Friday, May 31, 2013

Poisonn Ivy Twins

When we moved Tulsa almost 10 years ago we met some wonderful people that we are proud to call our friends.  We also made the acquaintance of several young kids.  We ended up teaching the majority of these kids in Sunday School.  They are a truly an amazing group.  These kids have started graduating. 

Last night two of these special kids graduated from High School. This made me think back over the years we have known them.   Shortly after we met them the boys came down with poison ivy.  If you have ever had this you can imagine what they were going through.  I wrote the following poem for them:

                                                 POISON IVY TWINS

                                    The twins were having fun one night
                                     When they got into a terrible plight.
                                        Playing hide and seek in the dark
                                        Thinking it would be quite a lark.

                                     The place they found to hide you see
                                       Happened to have some poison ivy.
                                         They didn't notice it right away
                                      But soon the poison was there to stay.

                                      Then their bodies started to twitch
                                      'Cause poison ivy makes them itch
                                     Now they're covered from head to toe
                                               With poison ivy this is so.

                                  They want to itch, they want to scream
                                       They're wishing it was just a dream.
                                     Hide and seek was fun they did agree
                                              Until they got into poison ivy.

                                 Shaking hands at church is out you know
                                     You could pass the poison this is so.
                                           On to someone else and then
                                       Back to you it would come again.

                                           It will be gone before to long
                                          And then you can sing a song.
                                        Until it's gone try not to scratch
                                            It will start another batch.

                                              Look at them sitting there
                                         Jesse and Casey are quite a pair.

Written for Jesse and Casey Strong
By:  Kathie Marrs
        October 5, 2004

Congratulations -- I cannot wait to see what God has in store for you. 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sense Disablilites

I tell you - getting older is definitely not a lot of fun.  Gary has made mention of the fact that I have trouble hearing.  I admit I have a hearing problem...and the sad thing is - I never can remember which ear is my "good ear".    Seriously though, Gary says why don't you have your hearing checked?  Why - I know I can't hear and I know I can't afford hearing aids at this time.  Now, besides having hearing problems I have trouble seeing.  I wear glasses.  However, first thing of a morning even the glasses don't help.  It just takes a little while for the eyes to really get focused good.  Now one other thing to make growing old not a lot of fun --- auto correct text on phones. 

See where I'm going here?  Lots of issues to deal with.  So let me just share a few stories with you regarding the above-mentioned problems.  First off, my hearing.  Gary made mention in a post on Facebook about this.  So here it is:  Our son Chris mumbles - he always has.  This makes it difficult to understand what he is saying even for people with good hearing.  So the other night we were going to get steaks out to grill.  Knowing that Chris doesn't like to chew food Gary asked him if he wanted a steak or a hamburger.  Now I want to make sure you have the whole picture that Gary did not mention in his post.  Gary and Chris are in the kitchen - I am in the living room problem 20 feet away.  Chris mumbles and does not speak clearly.  I hear: 'only if you can make them pancake sized.'   Me:  what do you mean pancake sized?  There is no way in the world that's gonna happen.  This was very focal of course.  What Chris actually said was:  "only if you can make it pink inside'.  Now admit that pink inside and pancake sized can sound alike especially if someone mumbles. 

Now for my vision problems.  My girls have learned that sometimes my texting isn't the best.  I admit it - especially early morning or late night if I do not have my glasses on.  K.C. has actually been texting me at night and responded back "you don't have your glasses on do you?"   This prompts me to put my glasses on to see what I have written.  When I respond to texts at night I try to go check in the morning to see exactly what I have told someone.  Sometimes I wonder what they thought I said.  It can be bad. 

But probably worst of all is auto correct texting on phones.  I hate, hate, hate this!  (And I don't like to use the word hate).  Trust me I know how to spell all my daughter's names,  I don't need my phone trying to change their spellings.  But the best story about this was when I was using Gary's phone.  He was driving and wanted to text our pastor about service the next morning.  Gary did the media for church and he wanted to ask our pastor if he had any media shout (program used) for church.  I'm typing away "do you have any media shout" when the phone auto corrects shout to sh**.  Me:  What!   On no!  Stupid, stupid phone!  I quickly start backspacing to accidentally hit the wrong key and the text sends!  Our pastor gets the text "Do you have any media sh**"   Again, I'm saying stupid, stupid phone I try to type sorry didn't mean that and the real text when they phone takes sorry and sends it again.  I am finally able to get a proper text through to the pastor apologizing for everything and actually asking the proper question.  However, at this point it doesn't really matter because Gary cannot stop laughing at the first text that went out.  

