Thursday, April 13, 2017

General Information

Have you ever wondered about little things?  I think we all do. And today I want to share some of the information I have discovered about those 'little things' that maybe you know and maybe you don't. No particular order or theme just general information.


Have you ever wondered - how in the world am I supposed to fold those things?  Or maybe you just don't care.  Easiest way is to just get all four of those corners in one spot.  Start by folding it in half and putting the corners inside each other. Then put those corners together.  From there you can fold it in thirds lengthwise and then fold it again.

Now after those sheets are folded you need to store them.  If you have more than one set of sheets anyway.  If you only have the one set then don't bother folding just go put it on the bed. I finally figured out the best way to store my sheet sets was inside one of the pillow cases!  Brilliant!! I take the flat sheet, place the folded fitted sheet on top of that and the extra folded pillow case then put it all inside the extra pillowcase. The whole set is now together and I don't have to rummage through the linen closet trying to find matching pillowcases.

Ever wondered, which corner of a fitted sheet should go on the bed?  Just make sure the corner with the tag is in the bottom right corner of the mattress.

You may already know all of this but I didn't discover some of this information until later in life.


This can be a source of annoyance more than anything.  People may argue over what is the proper way to place the toilet paper on the roll?  My theory -- as long as you replace it - I don't care which way you put it - over or under.  Just Thanks for replacing it!

And oh yeah, if you take the empty paper roll off the dispenser, then add a new roll!  You've already done have the job of replacing it!

That's it -- nothing major here just replace the roll.


One word on this -- LETITGO!  (Let - It - GO).

Yes, I admit I am somewhat guilty of this but I'm only wanting to get as much as possible in there so I don't have to wash anything by hand.  I am working on this, though and remembering to letitgo!

Here's a caution for you though --

Babies are not dishwasher safe.  You can however use your sink to wash the baby.

There you have it -- some general information that you may or may not have known.  Is there anything else that I can enlighten you on?  Just ask - I'm sure I have an opinion.

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