ages and they all call our help desk. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Duck What?

Gary and I aren't avid TV watchers.  What I mean is that if we watch a show we never start watching the show until after it's been on for 4-5 years or is even off the air.  Then we ask ourselves "why weren't we watching this when it was current?"  That's just us. 

A few months ago we started seeing all these posts on Facebook about Duck Dynasty.  So we decided to check out the show. Man!  Why did it take us so long to check this show out?  It is absolutely hilarious!!!  If you don't already watch it I encourage you to do so.  We have never laughed so hard in our lives as when watching this show. 

It's a reality show and every week they end the show by giving thanks to God.  What better reality show can there be than this? 

Now we don't typically watch reality shows.  I have enough reality in my own life without watching it on TV.  And some of that reality stuff is slutty!  Yes, I did say that.  I remember one time when we stopped by to see my BFF and they were watching Dancing With the Stars.  I had never seen that show and did not know what she was watching.  When I walked in and saw those skimpy nothing there outfits I asked her what kind of porn she was watching!   She turns that show off now if she knows I'm coming over. 

So back to Duck Dynasty.  My bud loves this show too.  We talk about it frequently.  And Miss Kay!  She is so funny - kind of reminds me of my mother-in-law.  And I mean that in a good way. 

They just go through regular day-to-day activites and film them.  All the mix-ups, mishaps and whatevers.  You gotta love it when the citified girl douses herself in deer urine.  And seriously, when a grandmother tells her grandkids "Did I ever tell you about the night your daddy was conceived?"  Yeah - that brings lots of laughter and doesn't everyone need more laughter in their life?  And how about when Willie and Si were going to take Willie's daughter shopping for a homecoming dress?  LOL  We can be in and out in 30 minutes then go duck hunting.  Anyone who has ever taken a teen age girl to buy a 'special' dress knows that isn't going to happen. 

So we have started asking everyone we know - do you watch Duck Dynasty?  And if they say no we say you have to!  I described it to my BFF - you know the porn watching friend this way:  Think of it as Dancing with the Stars with beards and hair instead of nudity. 

Seriously, though.  If you don't already watch it - give it a try.  You won't regret it at all! 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Staying with Grandma

When the weekend comes around Remington and Lily like to hang out with me.  Well, Remington does more than Lily but they both spend time.  Such was the case last weekend.  So what does it mean to spend the night with Grandma?  Simple -- it means FUN! 

Last weekend both Remington and Lily planned on spending the night.  A big part of that was because I had to work on Saturday and they both wanted to go to work with me.  When K.C. and the kids lived with us they had to work with me if it was my Saturday.  When they moved out they were a little concerned about how I was going to be able to work without them.  They don't go as often but they do enjoy going to work. 

Here is how our last weekend went:

First you have to pack.  As you can see Lily believes in being prepared

Yes, she has four bags for one night.  She takes after her Aunt Tarinda in this sense. 

Ok - bags for Lily packed.  Remington just grabs a clean pair of boxers and a pair of shorts and a couple of stuffed monkeys that he carries in his hands and throws on the floor when he arrives.  Lily takes her bags to the spare room.  She informs me that the spare room should be her room.  I advise her that I will need to use the room to store stuff and she says that's fine as I long as I don't put anything on the bed. 

Remington heads off to Chris' room to play some video games with him while Lily and I play dogs.  Now, this game can be played two ways. One way is Lily pretends to be a dog and I pretend to throw sticks that she chases and brings back to me.  I pet her head and tell her she's a good dog and she goes and lifts her leg to pee on the furniture.  The second way is that she brings over several stuffed dogs and some leashes and we take the dogs on a walk in the back yard.  The second option was what happened last weekend. 

Time to fix dinner.  Remington still playing with Chris but Lily always wants to help me cook.  Knowing they were spending the night I had already decided to make pizza biscuit pockets knowing that Lily would enjoy helping with this.  Shortly after Grampa gets home from work dinner is ready.  Lily and I opt to eat in the dining room while the guys eat in the living room.  Since everyone ate really good Grampa thinks we should go out for a special treat.  Last time we went to Krsipy Kreme.  Last weekend we went to Dairy Queen.  Good choice Grampa!

Ok back at home and since we have to work tomorrow I tell them they have to go to bed early.  No argument there.  They don't like to sleep in the spare room (although Lily insists on having it for her room).  They each have a sofa in the living room.  So we watch TV for half an hour before turning TV off.  I have to split the time here - 15 minutes sitting with Lily on her couch then 15 minutes sitting with Remington on his couch.  I remind them that I will be getting them up early and they are ok with that. 

