Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Where did Spring go?

What a crazy mixed up last couple of months of weather we have had.  Back in February we thought that winter was almost over.  What a joke was played on us. 

Now keep in mind, we really didn't have much of a winter.  No snow here in Tulsa.  Not even sure I ever got my big winter coat out.  We had a few cool days but nothing major.  We even managed to go to Missouri for Christmas without a major snowstorm shutting down the entire town.  We had some cool weather in March but still not bad - especially for March.

Then along came April and May.  It should start warming up by now.  I start thinking it's time to be getting the pool up so the water can be warming up.  So why do we start having cold windy weather?  Seriously, we would have 80+ degrees one day then be lucky to make it to 40 the next day.  Ridiculous. 

My rose bushes all budded out and blooming.  Then on the first of May we get a freeze warning!  Where does that come from?  We actually broke a  60 year old record and had a "trace" of snow.  Yes, I saw snow in the air in May.  Now here it is one week into May and we have had a frost, snow, and again it is almost 80 degrees.

My furnace and air conditioner are being over worked.  I had the air on for two days before the frost.  Forgot the air was on until Chris sends me a text the next day.  After I am able to decipher what he is trying to tell me I realize he is asking if it's OK to turn the heat on.  LOL  I bet it was pretty chilly in the house.  It was cold outside.  (And in case you are wondering - he is not allowed to touch the furnace without permission because he has been know to open all the windows in the house then turn the furnace up to 80). 

So we again have the windows open (probably only for one day because if it continues to be warm we will be turning the air on again).  No in-between for us here.  But I am sitting here with the window open, listening to the birds chirping and enjoying the roses I have sitting around in various dishes throughout the house. 

I'm going to say Yes, Spring is here.  At least for the next week. 

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