Thursday, October 29, 2015



How many of you use these little characters? Especially when you're texting? Or maybe on Facebook?

My younger grandkids love them. They will message me just all kinds of emoji's on Facebook.

They are fun to use.  You can add a little picture to your text messages.

Man I'm tired.

Send your love

Promote your favorite holiday

What a great way to brighten up your day.

However, I have decided that maybe I shouldn't be using these emojis on my phone when I'm texting, As you get older it's harder to see smaller print. Those emoji icons are not real big on my phone screen. But I text away to my daughters and friends, add an emoji for fun and hit send.

Now, either my girls don't pay close attention to my texts or else they just assumed I didn't know what I was doing. Or maybe their eyesight is as bad as mine.

It wasn't until I was texting my across-the-street daughter that I questioned my use of emoji's. We are sending texts back and forth about nothing in particular and I'm adding emoji's because she is,.  She questions me - what are you mad about?

Me: I'm not made that was a laughing real hard face - big smiley picture.

She advises - no - it was teeth clenched because you are mad.


I had no idea - to me it just looked like a really happy face.

So -- I am now a little more careful when I add an emoji to my texts.  Don't want to give anyone the wrong impression.

How about you - do you use them?

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