Saturday morning bright and early I go wake them up but they are already up.  I tell them to get dressed, brush their teeth and comb their hair we are leaving in 20 minutes.  No problem - they are ready.  First stop we make is at the donut shop around the corner where they pick out the donuts they want.  Then down the street to Quik Trip where we each get our cup of coffee. Yes, they drink coffee with me.  Remington always drinks coffee,.  Lily sometimes does and sometimes get chocolate milk.  Now on to work.  I have to be sure to drive in the right hand lane on the Expressway because on the way we can see the dinosaur.  There is one house that has taken old tires and arranged them in the front yard to resemble a dinosaur.  They have painted this and the kids are always on the lookout for the dinosaur. 

Ok - at work we get busy.  I do my thing and they do theirs.  First we eat our breakfast.  They then are busy with coloring pictures, playing with stuffed animals, playing zoo, playing runaway monkey, etc.  This past weekend the big pastime was lining the trash cans up and jumping over them like an obstacle course. Remington could not believe how fast our morning went by.

After work, we have lunch then head off to our favorite spot "Turtle Pond".  We want to check on our pal Tuttles the turtle.  All is well at Turtle Pond (known to local Tulsans as Swan Lake).  We find several eggs that the ducks and geese have laid.  Now on home. 

We spend the remainder of the afternoon checking out stuff on the Internet and just hanging out until it's time to go home. 

Now, here it is Friday again and Remington is here for the night.  Lily has gone to stay with a friend but that's even better for Remington.  I need to go fix dinner find out what my Bud wants to do tomorrow since we don't have to work 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Pampered Pets

Am I pet person?  Not lately.  I used to be.  I love animals -- well I used to.  And I still do but now they annoy me.  Well,. the ones I have annoy me anyway. 

I grew up with animals.  We always had cats around - those were usually mine.  We had two dogs - kind of all of ours.  We also had numerous fish of every variety.  We had parakeets - they were cool.  We also had turkeys, chickens, rabbits, pet mice (not sure why I wanted them that time), gerbils, and I always had a pet turtle.  They were my favorite.   We also had raccoons and squirrels that Dad would find in the timber and bring home because the poor things were left without a mother when he chopped down their home (tree).

My kids always had animals while they were growing up.  They had everything - dogs, birds, fish, lizard, and one time believe it or not Tarinda had a pet tarantula.  Yes, I know that one's hard to believe knowing how absolutely petrified of spiders I am.  The front yard of our old house is a virtual pet cemetery. 

When we moved to Tulsa we brought with us one dog and two cats.  The dog was mine - Little Bit.  She was a toy Pomeranian and was pretty spoiled.  Well, kinda.  She didn't weigh much of anything and when the older girls were home a couple of them used her for a football.  There was one place we lived that had a laundry chute from the second floor to the basement.  While I was at work they liked to put Bit down the laundry chute.  Poor thing - no wonder she had arthritis as she got older.  I had her about 17 years before she died. 

We also had two cats -- 8-Ball - who ended up at our house as an orphan kitten.  8- Ball is going on 15 years old.  I'm hoping she dies soon.  I'm getting tired of her.  Although I will admit when I'm taking a nap it's kinda nice when she curls up on my side. 

We also had Shoes. This was K.C.'s cat.  K.C. moved back from Texas to Missouri with 2 cats - Socks and Shoes.  K.C. could not have cats in her rental so Mom got them.  Socks got catnapped and Shoes stayed with us even when we moved.  Shoes wasn't very old - only a couple of years old when she died after we moved. 

About 4-5 years ago a stray kitten showed up on our back porch.  Boy, was Chris excited when he called me at work to ask me "Guess what I found on our back porch when I got home from school?"  I very quickly told him not to touch the cat, not to feed the cat not to even look at the cat.  Stay away from the cat.  I did not want the cat.  Gary had different ideas when he came home and he gave the cat some milk. 

This cat was very, very small.  I seriously did not think she would survive but she did and we named her Bandit because of her unique coloring on her belly.  She kinda reminded us of a raccoon.  I believe her mother was a neighborhood cat and the dad was one of the neighborhood raccoons.  This thought is enforced every time I find a sock in the cat's water bowl.  Stupid cat - she has a thing for socks.  You cannot leave a single sock out because she will take it.  I wake up to a trail of socks from the bedroom to the kitchen every day.  And she is always leaving at least one sock in the water bowl. 

Now I told you her name is Bandit - but it did not take long for me to rename her Psycho Cat.  Stupid cat!!  She doesn't just play like most kittens will.  She actually hides and lays in wait to attack you.  My grandkids are scared of her - well Remington is.  He will crawl over and under furniture to stay as far away from her as he can.  The cat is just crazy!  For no reason at all, I've seen this cat just jump up from the spot she was laying in sleeping and run and attack a person. 