So now you know why I say growing old sucks!   However, on the plus side of this - I do give Gary lots of laughter and that keeps our marriage going strong. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sharing My Notes

I'm a note taker and a note maker.  I take notes in meetings and in church to help me stay focused.  I make notes as I am taking notes.  I make notes when something pops in my head and I think: What a great idea this would be for a poem.   I have lots of poems in progress.  Sometimes those thoughts keep repeating themselves around in my head and before I know it I have a poem that I cannot write down fast enough.  Sometimes I get half a poem and the rest of it just kind of lingers for a while until BINGO -- I've got it. 

Now you know I have mentioned that Gary and I are looking for a church home.  We have visited several churches and each time I take my notes as I always do.  I have been going through my notes from the last few months and have seen some of the same thoughts repeated.  I just wanted to share these with you. 

1.)  Don't let limitations limit you.  Along the same line I have: Don't limit yourself.  Be open to listen to what God is calling you to do.  And: Don't place limitations on yourself based on what you think other people think. 
     How many times have we limited ourselves (or others) because of molds we put in place?  I've never done this before why do I think I can do this now?   Perhaps God is calling you to stretch yourself in ways you may not have thought of but you are limiting yourself asking How can I do this?  If God wants you to do it -He will provide the way for you to do it.  Don't limit yourself because of other people.  If you feel God calling you to do something but people are questioning why or how you are going to do it, don't stop yourself.  Again, God will provide the way if He wants you to do something. 

2.)  Be obedient to the call.  Stop and listen.
     This kind of goes along with my previous comment.  If God is calling you to do something - you better do it.  He won't stop calling on you but you need to be listening for His call.  You may be praying but are you taking the time to listen to what He is saying to you?  It's easy to think, that is not what I think God wants of me - especially if it is not something you have previously done.  So listen - don't try to decide what God wants of you but listen to what He is telling you.

3.)  Does your fear control you?   Valleys and hilltops.  
     Let me explain my valleys and hilltops:  there are times in your life that you were "on top of the world" and times when you feel the world is on top of you.  Those are your valleys and hilltops.  Think of what your valleys and hilltops are and why you think they are a valley or a hilltop.  Are your valleys during times when you were afraid of something, perhaps a health concern, job issues, money?  Did your fear take over for a while when you should have let God be in control?

4.)  Live out the full purpose God has in store for your life. 
     Now this kind of ties in with all of the above.  Listen to what God is calling you to do, be obedient to that call, and don't let your fear keep you from fulfilling the purpose God has for you.

5.)  To find something you have to know what you are looking for.
     That would pertain to our church search.  What are we looking for in a church?   I know that we look at church as part of our family - or a 'second' family.  We want to belong - be a part of a community.  We want the pillars that will support us just as we will support them. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

After the Tornado

As many of you know Oklahoma has been hit with two devastating tornadoes this week - one on Sunday and one on Monday.  The news coverage has been tremendous as you know.  You can't help but watch and if you live in Oklahoma you know how lucky you are that you have been spared from this tragedy.

The following is a post my husband made on Facebook yesterday: 
"One of the psychological effects of experiencing storms and watching all the coverage here: I crawl into bed last night and laying next to me is my Fully Dressed Wife. Her reasoning: calling for more storms overnight and wanted to be dressed if more tornadoes came.

At first, I found this humorous, but the more I thought of it, not so much. Every thunder boom today, people looked outside at the clouds. Every gust of wind, and everyone went on edge. Thankfully, the weather is supposed to calm down shortly, maybe everyone can relax soon."

That evening (Monday evening after the tornado hit Moore, OK) just before I went to bed the weather man gave the forecast and was calling for severe storms - large hail - damaging winds.  We live in Tulsa - probably about halfway between Joplin, MO (which was hit by a tornado 2 years ago) and Oklahoma City (where tornadoes had just gone through).  You pay attention to weather forecasts.  As I went to bed that night after hearing the forecast and knowing what had occurred my thought was "if anything bad happens I want to know where my clothes are so I can be dressed."  Or as I commented on my husband's post "didn't want to be caught in my skivvies and embarrass my kids should anything happen". 

