Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Ticked Off

This morning as I started off for work I felt like I needed more than just a cup of coffee to get through the morning Yep, this morning definitely required more. So, after stopping at QT for coffee I made a left turn and went the short distance to Sonic for a large chocolate coke. I gotta tell you, that guy at Sonic knows customer service. He rocked it! I pull up to the speaker to order and he very politely greets me and says it will be just one moment please. A short time later I hear "the moments up how may I help you?" I place my order, he gives me the total and says "I'll see you around the corner". The car in front of me must have ordered food because he came bringing my drink out to me and very politely thanked me and told me to have a great day. Now that is certainly a great way to start your day and you are probably wondering why I titled this "Ticked Off"? Well, that's because I pass my pharmacy headed to and from Sonic. I pass my pharmacy every day. That's why I use it - it's close and covenient. My pharmacy was just bought by Wal-Green's. This really irritates me because I like my pharmacy and now I am going to have to change because I do not like Wal-Green's. I refuse to shop at Wal-Green's or even go in their stores. Why? Because they gave me the wrong medicine several years ago. Now, I realize that mistakes happen. Upon discovering that the medicine they gave me with my name on it was not mine I immediately called the pharmicist. Pharmicist was not very accomodating so I called and spoke to the store manager. My intent at this time is just to make them aware of the problem. The manager blows off my concern so I call corporate office -- only to be told that "it happens all the time." Seriously??? Now, all they needed to do was acknowledge the mistake and apologize but it never happened. I no longer use Wal-Green's. And just thinking about it ticks me off -- raises my blood pressure which is why I need to have that pharmacy close to me. And now I am going to have to change. Another reason to be ticked off at Wal-Greens. Similar experience at the Shell station on the corner close to my church. We stopped in there one day to get drinks. Pick our drinks out of the cooler and notice a sign that tells us the drinks are on sale. Good deal. We go to the check out and clerk rings them up twenty cents more. We advise that sign says they are not that price. Clerk says that's an old sign they aren't that price anymore. He should have given us the drinks at the advertised price and then taken the sign down. Need I say that we don't go to this store any more. Now those are kind of extreme situations. There are other things that tick me off just thinking about them. Why would anyone put an empty jug of milk back in the refrigerator? And if there is only one bite of food leftover from the meal why put it in a container and put it in the fridge? And the toilet paper roll??? Seriosuly, you can get a new one out and set on the counter but not put it on the holder? Worse is if you take the old roll off the holder and throw it away, get out a new roll of toilet paper and just set it on the counter. Now those little things don't tick me off real bad. In fact they probably don't rally tick me off - just frustrate me. They can be handled (unless it's a bad day and they all happen on the same day). That would tick me off! LOL How about you? What ticks you off?

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