Now you're probably wondering why I titled this Pampered Pets.  Well, much as these cats annoy me I tend to go out of my way not to disturb them. Don't ask me why - I don't know.  Example:  they like to sleep in bed with us.  It is not uncommon for Psycho to be at the bottom of the bed by my feet and 8-Ball to be at the top of the bed by my head.  Don't know why they want to sleep by me.  Gary is much nicer to them than I am. 

When they come tromping into the bedroom at night I talk mean to them.  I tell them they better be behaving themselves if they plan on coming to my bed and that doesn't mean that they can tromp all over me while they try to get themselves settled.  And don't be trying to play with me - it's bed time - settle down or get out. 

When I wake up in the night and need to turn over or go to the bathroom I am very careful to move myself around the animals to keep from waking them up. Why? They do nothing but sleep all day anyway. It won't hurt if they get their evening nap disturbed. But every time I try to be very careful not to bother them.   So yes, they are pampered.

They must think I like them because if I sit very long in a chair at least one of them will come crawling up in my lap.  I tell them they need to go see Gary or Chris who actually like them but they insist on continuing to hang out with me much of the time. 

So yes, we have Pampered Pets.  Not pampered like some people pamper their pets.  No extra special food or special dishes to eat and drink from or special clothes to wear; but pampered in the fact that I don't disturb them when they are sleeping in my bed at night. 

Friday, April 5, 2013

The Girls

Gonna talk about my three oldest girls.  Each one of them is truly amazing.  They are strong women and have all been through difficult times but have survived and moved on.  I am so proud of each of them. 

I had the three girls in four years so needless to say they are close together in age.  It was so much fun watching them grow up.  And yes, there were a lot of headaches and heartaches but I would not trade any of it.  So let me introduce you to my girls:  

Aren't they beautiful?   You think they look alike now - you should have seen them when they were younger.   Little stair steps. 

Yes, I used to make the girls matching outfits for special holidays (Easter, Valentine's Day, Christmas, sometimes summer short sets) when they were younger.  And as you can tell by the first picture, even as they have gotten older I sometimes still have them dress alike. 

I loved to hear them laugh.  And I still love it when they are able to all be together and laugh.  It's kinda contagious.   I miss uncontrollable, contagious laughter that brings tears to your eyes.  

We were mostly on our own until Gary came along. I made some mistakes raising them but I did the best I knew to do and learned from my mistakes.  And, after all, I think all parents make mistakes of some kind.  Doesn't matter.  They still turned out to be pretty good girls.

I tried to teach my girls to take care of themselves and not be dependent on anyone.  When they started dating I always told them to be sure and take some money with you - even if it's only enough for a phone call home.  Don't be dependent on someone you have just gotten into a fight with to be sure that you arrive back home safely.  Don't put yourself in that position.  Be responsible for yourself.  From the time they could make a fist and stand I started teaching them how to fight.  They had no brother around to stick up for them they were going to have to do it on their own.  So I taught them to be independent. 

Tarinda - the oldest - always the 'mother' to the younger ones.  She still tries to be - I think that's just typical of the oldest child with younger siblings.  She is amazing.  She has four children and home schools them all.  She is currently taking online classes to get her degree.  She had her oldest (our soon to be 18 year old grandson at a young age).  Now she is going back and getting her college education.  She has gone through a lot but remains strong.  Her faith is amazing and I have always admired how she has taught her children to accept the help God gives them when it is given.  Look for the silver lining - there is one somewhere. 

Charlie - the middle child - always wanting the keep the peace.  She must take after me in this way.  We don't like to rock the boat but we will if we need to.  Charlie has given of herself to both her sisters.  When Tarinda had the twins Charlie was right there helping her out as much as she could  When K.C. was expecting her second child and her first was only about 9 months old and K.C. was alone; Charlie quit her job and moved back to Missouri to be there for K.C.  She stayed and helped her out until the our Lily girl was about 6 months old.  She then moved back to Phoenix.  She has supported herself, has saved up and bought a house and has recently gone together with some friends and opened up her own business.  I admire her ability to make and keep friends and never know a stranger.  She is very outgoing and giving. 

K.C. - the youngest and the baby.  She was told this so much growing up and her sisters did so much for her it's a wonder she ever did anything for herself.  She has grown into an amazing woman.  I blame all her bad traits on her dad but she is still amazing.  She has never been a big fan of kids but she has two of her own and she will tell you "your own are different".   And for someone who isn't crazy about kids she does a phenomenal job with hers.  I never would have believed that she would be a girl scout troop leader.  She does an awesome job.  She has always been very outspoken about what she wants and never hesitates to stand up for herself or her children.  Sometimes I think she can be a little too out-spoken but it is who she is and I wouldn't change it. 

