Saturday, April 20, 2013

Facebook Friends

Was just taking a break from some cleaning. Remington spent the night and this morning we have played a Wii game because "he needed some help, Grandma".  Little did I know the help was only because he had it on 2 person.  Probably would have done better had I:  1)worn my glasses   2) actually played the game before and 3) understood how the controls worked.  LOL  Oh well. 

Then I started to do a little cleaning.  The living room in done pretty much.  A couple of things to put away then on to other parts of the house.  But I needed a break so I grabbed a cup of coffee and the computer.  Gotta check out what's going on on Facebook you know.

It has come to my attention the last week or so that I am not real sure why I have some people as my friends.  Now don't get me wrong but don't all of you really have at least one person in your friend list that you really aren't quite sure why they are there?  Be honest now and tell the truth.  I have a few of them. I have some Facebook Friends I have never met. I hope someday to be able to meet up with my friend Gabe from Canada. This might happen if we can co-ordinate a time when I could visit my brother in Pennsylvania at a time that works out for her. 

Now Facebook is great for keeping up with family and friends - especially far away.  Sometimes it's the only way I actually know what Charlie Sue is up to.  Lol But have you ever gotten a friend request and you wonder why?  I have.  You go check it out and the person knows several people you know and is from your home town area and you think: "well, perhaps I do know them".  So you go ahead and accept the request and start keeping up with them.  The more of their stuff you read the more you wonder - "do I really know this person?" 

So I had been contemplating perhaps deleting some of these people that I was not so sure I really knew when something came to my attention.  A lot of these people have problems.  Don't we all you are probably thinking.  And yes, we do all have problems of one type or another.  But what struck me was that some people are very open about their problems on Facebook.  Not me = I'm a more private person and really don't share much.  However, I do pray.  And I pray for these Facebook friends who are having difficulty of some type in their lives.  It may be health concerns, or family concerns or money but they have shared their concern and I in turn add them to my prayer list. 

So I have decided that God put those people on my Facebook Friend list for that reason:  so I can pray for them. And it really seems like the ones I was not real certain about are the ones who need prayer the most because of very difficult situations they are going through at this time.  So I will be keeping my current list of Facebook Friends.  I will continue to, most of the time, accept friend requests from people I do not know (not all - some of them I really think yeah - no way!) and I will continue with my prayers for these people. 

I say all that to say this:  you never know whom God is going to put in your life or for what reason.  You impact people in ways you cannot know.  God uses anyone who will allow themselves to be used.  Don't ever underestimate the impact you have on people. 

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