Yes, you do find yourself being more 'aware' of storms after disaster strikes;  even if you yourself are not affected. Yesterday was a day of storms which included lots of ominous loud rumbling thunder and gusts of wind.  If you have ever been through a tornado or tornado watch you become 'antsy' or nervous during bad storms.   We don't normally take shelter but we do watch the forecast and track the storm and trust me - if we saw that we might be in the path of a tornado - we would be taking cover.  After the weekend storms we again went over with our son Chris what he should do and where he should take cover if the sirens went off and he was home alone. 

My heart hurts for everyone who has been affected.  I cannot even begin to imagine what these people are going through.  One thing I do know - God is in control.  He is Comforter, Counselor, Friend.  I want to share this poem.  Some of you may have read it before but it always comforts me: 

One step at a time
A pilgrimage to make.

One step at a time
That’s all I can take.

One step at a time
That’s all God asks of me.

One step at a time
How hard can it be?

One step at a time
Draw me closer to You.

One step at a time
Teach me something new.

One step at a time
That’s all that is asked.

One step at a time
Not a difficult task.

One step at a time
God has set the way.

One step at a time

Don’t let me go astray.

One step at a time
I’ll take with my friends.

One step at a time
To the journey’s end.

Written by: Kathie Marrs
April 7, 2008


Monday, May 20, 2013

School tales

I think I have probably mentioned in the past that I am the only girl and I have three brothers.  When I moved back to Missouri I had the three older girls and they attended the same school my brothers and I went to.  In fact, once they got to High School they had the same teachers my brothers and I had.  My brothers tended to create excitement at school.  Believe it or not my girls also created excitement at school.  I am certain that many of the teachers just knew that my girls took after their uncles.  I thought that perhaps I would share a few of the stories for those who might remember my brothers (or even my girls possibly).   Now, I will not mention names in these stories just in case - don't want to offend anyone.  If you want more detailed information, please feel free to message me on Facebook.
  One of my brothers really liked to, I guess you would say, "have fun" at school.  One time he decided it would be a good idea to staple one of his friends to a chair at school.  He proceeded to staple his friends shirt to the chair of his desk.  This was done without his friend suspecting anything was going on.  Needless to say, when the bell rang for class to be over said friend was not able to jump up out of his chair and leave in any type of hurry. 

Another time this same friend fell asleep in class.  My brother saw this as a perfect opportunity to tie his shoes together.  This time when the bell rang his friend was able to get up out of chair --- and then fall to the floor because of his shoes being tied.  I'm starting to wonder why this guy remained my brothers friend, aren't you?

One year for Homecoming Week they had Dress Up Day.  Now back then it would not be uncommon for the boys to wear suits and ties to school for dress up day.  They took pictures and one brother happened to comment at the dinner table that evening how nice other brother looked in his "striped" pants that day.  My parents asked exactly what he wore to school.  Turns out he wore his overalls.  Unhappy parents that night.

One of the best stories though is on the friend who always, always "borrowed" chewing gum.  This kid never had his own gum but would always ask for gum for everyone else.  Guess my brother was tired of sharing.  He bought a package of Chiclet gum and a package of Ex-lax.  He exchanged the gum for the Ex-lax and when his friend asked for gum that day he just let him have the whole package.  Guess it didn't take very long for that friend to "run" home after school that day.  I don't believe he ever asked for gum again either. 

Now, my girls will tell you they received a bad rap at school because of me.  But there are a few tales on them also.  The drivers ed teacher has to be the most laid-back teacher ever and nothing ever fazes him.  Until my daughter comes along.  Now for some reason, I believe it was Study Hall, and the drivers ed teacher was in charge.  He told the students to be quiet and if they needed anything just "raise your little paws". (Pretty appropriate because our mascot was the Bulldogs).  Of course, my daughter has to go "ruff ruff" like a dog.  I do believe it was the first time that teacher ever gave anyone detention and probably the first time anyone ever got detention for "barking like a dog". 

One of the other girls one time just went into class and the instructor told her to "go to the office - I just don't want to deal with you today."  Yes, probably this time she did get in trouble for "doing nothing". 

