Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Irritating Things

Well, I haven't written a blog for a while.  Part of the reason was because I had hand surgery and one handed hunt and peck is kinda hard for much typing.  LOL  Anyway --- I'M BACK!! 

Don't you all have things that irritate you?  Come on now, be honest.  You know you do.  I do and just because it's my blog and I can write whatever I want I thought I would share some of those irritations with you. 

One thing that truly annoys me is perky people!!!  Especially early in the morning.  And have you ever noticed that if they have a woman weather person she is waaay to perky!  Yep, makes me just want to reach into the screen and slap that perky little smile off her face and tone her down about 20 notches.  Perky people in general just irritate me. They are quite annoying..always smiling and they usually have some sort of irritating voice to go along with all that perkiness. 

Speaking of weather people -- we recently switched news channel that we watch.  So this new station I have noticed some strange things with the weather guy in the last couple of weeks.  It's the way he reports the weather.  He says things like - 'if you are used to warm days they might be cooler and if you are used to cool days they might be warmer'.  Really?  Then a few days later he says 'we have a chance of rain today this means maybe you will get wet but maybe you won't'.   Yeah - I could have deduced that for myself  - don't need any type of meteorology degree for that brilliant observation!

What about texting?  I love texting.  Such a great way to send a question that doesn't need immediate response.  Person receiving can answer at their convenience.  Perfect way to share amusing things to a group - and I do that a lot.  But why does my phone think it knows better than I what I want to say?  You know what I mean.  You are typing along and your phone just auto-corrects and puts words in your text for you.  Really?  I know what I want to say and it wasn't what you just auto populated.   So you have to backspace, backspace, backspace (although to be honest - my phone makes a cool noise when I backspace so sometimes I just do it to hear the noise  LOL).  But when you are tyring to type something it's a total pain.  And heaven forbid if you don't catch that it has changed a word and put in something totally wrong or inappropriate!!  This can be very embarrassing!  Trust me - I know it has happened to me. 

And some commercials are just plain stupid!  I'm thinking specifically of the ear vacuum commercial.  That stupid guy in the commercial always irritates me!  Always!!!  I don't know if you've seen this commercial but it talks about how you always put a Q-tip in to deep if you clean your ears and this handy little ear vac will eliminate that problem for you.  It goes through a little demonstraton of how water goes in and you vacuum out the water and all the ear wax comes with it.  Then it has this stupid guy with a Q-tip putting the Q-tip in way deep and he always says "OUCH!"  And I always say, "Idiot!"   Yep, this commercial irritates me way much. 

And commercials that don't make any sense irritate me. When a commercial is over I should not have to ask "what was that a commercial for?"  And I've noticed that I do that a lot recently.  The thing is a lot of these commercials don't have actors it's just different scenes they show and I'm sitting in my chair shaking my head wondering what's going on?  And Gary isn't always able to explain to me what the commercial was about either.  And if commercials irritate me you can bet that I won't be using that product or that business for anything.  I can't get past the stupidity of the commercials.  So I know there a couple of car dealers here in town that I will never ever use because I hate their commercials and there's also a realtor I won't use because of her past stupid commercials. 

Okay - enough of my rant for the day.  I'll try to do better about not waiting so long to post again. If you have something you want me to write about, let me know or even if you have something you want me to write a poem about I'll do my best for you. 

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