Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Student Dilemmas

Ok - I work at a call center for a local college. I take calls for all departments - Financial Aid, Advisement, Enrollment Bursar, Facilities, IT.  As you can imagine we can get some pretty off-the -wall calls.  And just when I think I can't be any more amazed I get that next call.

So today on my blog I'm going to vent a little.

We require that students attend a New Student Orientation their first semester.  This is for their benefit. They will learn about the ins and outs of our system and receive assistance with logging in.  This is a requirement. No exceptions!  Student calls and is going through questions regarding enrolling for a class, etc.  Then he says, "It says here I have to attend a New Student Orientation. That doesn't pertain to me so you can just remove that."  Me, ' No, that is a requirement and you will have to attend the New Student Orientation.'  Student, 'I'm pretty sure it doesn't apply to me, I know everything already.'

SURPRISE -- it DOES refer to you -- every student first semester must attend.  That includes you!

Student calls regarding financial aid. Keep in mind this is student is in their mid-twenties. Student is upset about requirements for financial aid.  After some discussion and me explaining what they will need to do to finish up their requirements the student states, ' Well, it's just not fair!. Not all parents do the adult thing and help their children!'  ---- EXCUUUUSEEE ME!  No where does it state that a parent HAS to pay for your college education. How adult are you being here?  I'm sure most parents if able are more than happy to assist their children but by the time you are in your mid-twenties - you need to be an adult yourself.

The very next call after that was from a parent. He wanted to know if his son was actually attending classes or was lying to him about it?  Seriously?  I have no way of knowing.  Perhaps you need to be having a discussion with your son not me.

And for the parent trying to enroll their child for class.  Sorry, we cannot help you over the phone.  Once your child becomes a college student we kind of think they should be able to handle things for themselves.  This includes the basic stuff such as signing into your own account.  If you do that and set up your child's security questions, guess what?  They probably won't know where your mother was born, nor the street that YOU lived on in third grade.  You just successfully hindered your child.

And here's another.  Yes, you may have already met all the requirements needed to take that class you are wanting to take BUT - and here's the big one.  If we do not show that requirement met in some way, usually by submitting your transcript, we are not going to allow you to enroll in that class until we have verification that the requirement has been met.  No, again - I cannot make any exceptions for you nor can I hold that class for you while you get your act together and turn in that transcript.

Now here is how I try to appear on the phone - helpful and friendly.

But sometimes this is the way I really am after I get off the phone.

Thank you for letting me vent.  Now tell me something else you want me to talk about for my next blog post.

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