Sunday, January 11, 2015

Day 7 - No Candy

Well here it is the end of the weekend. The ending of day number 7 of the No Junk Food Challenge.

The weekend has actually gone pretty well. We had Life Group tonight. The menu was hot dogs, chips, chocolate no bake cookies.  Yep - pretty much everything on the junk food list.  LOL  In order to stick to my diet Gary made me a sandwich of ham, guacamole, bacon and lettuce on wheat berry bread.  I was able to pass up the hot dogs and chips.  And it was not to difficult for me.  :)

Let's go over the rules again.  The other day I wrote about why chocolate is bad for you.  Next on the No Junk Food rule is NO CANDY.  Let's look at this and see why.

Well the obvious of course would be sugar. To much sugar can lead to cavities, weight gain and poor nutrition.  If you are filling up on sugar from candy then you won't be eating enough of the foods that are good for you.

The sugar in candy is in the form of sucrose. Sucrose provides you a quick source of energy. That explains why people tend to grab a candy bar when they get that 'sinking' feeling in the middle of the afternoon.  Eat one candy bar and your energy level is magically restored and you can make it to the end of the day.

That sucrose those though can cause mood swings, weight gain, and even diabetes.  Wow if that doesn't make you think twice about eating to much candy what will?

It's okay to have candy for an occasional treat but obviously eating very much of it can cause problems,

The above chart shows how your body is affected over time. I do notice that the lady in the photo never appears to age just gain weight. Poor thing - it just kinda creeps up on you over the course of time.  I can identify with this.  And I can also say that as you get older it's harder to loose that weight.

Let me say that after the end of one week my scales show I am down three pounds.  I am not totally counting that yet as my weight always fluctuates up and down within a three pound range.  Other friends report more energy. I haven't noticed that but it could be due to my health issues that I have not noticed the energy increase.

I think it's getting easier to reach for an apple for a snack. And I can honestly say that we ate out twice this past week and both times I ordered a salad. Both salads were large and filled me up each time.

So it's on to Week Number 2 - I'm sure it will be easier than last week.

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