Monday, December 12, 2016


Who likes leftovers!  Not me!  There are very few foods I eat left over -- I'm pretty picky.  Potato soup is good leftover. Goulash is good left over. Mashed potatoes are good to use for potato pancakes or potato salad.

But what about those Thanksgiving leftovers you have?  Well I will kind of eat them. But we decided to do something different this year.  We decided to have a Thanksgiving Leftover New Food Night!

Now to be honest - we didn't have to many left overs from Thanksgiving and by the time we had our New Food Night we had to make new 'leftovers'.  LOL  But here you have it - some of our leftovers.

Here you can see that we are set up waiting to sample some goodness!

Let's start with some Turkey Tortillas.  Turkey, Swiss cheese, some cranberry -- this was very very good.  This was made by K.C.. You know you are always looking for new ways to use up that turkey.

K.C. also made some Sweet Potato biscuits.  Very good - but not a lot of sweet potato flavor to them.  I could detect the flavor but it was not a strong sweet potato flavor,

Gary and I made some Turkey Wontons.  Man were these good!  Turkey, dressing, cream cheese, turkey gravy!  May not sound yummy but it sure was.

We added some cranberry salsa to go along with the wontons.  It went well with the tortilla to.

Miss Annette made some dressing with cranberries and walnuts.  Gotta love dressing.

And to be certain we had dessert (didn't want anyone to be disappointed) I made up some snickerdoodles.  Now this classifies as Thanksgiving leftovers because it was some frozen cookie dough I had bought from a school fundraiser before Thanksgiving. It was sitting in the freezer during Thanksgiving so therefore it is Thanksgiving leftovers.  :)

Here's a plate of everything but the cookies.  I did have a few more wontons and tortillas but I wasn't sure if I would like them so strarted with just one of each.

Wanted to show you our full table. Jessica and Steven, Michael's daughter and son-in-law, joined us this week. Also, at the end of the table you will see Katie, a foster that K.C. and Michael are assisting. Now you cannot see the plump little girl in the high chair at the end on the other side of Lily but that would be Amelia, Michael and K.C.'s granddaugher!

Now tell us how you use your leftovers?  We are always open for new suggestions.


  1. What company produced the cookie dough? Was it from

  2. I'm not certain what company it was -- I had a co-worker selling them for her daughter's school -- I just bought -- they were very good.