I thought these stories might be appropriate for the end of school year.  And knowing my brothers - I guess my girls never had a chance. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Summer Fun Day

We started summer hours at work this week. That means 4 10-hour days and 3 day weekends from now through the end of July.  I love summer hours - wish we could do it year-round.  Well, it so happened that the grand kids had their last day of school on Thursday, too.  This meant that they also had Friday off. So last weekend we decided that this past Friday would be First Day of Summer Fun Day. 

This is how our Summer Fun Day went.  The kids of course thought that Summer Fun Day should start on Thursday night.  So, after dinner with friends Grampa and I went and picked the kids up.  We started Summer Fun Nite with a trip to Freddy's for frozen custard.  What better way to start summer?  

We then went home to build a fort to sleep in.  Grampa did a great job with this.  He turned all the furniture in the living room around backwards and draped sheets, blankets over the top.  Lots of room - just like the kids wanted.  They and I were going to camp out in the living room for the night.  Sure was glad Grampa made that fort so big.  The kids had plenty of room as each one was snugged up tight against me in the middle.  We watched TV for a little while.  I discovered they have a kids version of Saturday Night Live.  It is called Incredible Crew.  I don't watch Saturday Night Live because it confuses me.  I never know if it's a real commercial or fake.  Incredible Crew wasn't quite as bad and I found it truly funny.  Guess that's because I'm still a kid at heart.  now sometime during our TV watching Scotland was mentioned.  Remington says you're from there Mom said so.  Me:  whatever!

Now, sleeping in the fort means you have to tell ghost stories.  Lily started out with a story that I'm not sure what it was but it went on and on.  Finally it's my turn and I tell them a story and my voice gets softer and softer and there's a cat (think Psycho Cat who is on corner of sofa watching us) in the story and of course a "thump thump" .  Story ends with me yelling MEOW and Lily jumping. 

Remington wakes up first in the morning and turns TV on and again they are talking about Scotland.  Again Remington says:  That's where you're from, Grandma.  What was it like when you lived there?  Me:  Where are you getting this from?  I've never been to Scotland.  Remington:  Mom said you were from Scotland and used to live there.  Note to self:  find out what kind of nonsense K.C. is telling these kids.  We have a breakfast of pancakes and kids decide they want to take a bath. 

After baths and dressing we make sandwiches for a picnic.  Lily makes hers as half peanut butter and half chocolate (Nutella is chocolate peanut butter to the kids).  She puts some fresh strawberries in the middle.  Remington has one chocolate sandwich and one chocolate sandwich with strawberries.  We then head to QT to each get a drink and a bag of chips.  As we are leaving a lady asks if the kids would like to pet a horse.  She had taken a couple of horses to some school and gave them rides for last day of school.  Remington and Lily were able to climb up on wheel well of truck and stroke the horses necks.  What a great start to the day. 

We then went to the park where they played and played.  We ate our lunch then headed off to Woodward Park to explore.  We spent over an hour wandering around Woodward Park, swinging on the swings, climbing over rocks, watching tadpoles in the creek, following paths, feeding the squirrels.  Finally we head back home where we set up Hillbilly Golf.  At one point I ask Lily if she was having a great First Day of Summer Fun Day. She replies: yes, but actually it started last night with Grampa.  I think Grampa just wanted to have some Summer Fun with us. 

It was a great start to Summer. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Childhood Lessons

Thought I'd share a few lessons I learned from my childhood.  I have three brothers so you can imagine my childhood was interesting. It's pretty much a given that if you grow up with three brothers and no sisters you most likely will be tomboy. 

Being the only girl I learned a lot of things that perhaps most girls don't learn.  Most of all I learned that girls can do anything boys can do.  There are some things that perhaps boys will do better but that would have to do with strength. So yes, I can change a tire, change the oil, hunt, fish, skin and dress any animal I happen to catch or kill, play football, etc .  I also learned that boys can do the same things girls do, ie: cook and clean.  Yes, my brothers learned how.  I admit that I was responsible for most of it but they were required to help.

Usually for household chores we were paired up.  We took turns helping with the dishes each night.  One night my brother says "let's not do dishes tonight and when Mom calls us just tell her we don't want to."  Me, "do you think we should do that?"  Brother: "sure what can happen?"  I learned too late that it would be smart to be the one facing the living room.  That way when your dad hears the aforementioned conversation you see him get off the sofa and start walking towards the kitchen taking his belt off.  You will then be the one who says: "oh - I think I'll help mom. She shouldn't have to do it all by herself."  Really, you couldn't have told me it would also be a good idea for me to "help mom"?