So these are "my girls".  They look alike and we always joke about how much they look alike and always have.  They must take after my side of the family because I see my mom in each one of them in different ways. Here's to the girls and the joy and pride they continue to bring me every day. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sales at what costs

Well, I'm really going to vent on this post so grab a drink, get comfortable and commiserate with me on this one.

Our son Chris tries to be independent and this is something we have always encouraged.  He has a disability but we have never catered to his disability or treated him as if he was less of a person because of this.  We raised him to do the best he could and to believe that he was capable of anything he wanted to do.  Would we change that? No, absolutely not.

Now he is 21.  He has had a couple of jobs and although he is unemployed at the present time he diligently gets job applications and fills them out looking for employment.  Since he graduated from High School he has been volunteering at a nearby nursing home.  We have taught him that you give of yourself if you are able.   He does a great job there. 

In an effort to teach him independence we bought him a cell phone.  He loved having this and after a costly mistake he now only uses it for calling or texting,.  Herein comes my issue with sales people.

Chris, as many people do, placed a call to enter a contest.  Not sure what the contest was - it doesn't matter.  This was all unbeknown to us until a week or so ago as I am going through the mail that Gary accumulated on the dining room table while I was off enjoying Spring Break.  I see a bill for magazines in Chris' name.  A bill for $200! 

I asked Gary if he had seen it.  His response was yes, but he thought it was just a solicitation wanting Chris to order magazines.  I said I don't think so.  We bring Chris out to discuss the issue and sure enough - Chris ordered a total of 8 magazines.  He only had to pay them "$24 and I already did that". 

Well, no Chris.  You have to pay them $24 for several months.  He did not understand that at all.  In his mind he had gotten a money order at QT and mailed it off for the magazines and he thought he was all set.  Yes, we have taught him that he can do anything and he knew he could buy the money order and was able to send it off to the right address. 

After discussing this with him it was our intent to call and cancel the subscription for him.  You guessed it.  His independence led him to call himself to cancel the subscriptions.  I did not hear the conversation but can imagine that he called the number on the bill and said he didn't want the magazine he had ordered.  They then go through their spiel and Chris asks if he owes anything else.  They then say no - your account is paid. 

Now we receive another letter in the mail. This one states that Chris can switch out any magazine he does not want for another one of his choice. They also provide him a list of magazines to chose from.  Another talk with Chris and he admits yes he called but they told him he did not owe anything.  I advised yes, you don't - until next month.  Chris said no I sent them another $22 and they said I am ok. 

Now, I am furious!   I proceeded today to call the magazine company myself.  I advise that I am calling for my son.  He has mistakenly ordered magazines and we would like to cancel the order.  The sales lady (I won't name her name but I wrote it down for future reference) proceeds to tell me that my son is 21 and he has ordered the magazines. 

I reply that I realize that but he was not aware what he was doing and has been taken advantage of.  We would like to cancel the order and have his money refunded.  The lady very snottily advises me again that my son is 21 and has ordered these magazines.  I reply that I know he is 21 but he has disabilities and does not have the mental capabilities of a 21 year old and he has been taken advantage of.  I again ask that the subscriptions be cancelled.

The lady then informs me that they have a duty to the magazine companies.  What magazines would my son like.  I advise that he does not want any magazines.  We want to cancel the order.  She finally says that they can cancel all but one magazine and for the $30 he has paid he could have a one year subscription. 

Now I get very mean.  I advise her that the only thing that is going to make me satisfied as a customer is for them to cancel his order in full and refund his money.  I again advise that they have taken advantage of someone who did not know what they were doing and we DID NOT WANT ANY MAGAZINES AT ANY COST.  I wanted the account totally cancelled and my sons money refunded in full to him. 

I guess I finally got my point across to her because she then became very polite, gave me a cancellation number and advised that the $30 would be refunded to my son and he should receive it within 2-3 weeks. 

Now, if any of you have talked to Chris you will agree that they knew while talking to him that he probably was not aware of what he was doing.  It comes across.    His disability is not as severe as some but it is apparent that he has a disability.  So again - sales at what cost?  Why take advantage of someone who obviously was not aware of what he was doing? 

Again, Chris has a disability but we have not raised him to realize that he has a disability.  We have tried to raise him to do your best, serve others and always do what is right.  If we had to do it over again, we would do it the same way.  I find it frustrating that there are so many people who do not have a disability who do not follow this policy of do your best, serve others and always do what is right.