Monday, January 28, 2019

Three Truffles and A Candy Cane AKA Candy Months

Truffles and Candy Canes.This is what's left of Christmas. 

Well actually I'm down to just candy canes at this point. 

A while back I wrote about the BRRR months and how they led into the holiday months.  Well, did you ever think that this could also be called the candy months? 

Just think, September comes. You still have some warm weather maybe but it's starting to cool off.  Everyone starts thinking of Fall.  Then there it is!

October -- Halloween.  If you have kids they go out trick-or-treating and come home with a boat load of candy.  Being a good parent you know they don't need all that candy so you 'help' them out and perhaps eat some yourself.  If you don't have kids you go out and buy the candy to hand out to those little, or bigger, kids when they come knocking at your door.  There comes another problem.  You don't know how many kids are going to come knocking and you have to have enough candy for everyone.  Perhaps you overbuy. 

November comes - you are eating that Halloween candy. Parents are probably down to the nasty stuff that no one likes anyone so are contemplating throwing it in the trash. You get it all gone right before Thanksgiving.  That way you can enjoy that Thanksgiving food. 

Oh no!  Here it comes.  December and Christmas candy!  Oh my the Christmas candy!  Perhaps you are one who makes Christmas goodies. Perhaps someone shares the goodies they made with you. Perhaps you receive a LOT of candy as presents.

 Whatever the reason - you end up the first to middle part of January bringing that candy to work for snacks.  Three truffles and a candy cane.  Not to much as one sitting - it'll last through the day.  OK - you have finally sent that candy home with the grand kids, eating yourself or again throwing away anything yucky.  You can focus on eating right but wait!!!

February -- Valentine's Day!  Oh no!! More candy!  Maybe you buy some just to have around - you know cinnamon hearts or something like that. Whatever - there you have it more candy. 

Next up is Easter.  Now this may come in March or it may come in April but whatever month - it's more candy!  Which you might get rid of by the first of May. 

Do you see what I mean?  Candy Months!  That's more than half the year associated with candy!  And that is why in January you have three truffles and a Candy Cane for snack.

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