I learned that when there is more than one child in the family one of them will be the favorite.  This is evident as you become adults.  It's pretty easy to see that my brothers and I all think one is the favorite and could get away with  murder if he wanted to.

I learned that as the only girl I was spoiled.  I didn't know it and it didn't seem like it.  However, I do remember the first time I wanted something (nothing major and I don't even remember what it was) and I was told no.  Really?  What do you mean that I cannot have what I want?  My brothers always made sure that if there was something I wanted I got it.  I was absolutely aghast that sometime would tell me "no".

I learned how to fish.  There is more than one way to fish.  There is the typical fishing pole way and that's okay. But there is the ever more fun way of "hand fishing" or as some people call it "noodling".  One person has to be the sack person.  That is the person who carries the gunny sack with all the fish you catch.  I was typically the sack girl.  I did however, do my share of sticking my hand in the hole or crevice and feel for the fish.  Oh the danger and excitement but oh the fun as you spend a Sunday afternoon fishing the river from one point to the exit.  Some of my favorite memories are of my dad, my Uncle Ken, myself and whoever else went with us. 

I learned that no matter how much pain you may be in; you will always take the time to watch one of your brothers get a spanking.  Case in point, when you come home from the hospital after having your appendix out and your brother punches you in the stomach.  If you are walking to the house crying and holding your stomach as your dad pulls in the driveway, he will get out of the car and start walking towards the boys as he is pulling his belt off.  Didn't matter how bad I was hurting I stayed long enough to make sure the correct brother got his spanking that day. 

I learned that when you all get new bow and arrows (or BB guns) for Christmas, you shouldn't volunteer to hold the target if you don't have anything to put it on.  Luckily I learned that because my brother was the one who got hit with the BB gun when I missed the target.  No way was I going to turn around and hold the target for him after that. He would have missed on purpose. 

Most of all I learned that no matter what - your brothers are always there for you.  Even now I know that if there was anything at all I really needed all I would need to do is pick up the phone and call and my brothers would be there. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

My Mom

Mother's Day is coming up this Sunday.  Were you aware of that?  If not - then where have you been?  All the commercials are telling you what you need to get your wife or mother for Mother's Day.  So men - if you have not done so - this is your warning. 

Seriously though - if your mother is still alive - CALL HER!!   She wants nothing more than for you to call her.  Yes, gifts and flowers are nice but she just wants to know that you remember her.  Trust me on this one. 

I lost my mother unexpectedly when I was 19 years old.  That's a time when you think you know everything but you really know nothing.  LOL  I still had so much that I needed to learn from her but had to learn it on my own.  Sorry, girls - I had no one to tell me how to raise you so you were stuck with my version.  

I want to share the following poem I have written about my mother.  Enjoy - and don't forget to call your Mom.  


She taught me to cook and clean
And even how to sew.
So much for me to learn,
Why did she have to go?

Childhood memories are all I have
And I treasure every one.
Family bike rides, story book reading
Flower gardens – family fun.

I’ve longed to see her face
Many times throughout the years
To hear her voice comfort me
As I struggle through my tears.

I’ve longed for her advice
As I raised my family.
Sometimes all that’s needed
Is a mother’s arms around me.

Nothing can ever take the place
Of a Mother’s love
God must have felt the same way too
When He took her up above.

She was gone without a warning
God called my mother home.
So much still for me to learn
Before I was ready she was gone.

Written by: Kathie Marrs
May 9, 2013

And if you don't have a picture of yourself with your mom -- get one!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Where did Spring go?

What a crazy mixed up last couple of months of weather we have had.  Back in February we thought that winter was almost over.  What a joke was played on us. 

Now keep in mind, we really didn't have much of a winter.  No snow here in Tulsa.  Not even sure I ever got my big winter coat out.  We had a few cool days but nothing major.  We even managed to go to Missouri for Christmas without a major snowstorm shutting down the entire town.  We had some cool weather in March but still not bad - especially for March.

