Thursday, December 10, 2015

Some Elfen Fun

Last year Gary and I were adopted by a little Elf on the Shelf all the way from the North Pole.  Our little guy's name is Frederick Frankenheimer.  He was quite ornery last year and kept us surprised and on our toes all Christmas season.

Well, he's back again this year! He showed up on Thanksgiving evening just like last year.  He and his friends are known to get into mischief. A couple of his special friends are Doug Douglaschmootz and MMagic Fallos-Craglow.  Doug lives fairly close to us so I am sure they get together frequently.

Let me tell you what our little elf has been up to this year.  We woke up the day after Thanksgiving to find him hanging onto my chalkboard where he had written a note saying "I'm Back!"  Indeed he was.
He migrated from there to the kitchen, a particular favorite place of his.  We found him hanging out ready to dive into some cooking fun.

While we were at church that first Sunday morning Frederick got into the leftover pumpkin pie and the syrup and went into a diabetic coma I think.  We found him passed out next to the pumpkin pie and with the syrup bottle laying on it's side.  We left him alone - figured he got himself into that mess he could just suffer the consequences.

The first room I decorated this year was the dining room. This obviously made Frederick happy as he just hung out in the tree full of smiles.

From there he decided to go visit the snow scene. Hope he wasn't thinking he would enter the frigid temperatures he was used to.

And since he didn't find those cold temperatures with his snowmen friend he decided more drastic measures needed to be taken. He proceeded to help himself to my eggnog in the fridge!

We went to Branson over the weekend and since we forgot to advise him of our plans, he consoled himself with one of his favorite foods -- chocolate!

To bad for him there was not as many chocolate chips in the container as he thought there might be. He must have forgotten that one of Gary's favorite foods is also chocolate.

Well, we came back from Branson to find that he had decided to visit my Christmas village.

Things weren't to exciting there for him BUT -- I had started decorating the rest of the house!   Obviously I don't work fast enough for Frederick. He thought I took to long to just put the tree up so he decided to help me out with some decorating while I slept.

As  you can see, he couldn't find the hangers but was able to find the duct tape. Way to improvise, Frederick!

He was so happy to see all the tree decorations that he kept decorating. He choose his favorite ornament and decided to hang out with it for a while. It was from Alaska.

I think he just saw Alaska and thought it might be cold.

From there he moved to the stockings. He was checking to see if there was anything in them.

He should know that Santa won't fill them until Christmas Eve! Not to mention he chose 8- Balls stocking. Stupid cat is always in trouble so you probably won't find anything in there.

Now he decided to really make himself at home and watch my favorite Christmas movie!

Gary said the TV was pretty loud when he woke up. He had to turn the sound down. I was pretty upset that he didn't wake me up to watch the movie with him. You notice he has a bowl of sugary cereal to eat while he watches the movie.

Today I woke up to find him surveying the kitchen.

Who knows what he is planning for tonight!

I know that he's supposed to report to Santa on whether or not you have been good or bad. I'm guessing that Frederick hangs around my house to report on Remington and Lily and even Katy Rose when she comes over to visit.

Now, if you have been lucky enough to be adopted by an elf what kind of mischief does he get into?

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