Tuesday, October 8, 2019



                                                                      CRANK IT UP!!   

I like to listen to music. 

I grew up listening to music.  My brothers and I used to play our records and use a tape player and pretend we were radio dj's.

I like most music.  Probably my favorite would be country and oldies.  I like the old country songs too.  That's what I grew up on.  My mom had quite a collection of Marty Robbins records and my dad was kinda partial to Roy Acuff and Farron Young.

I always have the radio on in the car.  If I'm home alone, I will most likely have my phonograph player running listening to my old records.  I have a collection of LP's and 45's.  And no, 45's does not refer to the number of records I have. 

I have my favorite songs. You know, songs that once you hear the opening strands of music you know what's coming and you reach for the dial to CRANK IT UP!! 

Doesn't matter if I'm at home, in the car, or listening to Pandora at work.  Some songs just require you to CRANK IT UP!

That means I'm going to turn that sound up as loud as it will let me and I'm going to be singing along! 

I love when a CRANK IT UP! comes on the radio.  I feel the beat of the music in my soul I have it cranked so loud. 

Usually when I'm in the car and pull up to a stop sign I'll lower the volume so it doesn't bother anyone who might be in the lanes next to me.  Dont' want to be rude, you know.  Doesn't count though if it's a CRANK IT UP song. 

The Lion Sleeps Tonight is my all-time favorite song and always one that is a CRANK IT UP!  Others can vary, but it's usually the music itself that defines it for me as a CRANK IT UP!

So this morning at 6:50 am when that CRANK IT UP  Knocking Boots came on - I did.


And I left it cranked while I sang along.  To anyone at the stop sign - my apologies but you have to admit it's a good song. 

And hearing a CRANK IT UP that early in the morning on the way to work makes going to work a whole lot easier to handle.

So tell me, what is your CRANK IT UP song? 

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