Sunday, March 23, 2014

You Are The Church

You may be the only church some people ever know.

 Let me repeat that:  You may be the only church some people ever know.  

What do you think when you hear that? 
Some people grow up in church.  They grow up in church and become disillusioned.  That's right, disillusioned.  They see what they call hypocrites. People who act one way on Sunday but show a totally different side of themselves to the world the rest of the week.  They may grow up in church and see a double standard.  People not treated the same.  As they grow older, they drift away from church.  They do not want any part of  this behavior. 

Some people have not been given the opportunity to grow up in a church.  They don't grow up hearing the stories of Moses, Noah and Joseph.  They know there is a right and a wrong.  They may or may not have heard of Jesus and the sacrifice He made for them.  The ultimate sacrifice.  The sacrifice that gives everyone of us the ability to choose an eternal life. 

Some people will never step foot inside a church.  They go through life observing.  They observe what people do. You may be one of the people they are observing.  They may think of you as doing 'the church thing'.  They know you believe in God.  They know you go to church on Sunday.  They know you participate and help with numerous activities at your church.  They don't question; they just observe what you do. 

The people you see in the grocery store, the hair place, the library, at work, in your neighborhood also observe.  These people may know you very well.  Some may only know you by sight.  But everyone of them observes.  They observe the way you talk.  They observe the way you act.  They observe the way you treat other people.  They observe where you place your priorities. 

Yes, you are the church.  You are the church when you go to work.  Your co-workers probably know your religious beliefs.  They know how you spend your spare time.  You spend a large majority of your week with your co-workers.  What does your attitude at work convey to them?  

You are the church to the people in your neighborhood.  They observe what you do.  They observe how you treat people.  

To the people you see where ever you go; you are the church.  They don't eavesdrop on your conversations but they can't help but overhear. They hear if you gossip, they hear if you swear.  They hear if you use kind words and a gentle voice.  You are the church they observe.  

You are the  church.  Do you present a demeanor that tells others you are at peace in your life?  Do you show by your attitude that you are blessed?  Can others look at you and know that you have something they want?  It's a choice everyone makes. Are  you presenting yourself as the church in your daily life? 


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