Thursday, January 8, 2015

Day 4 - Chocolate

Well day number 4 is almost finished.  Over all today really hasn't been to bad. I think Junk Food is not a major major issue for me. I do think that chocolate and Pepsi are an issue for me.

All I can say is : I'm awfully glad that this NO JUNK FOOD CHALLENGE did not include no caffeine.  I have my coffee which is keeping me sane.

This really applies to me at my work.

As I said yesterday - my biggest challenge is my drinking.  LOL  That doesn't sound the best does it?  I want cold and hot and I want both drinks near me all the time.  I drink lots and lots of water. I like hot tea but with lots of sugar. So tonight I am having my hot tea with honey - not as sweet as I think hot tea should be but it works.  I also have my bottle of water.

So let's spend the next few days breaking down the CHALLENGE.

First rule  No Chocolate.

That makes perfect sense to me.  A chocolate salad - what would that look like? Probably something like this.

Yeah that does look good. And I do like M & M's and Recces Peanut Butter Cups.  But I don't have a major problem passing them up. But they also are not something that I keep around the house as a temptation. When I feel the need for chocolate I will go buy a small package.

Now for the Health Risks Of Chocolate:
  • Chocolate may contribute to lower bone density.
  • Chocolate can trigger headaches in migraine sufferers.
  • Milk chocolate is high in calories, saturated fat and sugar.
  • Chocolate is a danger to pets (chocolate contains a stimulant called theobromine, which animals are unable to digest).
 (The above information came from:

I suffer from migraines. Chocolate can be a trigger for migraines. This could be why I don't keep it around much.  Okay - I've convinced myself now that it's a good thing to give up chocolate if it helps keep the migraines away.  Let's see if I am saying the same thing next week when classes start and my phone calls double at work and the calls are stupider than usual.

Well there's the breakdown for not eating chocolate.  I need to go check in with my friends doing the challenge with me and see how they are doing.  

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