Thursday, January 12, 2017

Winter Weather

We live in Oklahoma.  Our weather is bi-polar.

Yep - 70 degrees one day then we will have a 40 degree drop. We may have snow - we may have ice - we may have wind - we may have rain - we may have fog.  Take your pick - they all happen here and you never know when . We may  have all of them in the space of 24-48 hours

Now why am I telling you this?

Because all week long our weather forecasters have been advising of the approaching winter storm.

Yep - we already have this in effect.  I got notification yesterday when it was 70 degrees outside.

Last week we had great weather - then on Friday a front came through we had MAYBE 1/4 inch of snow.  The school closed (yes it was very cold and I understand that this may be why they closed the schools but let's get real here.  The temperature wasn't that cold and I know that there are resources available for students to get coats if the parents want to avail themselves of the resources. I also know of students who have the proper clothing but choose not to wear it).

So school closed last week - it was cold Friday and Saturday then we warmed up.  BUT -- even before the warm up came on Monday our forecasters were telling us to brace ourselves for the next round of cold weather.

I know the storm is bad and there are areas that will receive severe snow and ice from this but I do not understand the hype that we are receiving here. It started Sunday - advising of the upcoming storm - ice - freezing rain.  Now keep in mind - they also advised that it was to early to do an accurate determination of the location this would take - it might go north of us - it might go south - it was to early to tell.

So Monday - I start receiving calls wanting to know how will they be notified when we don't have class on Friday.  Really?  Who told you we wouldn't?

This has continued all week.  The forecasters are still saying it's hard to determine the exact line of the storm and what we will get.  We are in an area that seems to be a dividing line for all storms whether winter, tornado, etc. It goes north or south of us - sometimes right in the middle.

Now I know that in 2007 we were hit hard with an unexpected ice storm and there were people without electricity for 10 days or longer. I know that they want people to be prepared but I'm wondering  - are they over-preparing us?  Now I kinda secretly hope we do have some bad weather and that classes are cancelled - I'd love a snow day.  But at the same time - I am not preparing for it before it happens in my head.

Yes, it's smart to be certain you have food and water and necessary supplies but don't you usually have those on hand anyway?  Do you go to the grocery store before every meal or even every day. Is it necessary to compare a storm that isn't here yet to one from 9 years ago?  We don't know what this one will bring to us.

I also know that it keeps my brothers who live in Michigan and Pennsylvania amused.  We closed for temps at 16 and less than 1/4 inch of snow. In Michigan it was minus 2 and some lake effect snow -everything was normal. Pennsylvania had 2 feet of snow - it had been snowing for 2 straight days but all was normal.

So how about you?  Do you think the forecasters over-prepare us?

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