Wednesday, February 15, 2017

New Food - New Dishes

So we only had one New Food Night last month.  Sometimes conflicts come up and we postpone and that was what happened.

So my title is New Food - New Dishes.  We did eat our new food in some new dishes; but some of you who follow me on Facebook may think I'm talking about new dishes I got. But I'm not.  Let's start with those though just because I'm so excited to have them!

Some time ago a friend sent me a picture of some dishes she was getting rid of to see if I wanted them.  She knows I love dishes.  I went back and forth with myself on whether or not to get them and had really forgotten about them with all that we had going on.

Now fast forward a year and it's time for Gary's mom's annual trip to Tulsa for his birthday.  She had him bring in a big box and said it was for me.  Well - that's kinda nice that I get a present on Gary's birthday weekend.  My friend had sent those dishes down to me!

Man was I excited!  These dishes are BEAUTIFUL!!

Now what makes these even more special is that they are Remington Red dishes.  Yep, you know where I'm going with this.  My Best Bud is named Remington.  I could not wait to show them to him.
Gary put these dishes to use last night for our Valentine's dinner.

Don't they make a beautiful setting?

So now back to our New Food Night.  Gary had been wanting to make Lasagna Soup. So that was what we planned our New Food Night around.

Here's the soup going in the oven to melt that fresh Mozorella on top!

See those soup bowls?  Those are kinda sorta new.  We had four like that but needed more so I went online to order more.  The new ones I ordered came with matching spoons.  How cool is that?

I made a simple salad to go with this.  Put all the tomatoes on top as there are a couple of people in our group who don't like tomatoes.

K.C. made some Onion Cheese bread.  Doesn't that look good?  Well it was  LOL  I am a big bread lover.

Now how good does this look?  Perfect winter evening meal - if we had had had winter weather.  LOL  It was good though!

Now how do you finish this meal off?

With a chocolate cookie topped four different ways of course.  Miss Annette know Gary well and since his birthday was the day before our new food night she made this for him.  One section had chopped pretzels, one had nuts, one had white chocolate chips, and one had chocolate chips.

Now that is some good eating right there!

So tell me, which one of these are  you wanting to try?

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