Then along came April and May.  It should start warming up by now.  I start thinking it's time to be getting the pool up so the water can be warming up.  So why do we start having cold windy weather?  Seriously, we would have 80+ degrees one day then be lucky to make it to 40 the next day.  Ridiculous. 

My rose bushes all budded out and blooming.  Then on the first of May we get a freeze warning!  Where does that come from?  We actually broke a  60 year old record and had a "trace" of snow.  Yes, I saw snow in the air in May.  Now here it is one week into May and we have had a frost, snow, and again it is almost 80 degrees.

My furnace and air conditioner are being over worked.  I had the air on for two days before the frost.  Forgot the air was on until Chris sends me a text the next day.  After I am able to decipher what he is trying to tell me I realize he is asking if it's OK to turn the heat on.  LOL  I bet it was pretty chilly in the house.  It was cold outside.  (And in case you are wondering - he is not allowed to touch the furnace without permission because he has been know to open all the windows in the house then turn the furnace up to 80). 

So we again have the windows open (probably only for one day because if it continues to be warm we will be turning the air on again).  No in-between for us here.  But I am sitting here with the window open, listening to the birds chirping and enjoying the roses I have sitting around in various dishes throughout the house. 

I'm going to say Yes, Spring is here.  At least for the next week. 

Monday, May 6, 2013


OK - a while back a did a couple of posts about a couple of the grandsons.  I still have some grand kids left to talk about and thought I would do so.  Let's talk about my oldest granddaughter, Katie. 

She is 14 now and a typical teen-age girl.  Stays in her room all day except perhaps to eat or take a shower.  Last week her mother posted on Facebook that she was helping Katie choose her classes for high school next year.  Her mother made the comment that it did not seem possible Katie was old enough to be in High School.  Well, I kinda agree.  Where did the time go? 

Katie is a beautiful girl.  When she was little she liked to call herself "Sparkle".  She used to be very entrepreneurial (what a big word!).  Whenever we would visit (remember they live in Arizona - we don't see them a lot) she always had a new way to make money.  It might be selling stickers from her sticker pad, selling "lucky" rocks she found, or giving tattoos.  Giving tattoos involved her drawing pictures on you with markers.  One of my favorite pictures is tattoos she "gave" me and all my girls one year.  If you want to see that - go to my Facebook page.  One time when the family came to Tulsa to visit she set up a candy store and sold candy.  She went to Sav-a-Lot grocery store, bought a bunch of candy then set up a grocery store and sold her candy to anyone who would buy it.  As I said, she always had a way to make money. 

Katie has gorgeous hair.  However, when she was little she was not real happy with her hair.  It was straight.  My hair is naturally curly and this tends to fascinate my grand kids.  They love to smash it down and watch it come back.  LOL  Katie loved to play in the pool.  Her favorite game to play with me in the pool was hair dresser.  I would duck my head under the water and wet my hair down.  Katie would then "fix" my hair.  She was always asking "Do you want BIG hair or flat hair like mine?"  From the way she asked you knew she wanted me to say, "oh, big hair please". 

Now, I mentioned that Katie liked to do makeovers?  Well, she gave me a makeover one time.  She was probably 7 or 8 at the most.  I just let her do whatever she wanted.  She told me she was using some of her glitter makeup.  I should have known I was in trouble when the girl who called herself "Sparkle" says: "Whoops - that's a little to much.  I better take some off."   Now why on earth my family ever let me leave the house I do not know.  I thought we had gotten all the make-up off and no one told me any different.  We leave and go to a museum and do some odds and ends.  I get back in the car and pull down the visor to block the sun.  I look in the  little mirror and see that I have glitter all over my face.  I couldn't help but wonder what people thought. 

So I'm with her mother -- where did the little girl go?   She is now a beautiful young lady getting ready to start high school.  I miss my little Katie Beth. 

Sunday, May 5, 2013


As many of you know, back in December, Gary and I left the church that God placed us in when we moved to Tulsa nine years ago.  We knew that December would not be a good time to actually try out churches.  Since January of this year, we have been visiting churches.  This is the first time in our lives that we have ever "looked" for a church. 

The search for us continues.  We have visited several churches.  I can say that every one we have visited has made us feel very welcome.  There have only been a couple that we know for sure "are not us".  However, we have not felt that any of them are "the one".  We have been attending Redemption on Wednesday nights and Sunday nights while we are searching.  Every time we think: "Ok, we need to make a decision.  We are either with Redemption or we are not with Redemption."  God tell us WAIT.  So, we are continuing our search and listening to God to tell us where He wants us to be. 

