Sunday, May 5, 2013


As many of you know, back in December, Gary and I left the church that God placed us in when we moved to Tulsa nine years ago.  We knew that December would not be a good time to actually try out churches.  Since January of this year, we have been visiting churches.  This is the first time in our lives that we have ever "looked" for a church. 

The search for us continues.  We have visited several churches.  I can say that every one we have visited has made us feel very welcome.  There have only been a couple that we know for sure "are not us".  However, we have not felt that any of them are "the one".  We have been attending Redemption on Wednesday nights and Sunday nights while we are searching.  Every time we think: "Ok, we need to make a decision.  We are either with Redemption or we are not with Redemption."  God tell us WAIT.  So, we are continuing our search and listening to God to tell us where He wants us to be. 

On Sunday nights we have been studying the book The Barbarian Way by Erwin Raphael McManus.  This book is about being a Christian not considered the "norm".  Think of John the Baptist from the Bible.  Now think of what a Barbarian Christian in today's times would be. This is what God is calling Gary and I to do.  We feel strongly about this and feel it is enforced in this study and another one we did recently called Not a Fan.  This study calls people to be a follower of Christ and not just a rah-rah cheerleader follower. 

I have written the following poem about being a Barbarian Christian. 


The Barbarian Christian won’t follow the norm
                                         He will travel the path that is less worn. 
Consumed with passion – a need to share
He goes where no one else will dare.
Uncertainty, adventure both lie ahead
If you follow the path that Jesus led.
Step outside your comfort zone
It may lead you far from home.
The risk involved is worth the price
If you can save another’s life.
Sacrifice whatever the cost may be
Embrace the unknown to set others free.
 What is there for you to gain
If you are willing to lose everything?
                                                 Only a chance to be fully alive
As you walk daily by Jesus side.

Written by:  Kathie Marrs
May 1, 2013

I ask that you keep us in your prayers as we continue to search for where God is calling us to lead our barbarian way.


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