Thursday, February 11, 2016

Let's Get Twisted

So last week was Gary's birthday.  We let him choose our food for New Food Night since it would have been his birthday week.  However, he has been extremely sick with sinus crud forever and last week he was to sick to have our New Food Night so we moved it to this week.

Gary had chosen  traditional American food 'with a twist'.  What's more traditional that cheeseburgers and fries?  So here is our Twisted American Food night - a week late.

I fixed up a simple Winter Wonderland centerpiece just for fun because, after all, it is still Winter.

Now for the cheeseburger aspect of our meal.

Cheeseburger Bacon Pie.

Yeah that kinda twists it up, don't ya think?

This was a combined effort of K.C. and Lily.  Browned up hamburger with some onion, bacon and cheese.  Mix up eggs, bisquick and some milk and pour on top. Bake until golden brown.

How good does that look?  Well it tasted better.  Excellent twist on cheeseburger.

Now what do you normally have with a cheeseburger? Fries, of course!

Now Mr. Rick took the 'twisted' part of our theme literally.  He took some curly fries and put them in the crock pot with cream of chicken soup, cheese, cream cheese and I'm not sure what else and let them cook all day. (I really do need to keep a notebook handy so I can give you better ingredients for our food.)

What do you think? Don't you wish you were eating with us on Tuesday nights?

Now I wanted to fix something and thought 'What goes good with cheeseburgers?'  I thought to myself macaroni and cheese.  So I went to Google and searched for macaroni and cheese with a twist. I found the perfect recipe.

I made Pumpkin Macaroni and Cheese!

Now, since my recipe might put some people off if they knew my secret ingredient I didn't divulge my recipe until after everyone had tasted it.

I cooked up some macaroni and drained it.  I then made a roux (which I learned the correct spelling of when referring to cooking) of butter and flour, added milk and thickened.  I then added some salt, pepper and nutmeg. Then I added one cup of pumpkin and some cheddar cheese.  Stirred until melted and then add the macaroni and stir until coated.  I put all this in a baking dish and sprinkled more cheddar cheese on top then baked.

Gotta tell you, this was very good!  The pumpkin was very subtle and gave a delicious new flavor to an old favorite.  I would make this again.

Now Miss Annette decided to make some cookies for dessert.

She took a recipe of the Pioneer Woman and mixed it up a bit.  She took some chocolate chip cookie dough and baked them then added a Reese's Peanut Butter cup,  The twist was when The Pioneer Woman makes them she uses peanut butter cookie dough

There you have it - our twist on American food.  Who wants to make a reservation for next Tuesday?

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