Friday, October 24, 2014

What Season Are You In?

If you have read very many of my posts you know that I like to write and usually have several poems in the works.  Now sometimes these poems just flow out onto the paper in no time.  Some tend to start out strong then just hover around in my head before I can finish it up. And just about anything can spark the start of a poem.

The one I want to share with you today was started quite sometime ago by a conversation with my grandson Remington. Now he probably will not even remember the conversation. It all started as we got in the car to run some errands and there was a leaf stuck on my windshield.  This started a discussion on leaves and if they are happy being leaves and hanging on trees.  So I wrote down the beginning but wasn't sure how I wanted to end it so it set in my 'In Progress' file.  Every so often a phrase or line would occur to me and I would pull it up and add to it.

A dear friend of ours passed away recently. As we were sitting in the service it occurred to me what a great life he had been given. And what a wonderful treasure he gave his family. He had 4 children and 19 grandchildren plus great grandchildren. I couldn't hep but think of my parents who never even got to know their grandchildren. How is it that some people have a long 'season' and some have a short 'season'? There is no answer to this but it brought to mind the following poem. So I brought it back up and knew it was time to finish the poem. The lesson from this is: make the most of the season you have. You never know how long it will be.  I hope you enjoy.


You’re here for a season, the season is short.
So were the thoughts of a leaf named Mort.
I don’t want to spend my life just hanging around
Till I drop and float to lay on the ground.

I want to have purpose, I want to explore!
I want to see is there something more?
I won’t be content just waiting to see
What God might have in store for me.

I want to take a chance and go my own way.
Why should I listen to what God has to say?
I think I know what is best for me
And that isn’t hanging around on this tree.

He twisted and fluttered with every breeze
Trying to release himself from the tree.
He finally succeeded and went floating away
Not sure where he would end up that day.

He looked around at the sights below
Endless possibilities, where should he go?
He twisted around this way and that
Trying to determine where he was at.

He looked around at the vast expanse of sky
And gave himself a satisfied sigh.
He had done it – he had broken free
He was not contained by that stupid tree.

He wiggled himself and giggled with glee
As he floated along with the gentle breeze.
What adventures lay ahead of me
Now that I am free of that tree?

Throughout the day he went to and fro
Where ever the wind blew he would go.
Finally the wind stopped blowing him around
He floated and fluttered his way to the ground.

But wait!  How could this be?
He was only 4 feet away from his tree!
He had tried to break free and be on his own
Only to find he was still at his home.

His vision was limited and he never looked to see
What he might be able to do while hanging on his tree.
Opportunity he missed while going his own way
Never stopping to listen to what God might have to say.

Whatever your season no matter how long
God will put you where He thinks you belong.
Don’t waste your season doing things your way
But listen to what God has to say.

Written for: Remington
By:  Grandma (Kathie Marrs)

       October 24, 2014
Photo Credit goes to my friend Charles Mason. Why Google a photo when his are so good?
Please check out his page on Facebook:   Chuck Mason Photography  His prints are available for sale: canvas 12 x 24 about $159 or an 8 x 10 for $50

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