Thursday, January 15, 2015

Day 10 & 11

Well, I didn't get on here yesterday.  We were celebrating Chris' birthday.  We had cake - I had none. GO ME

It is going well. No major temptations today or yesterday. I've made sure I had fruit (apples) to eat if I should get hungry for something.

Let's continue on with a review of the rules. We have discussed why chocolate and candy are bad for you. Let's look at the next item on the list.


Seems kind of funny to pair these two together doesn't it?  Did you know that in Britain a cookie is called a biscuit?  Perhaps that is why they paired them together.

Well, we know that cookies are made with sugar - lots of sugar.  And of course we know that sugar is bad for us.  And let's just be honest here. Who eats just one cookie?  Most people would have two or three.

 Biscuits are made from flour.  I guess I forgot that yesterday was a tempting day for me. At our house you get to choose what you want for your birthday dinner. Chris wanted biscuits and gravy.  I did not eat a biscuit. I had a piece of wheat toast. I'm trying to make better choices. Now from all the research I've done over the years, and dieting, and researching foods I know that one thing you should watch out for is 'white' - sugar, flour, potatoes, rice.

So here it is a little more half way through the challenge and I think I'm holding up pretty well.  I don't miss the Pepsi as much as I did last week.  My granddaughter is doing a fantastic job doing this no junk food challenge with me. It is amazing how much will power she has.

 In the mean time I'm just going to

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