Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Life's Lessons

Okay I have learned a few things as I've gotten older. Now I am always reading articles regarding 'did you know?" or maybe 'You will be surprised". I read these and think DUH  - doesn't everyone already know this stuff?  No, I'm not surprised that baking soda will help clean dirty pots. Yes, I did know that alcohol and newspapers will give you streak free windows. I just choose not to wash my windows.  Why doesn't everyone know this?

Then it occurred to me. Well, obviously there are people who DON'T know.  So I thought perhaps I should share a couple of  lessons I have learned that may not be so obvious.  Just because it's obvious to me doesn't me it is to everyone.

For example:  Stir Sticks

Everyone knows what these are. Did you know that you can use them to play pick up sticks?  I've done this in Sunday School classes with kids I have taught.  But let's talk about the main use for stir sticks.  It's obvious that they are used to stir cream and/or sugar in your coffee, tea, or some other drink.  Works fine.  I know that kids like to use them as a little straw.  Well, my granddaughter does anyway. No problem there either.

Here's the problem that you may not be aware of.  Those stir sticks work fine with smaller to go cups. BUT  (and this is the kicker) if you are using one of the medium or larger size to go hot cups you may have a problem, especially if you put the lid on the cup and leave the stir stick in thinking you will use it later when you go back for another cup of coffee.

I did this. I had a large cup of coffee (20 or 24 ounce) - added my creamer - popped the lid on the cup because I'm responsible and didn't want to spill.  A little later when I took a drink of my coffee I almost choked on the stir stick that came out with my coffee!

So go ahead and throw that stir stick away. Get another one with your next cup. They are cheap. You get like a thousand in a box. You will have them around for months if not years without having to replenish your supply, unless you play a lot of pick up sticks.

There I just saved you from having a major catastrophe in your life.  You're welcome


We all have these in our house BUT -- have you EVER noticed that they slant? Go ahead, go check yours out.

I hadn't until a few months ago.  It seemed I was always tripping going into the house, especially at the back door but sometimes the front door too. I thought I was just getting clumsy or older - not picking my feet up.  You get the idea.

I made a conscious effort EVERY time I went in and out of doors to step OVER the threshold so that I wouldn't end up on the floor. Yes, it happened to me more than once; fortunately only at the back door so when I fell INTO the house no one was able to witness this. Never fell in the front door but caught myself a few times.

I finally really looked at my threshold's and saw that they slanted!  I know there must be a reason they make them this way but for the life of me I don't know what it could be!  I mentioned to Gary the fact that our threshold's slanted and that was why I fell. He said "Well, yeah, they all do."  Really? Wonder why it took me fifty plus years to notice this?

Now these may seem real obvious to you but as I mentioned some things I have thought were 'common knowledge' and everyone knew wasn't. So I thought I would share some lessons.  Watch for further blogs with more lessons I have learned.  And please, if you have had similar experiences, leave me a note. That way I can assure my family that it's not JUST ME who has these issues.

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