Monday, April 7, 2014

Life Lessons

I was just thinking the other day about various things I have learned over the course of my life.  Some are important and relevant and some aren't so important.  I do however think each of these are important for a good life.  

1) Don't forget to laugh:  Laughter is good for you.  Try to laugh every day - even if it is at yourself.  If you can't find a reason to laugh then go online and google babies laughing.  Baby laughter is the best!!  Laughter makes everything better - so share a joke.  

2) Help others if you are able:  If you have the ability to do something for someone do it.  It may not be much to you but to that person it may be a major issue they are not sure how to handle.  It may be something as simple as holding a door open for someone.  Maybe it's the simple act of 'paying it forward' - pay for a cup of coffee for the person in line behind you.  

3) Color:  Keep a coloring book and a box of crayons around.  There is just something relaxing about taking the time to color a picture.  So take time to color with the kids or grand kids or just by yourself for no reason.  

4) Read to your children:  Reading can take you away from your cares.  Reading can take you to distant lands.  Read to your children from the time they are able to enjoy and never stop.  I was lucky enough to have my parents read to me and I read to my children and I read to my grandchildren.  I am happy to say that almost all of my children also love to read.  Most of my grandchildren love to read.  When Remington and Lily spend the night we read a book before bedtime.  We read a book to each other.  It is wonderful to see my grandson ask to go shopping and then want to go to the book section to get new books to read.  

5)  Treat yourself:  Give yourself a treat and don't feel guilty about it.  Give yourself time for a bubble bath.  Buy a new lipstick or nail polish. Sit down and actually watch a movie all the way through before the dishes are done.  Make yourself a cup of coffee or a pot of tea and sit down and drink it before it gets cold.  Take care of yourself so you are able to take care of others in your life. 

6) Let others help you:  Let someone do something for you if they ask.  Don't deprive them of the opportunity to give you a blessing.  Don't let your pride keep you from accepting something.

7) Let your kids have a pet:  Having a pet will teach your child responsibility.  They will also have a friend to confide in if that pet is a dog or a cat.  If it's a fish or a turtle or a bird, or some other such pet they will still learn responsibility.  These pets may not make for confidants but they will teach the child responsibility.  And every child should have a pet.  As kids we had several around - all the time - everything from raccoons, to dogs, to turtles to cats.  We had just about every pet you could name.  My kids always has pets - at one time each girl had their own dog. My kids have had dogs, cats, an iguana, fish, etc.  We are down to only two cats and I'm ready to be petless but I don't regret letting my kids have pets. 

8) Spend time with your kids: Take time to go on a bike ride with your child.  Play a board game or go for a walk with them.  Spend time with them while they are young - when they are older there won't be as much time to spend with them.  However, if you spend time with them when they are young they will be more apt to make time for you when they get older.  

9) Blow bubbles:  There is nothing as much fun as blowing bubbles!  I keep a bottle of bubbles around the house (also have one at work LOL).  Sometimes for no reason I will pull them out and blow bubbles - yes even inside the house.  I like to blow them outside and see how long they will last.  

10) Pray:  Take time every day to pray.  I didn't put this last on the list for any particular reason, it just ended up there.  It probably really should be number 1.  Pray - every day.  I carry on prayers with God all day long - I pray in the shower, I pray on my way to work, I say short prayers throughout the day.  But every day - take time to pray. 

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