Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What's For Dinner?

Well, here it is almost lunch time as I start to write this.  Tomorrow is food day at work and my mind is thinking about tomorrow's lunch, tonight's dinner, lunch today, the cheese and crackers I just finished.  Food is an important part of our life. 

If you know my family at all you know that my husband Gary loves to cook.  He is always planning meals and making plans.  While we are eating one meal we are talking about what we are going to have for our next meal.  If something at church involves food - you can bet that we are going to be a part of that! 

Now I know that we aren't the only ones who talk about (fantasize about - drool about - dream about) food.   We have had conversations with people about places we have traveled to and invariably, the majority of the talk is about what restaurant we ate at there.  Some of the best Chinese food we ever ate was at Jimmy's in Albuquerque.  Hmmm... some of the hottest Mexican food was also in Albuquerque but I can't remember the name of the place.  Bless my father-in-law.  I ordered the chili thinking it would be ok.  WHOA-- let me tell you that Mexican chili is HOT!!!!  And I don't eat hot food.  Red ate my chili and let me eat his food. 

I am kinda particular about the food I eat.  My husband says I am picky and I guess maybe I am.  I don't (or won't) eat foods that don't sound right or if they look funny or if they are leftover.  Well, there a couple of leftover dishes I will eat but not very many.  Gary says I have Food Police in my head. 

That led me to write the following poem I want to share with you.  Perhaps you can relate to this. 


There’s food police inside my head
That is what I have heard said.

Things look wrong and this I know
Those food police have told me so.

Some things are not meant to be eaten
Those thoughts I have are not fleeting.

They hang around and linger near
Those food police I do hear.

Don’t touch that - it looks wrong
It echoes in my head like a song.

But something’s wrong how can it be
The foods they police are good for me.

Where are those police when cake I see
Or that candy bar is calling me?

Those mashed potatoes piled high
Those food police just turn their eye.

Extra helpings – please help yourself
Get a larger plate off the shelf.

Like the chicken but want it fried
Grilled or baked - just set aside.

I’ve been told broccoli is good for me
Don’t think they meant covered with cheese.

By:  Kathie Marrs

Oh - and in case you are wondering -- we are having Baked Potato Soup at work tomorrow. 


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