Saturday, February 28, 2015

Household Hints



 For some reason I have had numerous posts like this show up on my Facebook feed recently. I rarely read them but it made me think that obviously there are people out there in need of my expert advise on HOUSEWORK.

So let me pass along some words of wisdom on how to get some of those pesky household chores you hate done without ANY effort on your part.  That's right - I said NO EFFORT ON YOUR PART.

Do you have hardwood floors? These can be a pain to keep clean. Seems like they always look kind of dusty. Little bunnies always floating around in the air. You try sweeping, dust mopping, vacuuming and they are right back. Here's a simple trick to tackle that job. Let the kids go skating!

I know you are thinking, 'What in the world? How will the kids skating help me with my hardwood floors?'  Easy, peasy.  Push the furniture to the side of the room - put some socks on the kids - spray the floor with Endust (or the bottoms of the socks) and let them loose.  They can run back and forth across the room slipping and sliding.

This has the double bonus of letting kids who have been housebound due to inclement weather release some pent-up energy. This should be used as a reward system for kids. And if you are a fun-loving adventurous mom - JOIN THEM! Trust me - your kids will be begging you to let them go skating in the house and you have the added benefit of the shiniest floors in town.

One of the tasks I dislike the most is cleaning baseboards in the house.  Ugggg!  They get so dirty and there is no easy way to clean them.  Wait! Did I just say no easy way to clean them?  Well, there is if you have kids who tend to get in trouble much. That's right - get in trouble - clean the baseboards! This should be used for more serious offenses such as getting in trouble at school.  Or if you have siblings who just cannot get along and you are tired of listening to them fight/squabble. Fix each one a bucket of soapy water and send them to the floor.  I had one child who spent a lot of time cleaning my baseboards.

Here's another little 'chore' that no one likes to do.

Sorting socks! You know how every time you do a load of laundry you end up with socks with no mates? So you toss them in a basket and it just gets fuller and fuller with every load of laundry you do. You have two options here - wait until the basket is full or wait until you have no matching socks to wear - then you have to attack it.  But wait! You have a child who has not been behaving? Maybe a child who has become a little bit 'mouthy' and you just don't know what to do? Give them the basket of socks to sort. This is the worst punishment ever!  Trust me - all my kids have at some point had to 'go match the socks'.

So there you have it. Three simple cleaning tricks to help you with the housework.

No need to look like this wondering how you are going to get the house work done:

Instead let the kids do the dirty work (or have fun with skating) while you look like this:

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