Sunday, February 1, 2015

Week One Walking

Remember me saying that I was going to start walking after the 21 day No Junk Food Challenge?  I created my own schedule so to speak.  And I know a big part of staying on track is having accountability.  So I am going to be blogging about once a week as my means of accountability.

It's been seven days since the junk food challenge was over. I have continued with the same choices; no chocolate, soda, chips, white bread.  Now that wasn't all the challenge but they were my biggest challenges.  I have continued to make wiser choices if eating out. The only real indulgence I still have is creamer in my coffee.

Now I had decided that I needed to walk at least 3-4 times a week. I also have a weighted hula hoop. My goal was to use this to help firm up my core area.

I don't look like this by any means and I'm sure I never will!  However, you get the idea.  So I get up before work and do 10 minutes of the hula hoop every day before work. If for some reason I don't get up (reason would be I decide to lay in bed) then I will do my 10 minutes of hooping later that day. I have used the hoop 6 out of the last 7 days.  I'm good with this as I wanted at least 5 days a week.

Walking plan.  My goal was to get in at least three walking sessions of 20 minutes.  I am pleased to say that I have accomplished this.

Each day at work I have managed to do at least one 10 minute walk sometime throughout the day. Some days it was two. I have my morning break and afternoon break. I use those times to walk either the floors or outside weather permitting.  A couple of times I managed a 10-20 minute walk on my lunch hour.

The real walking though was to be in my neighborhood. Now I have to plan my route carefully. Tulsa is full of hills. I have trouble with inclines, hills, stairs, can't do them - have trouble breathing. So I have to plan my walking to have as much flat walking as possible.  Gary helped me work out my pathway to start.

I managed to walk four times for 20-25 minutes each time. I hope to get another walk in this afternoon to make the total for the week five. I will continue this for one more week then I plan on adding another 10 minutes to my walking.

So there you have it. My first week of walking plan is accomplished. Stay tuned as I will be updating periodically on my progress. In the meantime I will just continue on:

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