Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Facebook Friends

I love Facebook. It has let me catch up with old friends from high school and family members.

I love the fact that my Facebook friends know me well enough to post things on my timeline when they see something that makes them think of me or even send me a private message if they see something. Most of my friends know I'm a big coffee drinker and I'm a HUGE lover of anything Christmas. So when I get those messages they make me smile.

There are some who know me even better and will post something that makes me spit my coffee out when I start laughing.  That's as good as texts I share with some of those same people. 

I know someone was thinking of me and cared enough to send me a message or post on my wall. That's a good feeling.  Likewise, I tend to do the same thing. I see something and share it to someone's wall just because it made me think of them.  

The other day I was scrolling through my Facebook feed catching up on my friends.  It occurred to me that I have some people on here that I'm not real sure who they are.  

You are probably thinking, "why are they your friends on Facebook if you don't know them?"  Well, I can explain that. 

I get friend requests. I don't accept all of them, especially if I don't know the person. And sometimes, I just don't want to be involved in the drama that I know they will bring with them if I accept their request. But sometimes I think, 'hmmm they sound familiar'. So I'll go look at their page, see who they are, who their friends are, etc.

Lots of times it's friends of my daughters' who want to be my Facebook friend.  Of course I'm going to accept those because I know it means that I'm going to get to see more pictures of my away-from-me family.  Never want to miss that chance.  Besides, I've met them often enough on visits that I think of them as friends anyway. 

Sometimes it's my daughters' friends from high school. Of course, I accept those. I know these people and I tend to have more interaction with them on Facebook than my daughters do in some instances. That's fine too. 

Sometimes the name just sounds familiar and I accept the friend request because, quite frankly, it's nice to hear from people from 'back home'.  Then as time goes on you realize - oh hey, that's not who I thought it was. Then I think maybe I'll just delete them. I don't really know who they are.  

BUT -- by this time I have been reading their posts and saying prayers for requests they have had. I know what's going on in their lives, sometimes more than I need to know. And I think perhaps I should keep them as my friend because it's pretty obvious they need some prayers. 

So for now I'll keep my Facebook friends I have. I enjoy reading all the posts even if I don't always comment on them.  I like seeing how the kids who grew up in my house are now, for the most part, responsible adults with children of their own.  

It's nice to know that when I get a Facebook request someone thought enough of me, or perhaps one of my daughters or grandchildren, to want me to be a part of their lives.  

How about you? Do you have friends on Facebook that you sometimes wonder why you have them as friends?  

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