Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sharing My Notes

I'm a note taker and a note maker.  I take notes in meetings and in church to help me stay focused.  I make notes as I am taking notes.  I make notes when something pops in my head and I think: What a great idea this would be for a poem.   I have lots of poems in progress.  Sometimes those thoughts keep repeating themselves around in my head and before I know it I have a poem that I cannot write down fast enough.  Sometimes I get half a poem and the rest of it just kind of lingers for a while until BINGO -- I've got it. 

Now you know I have mentioned that Gary and I are looking for a church home.  We have visited several churches and each time I take my notes as I always do.  I have been going through my notes from the last few months and have seen some of the same thoughts repeated.  I just wanted to share these with you. 

1.)  Don't let limitations limit you.  Along the same line I have: Don't limit yourself.  Be open to listen to what God is calling you to do.  And: Don't place limitations on yourself based on what you think other people think. 
     How many times have we limited ourselves (or others) because of molds we put in place?  I've never done this before why do I think I can do this now?   Perhaps God is calling you to stretch yourself in ways you may not have thought of but you are limiting yourself asking How can I do this?  If God wants you to do it -He will provide the way for you to do it.  Don't limit yourself because of other people.  If you feel God calling you to do something but people are questioning why or how you are going to do it, don't stop yourself.  Again, God will provide the way if He wants you to do something. 

2.)  Be obedient to the call.  Stop and listen.
     This kind of goes along with my previous comment.  If God is calling you to do something - you better do it.  He won't stop calling on you but you need to be listening for His call.  You may be praying but are you taking the time to listen to what He is saying to you?  It's easy to think, that is not what I think God wants of me - especially if it is not something you have previously done.  So listen - don't try to decide what God wants of you but listen to what He is telling you.

3.)  Does your fear control you?   Valleys and hilltops.  
     Let me explain my valleys and hilltops:  there are times in your life that you were "on top of the world" and times when you feel the world is on top of you.  Those are your valleys and hilltops.  Think of what your valleys and hilltops are and why you think they are a valley or a hilltop.  Are your valleys during times when you were afraid of something, perhaps a health concern, job issues, money?  Did your fear take over for a while when you should have let God be in control?

4.)  Live out the full purpose God has in store for your life. 
     Now this kind of ties in with all of the above.  Listen to what God is calling you to do, be obedient to that call, and don't let your fear keep you from fulfilling the purpose God has for you.

5.)  To find something you have to know what you are looking for.
     That would pertain to our church search.  What are we looking for in a church?   I know that we look at church as part of our family - or a 'second' family.  We want to belong - be a part of a community.  We want the pillars that will support us just as we will support them. 

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