Thursday, May 5, 2016

Thank You to my Kids

This Sunday is Mother's Day.

A time to celebrate your mother and thank her for all she has done for you over the years.

I started my family in 1978 and by 1982 I had three beautiful girls.

Well, at least one sister was glad to have another baby in the house.

Three tow-headed stair-step girls who I sewed matching outfits for at the holidays - much to their dismay.

Those three tow-heads turned into these three beautiful women.

Now rush ahead to 1997. Gary and I welcomed these two children into our home.

Wow - a mom of five ranging in age at this time from 6 to 20 - and we had a 3 year old grandson.

We quickly learned to refer to our children as the three older girls and Chris and Amanda - or our two youngest. Because it was like raising two separate families.

So I want to take this time to tell my children - all of them - THANK YOU.

Thank you for not giving up on me as I learned how to be a mother. My own mother had passed away before any of the girls were  born. I had no one to ask advise of so I made up my own rules. I made mistakes along the way and still do but all I ever wanted was to raise independent children able to take care of themselves. I have to say I accomplished this.

Thank you for teaching me laughter and how to enjoy it. I think this is one of the most important gifts you have given me. The ability to laugh and enjoy it.

Thank you for teaching me patience. Yes, it may not seem like I have it now or had it then but trust me - I had patience.

Thank you for all you have taught me. One of the most important things you have taught me is that family is important. I already knew this but you have given me deeper insight into this.

Thank you for always being there. I know that if something needs to be done I can count on you.

Thank you for teaching me to enjoy the little things. Things like coloring in color books and blowing bubbles.

Thank you for teaching me that things are just that 'things'. We use our good dishes and the older girls played with my mom and grandma's jewelry. Over the years dishes have been broken and though it was upsetting to me at the time they were just dishes. I still have the memories of them.

Here is a picture of the 5 kids together.

Yeah - we don't all get together very often but when we do it's always fun.

They all turned out pretty good, I think.

I also had the privilege to be a step-mother to two older children.

 OK - they weren't that old when I was their step-mother - this is their now pictures. To my step-kids - thank you for being accepting. It wasn't always easy for any of us but I do appreciate the relationship we have at this time.

I have several others that I that I think of as 'my kids'. Several boys from the time I spent at Boys Ranch have a special place in my heart and there are several girls who spent a lot of time at our house growing up that are like my own.

To all my kids THANK YOU for what you have made me.

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