On Sunday nights we have been studying the book The Barbarian Way by Erwin Raphael McManus.  This book is about being a Christian not considered the "norm".  Think of John the Baptist from the Bible.  Now think of what a Barbarian Christian in today's times would be. This is what God is calling Gary and I to do.  We feel strongly about this and feel it is enforced in this study and another one we did recently called Not a Fan.  This study calls people to be a follower of Christ and not just a rah-rah cheerleader follower. 

I have written the following poem about being a Barbarian Christian. 


The Barbarian Christian won’t follow the norm
                                         He will travel the path that is less worn. 
Consumed with passion – a need to share
He goes where no one else will dare.
Uncertainty, adventure both lie ahead
If you follow the path that Jesus led.
Step outside your comfort zone
It may lead you far from home.
The risk involved is worth the price
If you can save another’s life.
Sacrifice whatever the cost may be
Embrace the unknown to set others free.
 What is there for you to gain
If you are willing to lose everything?
                                                 Only a chance to be fully alive
As you walk daily by Jesus side.

Written by:  Kathie Marrs
May 1, 2013

I ask that you keep us in your prayers as we continue to search for where God is calling us to lead our barbarian way.


Thursday, May 2, 2013

My Day

Let me tell you about my day.  Well, actually this is my day yesterday.  Was going to write about it last night after work but with church and errands there was no time. 

Yesterday was a day for calls where I could not please anyone.  Well, at least some of them.  But you really remember those calls.  First one was from a student who could not get her PIN to work and wanted me to reset it.  I pull up her account but she does not have any security questions in place for me to verify who she is.  I explain this to and advise that she should try her 6-digit date of birth for her PIN.  She is repeating every word I say to someone else in the room.  Student then comes back on the phone with me again asking about resetting her PIN.  I again advise the same thing.  I am unable to do so as there are no security questions in place for me to verify her identiy.  She again repeats word for word what I am saying to another person in the room "who is helping me out."

After several minutes of this, the 'other person in the room' gets on the phone requesting that PIN be reset.  She says "I am a certified counselor that should make a difference - can you reset the PIN?"  I again advise that no I cannot reset the PIN as there are no questions in place for me to verify answers to.  I advise that they can try using a 6 digit date of birth for the PIN.  The "certified counselor" then responds "Why are you being so arrogant with me?  Why won't you assist us?"  I apologize if I came across as arrogant and again respond that I am trying to assist in the only way I can.  Caller hang up. 

An hour or so later I receive a call from a student having problems with Blackboard.  I ask what browser she is using then provide the stand solutions to attempt when having problems. Make sure Java updates are current, clear your cache, make sure pop-up blockers are turned off, make sure that is added as a trusted site in compatability view settings, then try another browser.  Without even attempting to do any of these the student says "What kind of help is this?  Can I speak to someone else who might actually help me out?" 

A little break of levity in the afternoon when we receive word that a student has been seen in distress in his car and the police were notified.  Police found an alligator in the car.  Lots of speculation on this until we get more details. Speculation we liked the best was that person who owned car kept an alligator in there as an anit-theft deterrent.  It would certainly put me in distress if I got in a car then  happened to notice an alligator in the back seat.  Turns out it was student high on drugs who had "borrowed" the alligator for a class "show and tell" and the alligator was in a cage.  I liked our version better.  But it brings to mind the question "what idiot borrows an alligator?"

Last call of the day was from a student who had sent a couple of emails to her professor and the professor had not resonded.  Could we check to be sure the professor got the email?  I ask the student if she had received a notice that the emails were not delivered?  Student says no she doesn't think so but how does she know the emails were sent?  I advise her to look in her sent folder in her emai and see if she can see the emails.  She goes to her sent folder and says I see her the email and it says in the subject what I wrote and this looks like the email I sent but how do I know it was sent?  The instructor has not repsonded to me.  I spend probably 5 minutes explaining that if the email is in your sent folder and you did not get a notice that it was undeliverable it was probably sent -- we cannot make an instructor answer an email or respond to it in any way. 

So here's to hoping that today is a better day in regards to calls.