Tuesday, October 6, 2015


I started this blog back in September of 2012.  I have published over 235 different posts with a variety of topics.

I have talked about myself.

I have talked about my family

I have talked out our search for a new church.

I have shared poetry I have written.

I have shared about family events.

I have vented about work.

Sometimes I just write a blog to amuse myself.  I do that frequently.  And if I am able to amuse you at the same time - well, that's even better.

Sometimes my posts are funny and sometimes serious. Sometimes I actually sit at the computer crying as I write a post that is dear to my heart.

I promote my favorite causes shamelessly. If something is dear to my heart chances are pretty good that you will be reading about it more than once on my blog.

Writing for me is fun. I typically have several different ideas floating around in my head. Maybe ideas for a blog, maybe thoughts for a poem. or ideas for a couple of books I have in progress.  I have a lot of items "In Progress".  Sometimes my 'projects' just flow out of me and I cannot type fast enough to get my thoughts on paper.  Other times they simmer just waiting for the right 'ingredient' (or thought) to finish them up.

If you read;my posts you probably know me much better than anyone who actually spends time with me. I share more here than I do in person.

I love to Google things. You can find so much information out there. Don't believe everything you read but it is interesting to Google an answer to a question you have.  Today for fun I Googled blogging.

MY WORD!! There is all kinds of information out there on how to write a blog. Topics you can you use, prompts, hints, sites to visit, the best blogs.  You name it and the information is there for you to wade through and try to decipher.

You can learn how to start a blog. What the best blog sites are. It's mind-blowing.  I think I will just stick with writing what I want to write to amuse myself and hope that at the same time it amuses you.
If there is anything you want me to write about, please let  me know.  I will give you my opinion, check out what Google has to say about it, and turn it into something to read.  In the same vein, if you have something you want me to write a poem about, just let me know.  I can turn most anything into a poem.  So what is it you want to hear about from me?

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