Wednesday, June 17, 2015

About Me

Several weeks ago a fellow blogger/friend nominated me for the Liebster award!

  Amy at  nominated me.  If you haven't read any of her blogs yet you  need to.  They are fun to read and she always has a yummy looking recipe. I've been trying to get her to send me some homemade goodies but nothing has shown up in my mailbox yet.  I'm still looking.

So you may be asking, 'What's a Liebster award?'.  Well it's only on the Internet and only for bloggers. You get it by nominating a blogger who has less than 1,000 followers. You are nominated for the award by a fellow blogger who has been reading your  blog (or at least one post that they liked).

It is all in fun and gives you a chance to learn a little bit more about me. Rules are you are supposed to write 11 facts about yourself, answer 11 questions that were given you, you must acknowledge the person who nominated you by posting a link to their blog, post a picture of the award, and nominate 5 other bloggers.  Let's see how well I do with these rules.

I have already acknowledged the person who nominated me and I have posted the picture.  Let's see if I can come up with 11 facts about me that you may not know.

11 facts about me

1) I took piano lessons most of my childhood and voice lessons for 3 years.

2) I have held many jobs and one of them was as a relief pumper in the Panhandle of Oklahoma (this was for oil wells). Some people call them 'gaugers'.

3) I have a bullwhip.

4) I don't like to go out - I prefer to stay at home.I could easily be a recluse.

5) Another one of my many jobs was a bartender.

6) I'm a very private person and rarely share with others.

7) I'm kinda lazy. People think I work hard but I fool them. I discovered that if you walk around with a clipboard and pen people think you are extra busy when you really aren't.

8) I did not know my real name until I started school.  My dad always called me Gunnysack Joe.

9) I'm not a very patient person.

10) My favorite song is The Lion Sleeps Tonight by the Tokens.

11) I have extreme accuracy when throwing things. I played shortstop when I was a kid. My accuracy was validated a few years ago in a snowball fight when I got my daughter right in the ear with a snowball.

Wow!   I did it! I found 11 things about myself to mention.

Now for the questions I was asked:

my questions: 

1) Are you a car dancer or do you try and act normal when you're driving and your fave song comes on?

      Yeah, right - me act normal?  When my favorite song comes on I crank the radio up and belt it out. The girl's friends used to say they knew when I was listening to a good song in the car because they could see my head bopping around.  LOL -- I get into my music.

2) What was the most trouble you ever got into as a kid?
     Really?  Hmmmm - my family has always called me goody-two-shoes.  Let me think Oh - I know. My brothers and I had to help mom with the dishes every night. We were paired up. Mom washed - one dried - one put away. My brother Wayne and I were paired up. Wayne says I'm not going to help tonight. I said OK - I won't either.  My back was to the living room. I could not see when Dad started walking our way and Wayne decided 'Maybe I will help after all'.  I don't think it was fair that I got the spanking. I would have said the same thing if I had seen Dad coming.

3) If you could pick a new restaurant to be moved to your neighborhood what would it be?
     At first I thought I couldn't think of anything. We have a lot in the area now and already new ones coming in. Then I remembered -- We like In-N-Out Burgers. Always try to eat there when we go to Phoenix and also on the way back from Corpus. Definitely In-N-Out Burgers.

4) If you became so famous you had to have an alias to check into hotels, what would your alias be? 
     Gwendolyn Richards,.  I have always liked the name Gwendolyn and Richards just because.  I also like the name Sparkle Finch.  That would be fun.

5) What is the worse illness or injury that you personally have ever went through?
     Oh my! Let's see -- I had blood poisoning when I was a kid and spent a week in the hospital with it. About 11 years ago I had a volleyball sized tumor removed that had doctors concerned that I might have cancer. It turned out to be benign but the pathology was actually sent off to the Army Pathological Lab for review. Then about 8 years ago I had to have a breast biopsy for possible cancer.

6) What is the most frustrating thing for you about blogging?
     Being consistent. That sounds weird I know but sometimes I have so many ideas in my head that I have to wait to write a post because I want to be sure people have time to read my posts. Other times I have to really search for something to write about.

7) City or country?
     Country - although we live in the city - big city we prefer the country life. We like looking at stars and the quiet.

8) What is the strangest food you've ever eaten?

     Again - oh my!  I have food police in my head that tell my not to eat certain things so I consider a lot of food strange. It may be that it just doesn't look right.  I guess I would have to say raccoon.

9) What is the most embarrassing thing to happen to you this month?
       This month? Hmmmmm - haven't done much this month, That's kind of unusual for me to as my mouth typically gets me in trouble.

10) Do you have any games on your cell phone? Which ones? Casual player or addicted?
     Yes I do - several of them. The ones I play on the phone consistently are Ruzzle and Trivia Crack. Next would be Piano Tiles and Dots Connecting. Several other games are on there because of grand kids. I am both casual and addicted it goes in spells. I may play all the time every chance I can then I may go several days or even a week or more before I play.

11). Favorite genre of movies to watch?
     Love to watch scary movies but don't get to much any more. Next up would be comedy.

You are also supposed to nominate 5 bloggers. I'll be honest - there are only a couple I really follow and they have both received this award but let me mention them again.

Amy at
K.C. (Kay) at

There were a couple of others I followed but they haven't posted for EVER.  Perhaps I should check them out again - or send them a note asking them to post.

There you have it -- all about me.  Did you  learn anything you didn't already know?


  1. I love your answers Kathie. Sparkle Finch would be a great alias. And I have to agree with your brothers, if that was the worst trouble you got into as a kid, you kind of were a goody two shoes. My stories involve getting all my toys taken away, fire, the police being called, 911, running away...I was a bad, bad kid. My poor mother.

    1. Let's just say that my daughters made up for my goody-two-shoes oersona. LOL
